The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 307 3 days later! Get ready to break through!

Jiang family hall!


After listening to the two methods mentioned by the God King 'Jiang Taixu', Ye Fan took a deep breath, and a hint of gratitude flashed in his eyes. Not only did his Taoist heart not weaken at all, but it became more determined and stable.

He immediately bowed deeply to the God King 'Jiang Taixu' and said: "Thank you, Senior God King..."

Ye Fan knew very well in his heart how touching what he had was, even a huge life-saving grace could not eliminate the guard in Ye Fan's heart.

Especially in front of the top forces in Donghuang and even Beidou, there is no sense of security at all.

It's just that Ye Fan at this moment is much luckier than the situation in the original work. There is Qin Mo behind the scenes, and he is looking for more resources to break the boundaries of the four poles.

On the surface, Ye Fan in the original work really has no way out and can only bet on the character of the Jiang family and the god king 'Jiang Taixu'.

Fortunately, he won the bet, and Jiang Taixu was worthy of being called the peerless divine king. He was magnificent and graceful, and he even almost sacrificed himself with 'divine blood' in order to repay his kindness.

Seeing this, God King 'Jiang Taixu''s eyes suddenly flashed with relief.

As a person who has survived for five thousand years, how could he not see the wariness deep in Ye Fan's eyes.

"No need to be polite." Jiang Taixu raised his left hand slightly, quickly helped Ye Fan up, and then said again: "With your current accumulation, ten million kilograms of water may not be enough. I will ask someone to prepare twenty million kilograms of water. Three days later, on a full moon night, a breakthrough will be made.”

"In these three days, you can enter the Hualong Pond to practice, adjust your condition, and be prepared..."

Hearing this, Mark showed gratitude on his face and said, "Yes, Senior God King."


Ye Fan's figure gradually faded away, leaving only Jiang Taixu and Fairy Caiyun.

However, the two of them did not leave and made no other moves. They seemed to be waiting for something.


The space inside the hall was quietly distorted, and a figure gradually emerged.

Feeling the breath of the figure in the distortion of space, God King 'Jiang Taixu' and Fairy Caiyun stood up instantly.

"Jiang Taixu and his wife Caiyun thank you fellow Taoist!"

Jiang Taixu and Fairy Caiyun both had extremely grateful eyes at this moment and bowed down.

Seeing this, Qin Mo was shocked and quickly reached out to stop him.

"Senior God King and Senior Caiyun, you can't..."

It's a pity that compared to the god-king 'Jiang Taixu' who was just a hair away from achieving the realm of ancient sages, although Qin Mo's body and mind were far beyond the realm of cultivation, they were still far behind and could not be stopped after all.

Even Qin Mo could see that Jiang Taixu at this moment was fully capable of breaking through the subtle realm barrier and ascending to the realm of sages.

But for the sake of Fairy Caiyun and a stronger future, she chose to turn all her heritage into seeds for living a second life.

Just wait for the dead shell to fade away and give birth to new life, and then you can soar into the sky.

Qin Mo undoubtedly admired Jiang Taixu very much, and his personality charm was not inferior to those of the ancient emperors.

The relationship between the God King "Jiang Taixu" and the Holy Maiden "Caiyun Fairy" in the original work is undoubtedly one of the most regrettable plots in the original work.

And now that he has come to the world of Zhetian, he naturally does not want to see this kind of regret happen again if he is capable enough.

Moreover, Qin Mo can also use this to obtain an extremely huge amount of the origin of the world, so why not do it.

It just changed the ending of Fairy Caiyun's death, and the origin of the world obtained was not inferior to the origin of the world obtained by Ye Fan using the 'Origin Technique Killing Formation' to kill the opponent.

Coupled with many other gains, the number of origin points of Zhetian World on the attribute panel has reached more than 120 million points.

Such a huge amount of origin points of the Zhetian World is completely enough to deduce the "Qian Kun Sutra" to the Immortal Stage Secret Realm. Although it is only enough to deduce the complete practice scriptures of the Immortal Stage Secret Realm, it cannot derive the Immortal Secret Technique, let alone the many taboo chapters. Secret method.

But it was enough to make Qin Mo's cultivation equal to that of his body and mind, completely balancing his own combat power.

Moreover, Qin Mo has a hunch that after the cultivation realm reaches the level of 'Xiandai', the transformation of the 'Qiankun Realm' in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' will be greatly improved.

It can even be used to relieve the world's time and space stagnation without damaging the transformation of the 'World of Universe'.


Three days later! ! !

As night falls, the sky and the earth gradually darken, and a bright full moon gradually rises, casting a soft light.

The atmosphere in the Holy City at this moment became more and more depressing as night fell, and the major stone squares that were originally bustling and bustling were extremely quiet at this time.

The entire holy city seemed to have lost its voice, without any movement, like a dead city, without feeling any life or hearing any words of conversation.

In the deathly silence, all the monks were waiting. The area around Hualong Pond was filled with darkness, and there were figures everywhere, with no end in sight.

There were even more people in the sky, but the most advantageous positions were all empty, obviously reserved for the big shots, and no one dared to fight for them.

As time goes by, the divine moon hangs high, like a divine disk fixed in the sky, making the entire ancient city bright and clean, like bursts of white mist rising.

The news that Ye Fan, the Holy Body, is going to survive the Four Extremes Heavenly Tribulation tonight has spread throughout the Northern Territory, and even many forces in the other territories are moved by it, and they do not hesitate to use the extremely precious 'Teleportation Jade Platform' , crossing hundreds of millions of distances, heading to the Holy City.

Since ancient times, the Great Holy Body has never been seen again.

If it weren't for the appearance of Ye Fan, everyone could once again see the almost solemn and powerful combat power of the Holy Body, which would have almost been buried in the traces of history and become a swan song.

If Ye Fan successfully crosses the four poles, then a powerful being comparable to the Great Emperor may be born in this era.

Even those holy places, great religions, and imperial clans who knew the reason why the Holy Body could not achieve enlightenment were paying close attention to Ye Fan's tribulation at this moment.

After all, the Jiang family is also the top imperial family in the world, especially the resurrection of the god king 'Jiang Taixu', which is faintly superior to many holy places, great religions, and imperial families.

Naturally, we also know very well what the natural chasm of the 'Ancient Holy Body' is.

It is obviously unusual to still give Ye Fan tens of millions of kilograms of energy to break through the four-pole secret realm even though he knew that the 'Holy Body Cairn' was there.

Tens of millions of kilograms of resources is not a small amount for those top forces with imperial weapons.

However, most of those in the holy places think that this is the Jiang family's "conspiracy". After all, the "Holy Body Monument" is no joke. The number of ancient holy bodies born in tens of thousands of years may not be large, but there are also quite a few. , but there is not even a Great Holy Body.

Regarding the qualifications of the 'Holy Body', it is undoubtedly a joke. The reason why the Jiang family funded Ye Fan's tens of millions of kilograms to break into the Four Extremes Secret Realm was probably because of the treasures Ye Fan possessed.

'Kilin Divine Medicine Seed', 'All Mother Qi Cauldron', 'Yuantian Book'... and many other existences that can be called treasures are extremely coveted by even the top holy places, great religions, and imperial clans.

Although the growth of the 'Kilin Divine Medicine Seed' requires divine soil and a long time, ordinary monks and forces cannot and cannot support it.

But this is not the case for those top holy places, great religions, and imperial clans that have been inherited for tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, and have existed almost forever.

For a force that is almost eternal, they can afford to wait no matter how long it takes for the 'Kilin Divine Medicine Seed' to grow.

As for the 'sacred soil' needed for the environment for the growth of the magical medicine, the worst possible outcome would be to use the Jidao Emperor's soldiers to forcibly create a piece of sacred soil with the power of the Jidao.

The complete miracle of the elixir of immortality is that even the emperor can use it to live a second life and extend his life span for tens of thousands of years.

Definitely the most top-notch foundation.

The 'All Mother Qi Cauldron', which is made from the source of the Mother Qi of all things, is an almost legendary divine material. It is no worse than the Nine Immortal Golds and is an excellent embryo of an imperial weapon.

You know, looking at the endless era of Zhetian World, not all great emperors have imperial weapons.

The owner can definitely become the best assistant in the imperial struggle in the golden age.

Coupled with the existence of the 'Kilin Magic Medicine Seed', the probability of the two joining forces to become the Great Emperor is undoubtedly greatly increased.

And the 'Yuan Tian Shu' is enough to guarantee the family's everlasting prosperity.

How can such a huge temptation not make people's hearts flutter? Compared with it, Wan Jinyuan is nothing but a joke.

Money moves people's hearts!

In fact, if it weren't for the resurrection of God King Jiang Taixu, coupled with Ye Fan's unknown and terrifying trump card, those holy places, great religions, and imperial clans would have been unable to resist attacking him.

After all, if Ye Fan falls in the "Holy Body Cave" of the Four Pole, then the Jiang family will have an excuse to take advantage of the tens of millions of kilograms of funding and the peerless combat power of the God King "Jiang Taixu". Own.

No matter whether it is face or lizi, no one can say anything wrong.

Not only the beings in the Imperial Clan, Great Sect, and Holy Land think so, but also many beings in the Jiang family think so.

It's just that he has such great kindness and doesn't dare to say what's in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that the Jiang family has no objection at all to giving Ye Fan tens of millions of kilograms of energy to break through the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

After thinking of this, those at the helm of the top holy places, great religions, and imperial clans all felt a pity. Although there were many sources of tens of millions of kilograms, they were nothing compared to the treasures on Ye Fan's body.

"Here he comes, he appears!"

Someone screamed in surprise, and everyone looked in the same direction.

Ye Fan is dressed in white clothes, elegant and ethereal. Although the night is dark, his grace is not reduced at all. Under the cold moonlight, he is even more like an immortal coming to the world, transcendent and refined, his eyes are as clear as springs, and his white clothes are out of the world. , gradually walked out of the Hualong Pond.

"Is this the ancient holy body? It's actually a young man, only fifteen or sixteen years old."

"Didn't you say that the Ancient Holy Body is very barbaric and arrogant? It's not like that..."

"Disregarding his physique, being able to reach the end of the Dao Palace at such an age is considered a gift. I just don't know if I can break the curse and reach the four poles. If I can..."

"Such a handsome young man actually has such vast and vigorous energy and blood, the ancient holy body is so terrifying..."

This was said by a practitioner who had experienced Ye Fan's majestic energy and blood. The terrifying energy and blood that Ye Fan had erupted in Jiang's house three days ago was not concealed at all.

However, compared to this, most of the people in the Holy City at this moment have only heard of Ye Fan's existence and have not really seen Ye Fan. They are full of curiosity about the ancient holy body and are talking in low voices.

With the appearance of Ye Fan, the extremely oppressive atmosphere in the divine city finally eased and was no longer so suffocating.

Finally, someone started talking, various voices came out, and the silence was no longer dead.

"Where is Senior God King? Why didn't he show up?"

During these three days, many practitioners who went to the Holy City not only wanted to see the existence of the 'Ancient Holy Body' with their own eyes, but also wanted to see Jiang Taixu's peerless divine king.

After all, this is the most powerful existence in this era, with the reputation of being the number one attacker in five thousand years.

"There's no need to look for it. The Holy Body challenge will definitely not be peaceful. The senior God King is probably hiding in the dark, ready to take action at any time." Someone speculated like this.

In front of the Hualong Pond, Ye Fan stood alone, his white clothes fluttering, as if he was about to fly away. Under the moonlight, he looked otherworldly.

In the Hualong Pond, countless divine sources and alien sources have piled up into a mountain, with a dense glow and extremely rich essence. It has almost turned this pond into a fairy pond, almost turning into liquid and flowing.

If it weren't for the sealing formation outside the Hualong Pond, the bright divine light lingering from the divine source and alien source would penetrate the sky, and the stars and the moon would be eclipsed by it.

Suddenly, three rainbow lights burst out and appeared next to the Hualong Pond, surrounding the Hualong Pond.

Maurya! Green Dragon King! Red Dragon Taoist!

The three branches are obviously preparing to protect Ye Fan.

Upon seeing this, Mark Ye immediately nodded slightly to the three of them to show his gratitude.

Immediately, he waved his sleeves, and like a river of stars, a massive amount of Origin Stones fell instantly. Although it was not as good as the Source Stones in the Dragon Transformation Pond at the moment, it was still extremely exaggerated, causing many monks outside the Dragon Transformation Pond to marvel and sigh.

Although everyone knows that Ye Fan's Origin Technique is amazing, and he recently won a bet from the Origin Technique family in the Yaoguang Stone Workshop and got a lot of Origin Stones, but with such a net worth, it is still extremely amazing.

All the divine sources were thrown into the Dragon Transformation Pond, and Ye Fan stepped in in one step, and will begin to rush through!

The next moment!

The phoenix bird trills! Dragons roar and tigers roar!

As if it were the finale, the truly supreme being descended suddenly with endless power.

Many Holy Land Lords, Great Sect Leaders, Imperial Clan Heads, and even the Great Xia Emperor of the Immortal Dynasty of Zhongzhou, as well as various disciples and hundreds of sects, are among them.

The extremely powerful power caused the void in the Holy City to become extremely stagnant, making people feel trembling.


At this moment, the seal of Hualong Pond was unlocked, and the divine light collapsed into the clouds, piercing through the sky. The world was so blazing that it was impossible to open one's eyes.

In the Hualong Pond, like a peerless spiritual land at the beginning of the world, there are thousands of divine radiance, thousands of auspicious colors, colorful, colorful, and incomparably sacred.

Ye Fan was sitting in the fairy pond, his energy boiling all over his body, his blood energy soaring to the sky, turning into a dragon-shaped air pillar, penetrating the night sky, like a peerless sword piercing the heaven and earth. (End of chapter)

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