The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 309: Overcoming the tribulation! Turn passivity into initiative!


Within the 'Xuanhuang Town', Ye Fan's body suddenly shook violently, and his eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, the circulation trajectories of countless Xuanhuang Qi that condensed into the 'Xuanhuang Zhenjie' changed instantly, like a heavenly map of the Great Dao. Half of the remaining divine sources and alien sources in the Hualong Pond exploded, and the endless divine source Qi in the Hualong Pond was like a tsunami. It also exploded, turning into extremely rich source energy.

Then a golden light flashed, and countless red blood instantly flowed out of the pores and seven orifices on Ye Fan's body, dripping with blood all over his body.

Many practitioners from the outside world who saw Ye Fan's condition at this moment through the 'Xuanhuang Zhenjie' were shocked.

"what happened······"

"Are you going to fail?"

"Did the Holy Body challenge fail?"

The Peacock King, Light Dragon King and Red Dragon Taoist who were guarding the side looked even more shocked.

Jiang Taixu and Qin Mo, who were hiding in the void, were surprised when they saw the changes in Ye Fan.

At this moment, Ye Fan benefited from Qin Mo and was more powerful than Ye Fan in the original work. Coupled with the "Qiankun Jing", "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" that he had exchanged with Qin Mo before, his foundation has been accumulated. To an extremely terrifying level.

Even looking at the endless era of the great world that covers the sky, there are only five fingers at most who can accumulate more knowledge in the Tao Palace realm than Ye Fan at this moment.

If Ye Fan in the original work passively followed the transformation from the secret realm of the Taoist Palace of the 'Ancient Holy Body' to the Four Secret Realms, his physical constitution was small.

So at this moment, Ye Fan is actively guiding the power in his body to transform his body to better suit himself.

Since ancient times, there are countless miraculous physiques. Although people with the same physique have the same original bloodline, their ultimate achievements are uncertain.

Just like the God King's body, a strong man like Jiang Taixu has been able to suppress it for thousands of years, with invincible attacks, and even got the name of 'God King'.

As for the weak, they are obviously in the same clan, even if the secretly 'cruel people' belong to the two great emperor scriptures of "Swallowing Heaven Demonic Art" and "Immortal Heavenly Art".
However, there is almost no difference in resources between the two.

Even because of the 'God King Body', the Jiang family is a top imperial family with the 'Ji Dao Imperial Arms', especially a family that has produced beings like 'Jiang Taixu'. Clan members with a strong physique naturally have extremely rich experience.

Ji Haoyue is much stronger than the 'God King Body' born in this generation of the Ji family. At least she will not be able to control the vision of the God King Body, the 'God King Pure Land'. Instead, she will have to understand some ancient powerful being. The vision of "a bright moon rising on the sea".

But even so, it still failed.

In the original work, there are only seven words left, "The Jiang family's divine king's body was defeated", which is not even as good as the background panel in the background panel.

Even though the 'Holy Body' is much more powerful than the 'God King Body' in origin, and even claims to be able to compete with the Great Emperor by its great achievements, this is still the case.

Just like the Great Holy Body in the ancient Forbidden Land, it can only compete with the Forbidden Land Supreme. If the Forbidden Land Supreme is fully sublimated, it will definitely be at a disadvantage. Although the supremely sublimated Forbidden Land Supreme's combat power cannot last for long, it is definitely the Wuque Great Emperor. level.

However, Ye Fan's "Holy Body" Dacheng in the original work was able to face and defeat the peak emperor of the world, suppressing many forbidden land supremes who did not dare to make the slightest move.

The Golden Crow Emperor in the original work seems to be extremely aggrieved and unwilling to even survive the next life, but in fact his combat power is absolutely extremely powerful. Even among the many emperors in the Endless Era, he may not be at the top level, but he is definitely at the forefront. .

In this vast world, physique only determines the lower limit, while the upper limit depends on oneself.

Looking at the blood flames that seemed to be constantly burning on Ye Fan's body, Jiang Taixu couldn't help but nodded slightly and praised: "Change passiveness into activeness and lead the transformation of his body. It seems that little friend Ye Fan's background is far better than mine." It’s much deeper when you get there.”

The same is true for Qin Mo on the side. Looking at the Tao Yun lingering and rising on Ye Fan at this moment, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes and said: "With this accumulation of foundation, the four-pole catastrophe of the 'Ancient Holy Body' is no longer a worry. Let’s see how long Little Leaf can persist under the rules and regulations of the Heavenly Tribulation.”

"Disaster is not an opportunity to a certain extent. It's a pity that the shackles imprinted in the rules of the avenue by the unknown existence are too severe. They don't even give them a chance to complete the holy body, otherwise they will only reach the first level of Sendai." Half-step to the realm of great power, with the qualifications of the Holy Body, it is not impossible to challenge the rules."

"If we can use our own power to obliterate the rules and regulations imprinted between the heaven and earth, it will definitely be a great opportunity. Unfortunately, the four-pole realm is still too weak after all..."

"Fellow Taoist Taixu, please kindly bring out the 'Hengyu Divine Furnace' at that time..."

Hearing this, Jiang Taixu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It's a matter of course... With little friend Ye Fan's background and talent, although it is impossible to completely compete with and obliterate the 'God's punishment' imprinted in the rules of the avenue, but Every time you persist for a moment, the opportunity you get in the end becomes stronger.”

"Perhaps we can see the birth of the most powerful 'holy body' in history."

Within the 'Xuanhuang Town Realm', Ye Fan, whose whole body seemed to be ignited with endless blood flames, glowed with an incomparably bright golden light, as if it were made of real gold.


Ye Fan shouted in his mouth, and the heavenly voice of the avenue shook loudly, as if the world had just opened, and the vast divine spiritual energy that was shattered by the endless black and yellow energy instantly gathered towards Ye Fan's body.

In just a moment, the vast spiritual energy in the 'Xuanhuang Town' was integrated into Ye Fan's body.


Like immortal immortal gold, the mysterious immortal true meaning rises. Vaguely, it seems that countless mysterious and unpredictable traces of the avenue can be seen on Ye Fan's golden body.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The surging heartbeat sound was like the roar of thunder, constantly vibrating.

The terrifying energy and blood even affected the air around Ye Fan's body, which was constantly rippled.


The blood flames dissipated, and Ye Fan stood up suddenly.

In an instant, it was as if the entire Holy City had been lifted up, the void trembled, black hair danced wildly under the bright golden light, and the new body shone with luster, bursting out with powerful momentum.

The starry sky high in the sky was covered by a layer of extremely violent and dark thunderclouds at some point.


An extremely thick purple thunder crashed down and struck directly at Ye Fan.

The rich purple color even contained a hint of darkness, and the terrifying destructive energy immediately shocked many monks in the Holy City.

"Oh my God, what is this? Why are there thunderclouds in the sky?"

"No, it's not a thunder cloud, it's a calamity cloud! This is a heavenly calamity! How is it possible..."

"Didn't the Holy Body break through the four-pole secret realm? How could a natural disaster come..."

Everyone exclaimed.

Even those in the Holy Land, the Great Religion, and the Imperial Clan were a little surprised. However, they are not surprised by the coming of Ye Fan's Four-End Heavenly Tribulation. After all, they are not ordinary small-power monks or casual cultivators. They are very aware of the heaven-defying nature of the 'Holy Body', and even if it is not the Holy Body, if it is the talent of the practitioner, If the foundation reaches a certain level, breaking through the four-pole secret realm may also lead to tests from heaven and earth.

What surprised them was that the power of Ye Fan's catastrophe at this moment was far more terrifying than the four-pole catastrophe of the holy body that had been recorded, and there was even no comparability between the two.

In the void, looking at the moment when the thunderbolt fell, Qin Mo's eyes flashed. In an instant, the terrifying Source Technique killing array that protected Ye Fan changed rapidly, opening up a hole in vain, and at the same time, his spiritual thoughts quickly transmitted sound.

The moment the killing formation changed, Ye Fan paused slightly, and his eyes flashed slightly under the bright golden light.

The next moment, the 'Xuanhuang Zhenjie' collapsed in vain, and countless Xuanhuang Qi returned to the 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things'.

He actually planned to face the terrifying thunder disaster of destruction with his physical body.


The lightning flashed, illuminating almost half of the Holy City. The purple and black destructive thunder exploded wildly, forcing the monks near the Jiang Family's Dragon Transformation Pond to retreat crazily for fear of being affected.

But under the bright thunder light, Ye Fan's whole body was shining brightly, and the golden light in his body became purer. Not only was it not injured at all, it even tempered the origin of his body.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Like a chain reaction, as the first destructive thunder struck down, the entire void was flooded by thunder and turned into a purple sea. This was a pool of thunder!
Endless thunder and lightning drowned Ye Fan, and there was a purple glow between the sky and the earth. This was a vast ocean of thunder and lightning, extremely terrifying.

The terrifying scene of overcoming the tribulation shocked countless monks in the holy city with horrified expressions. Many of them were shattered by this, their Taoist hearts were broken, and their eyes were filled with sadness.

The Black Emperor, who was also hiding in the dark, jumped up and down with great excitement, shouting arrogantly: "Boy, you must get through it, there are many benefits to surviving the catastrophe! Back then, Emperor Wushi was often struck by lightning, as long as If you don’t die, persevere, and you won’t be afraid of enemies from all over the world in the future!”

That face that didn't care about Ye Fan's life or death immediately caused Pang Bo and Li Heishui around him to roll their eyes.

This is a vast ocean of lightning, with electric light surging down, thunder like a tide, shattering everything, extremely blazing, and the sky and the earth are a vast expanse of purple.


The terrifying thunder almost penetrates people's eardrums and crushes people's souls. It connects the sky and the earth, and is so vast that it seems like the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens, and it seems like millions of stars are falling down.

The void was blasted and dilapidated, but it would soon be submerged, because the lightning was too blazing, and the dazzling thunder and lightning filled every inch of space.


The thunder shook the world, and the purple lightning surged like a tide. This was a world of thunder and lightning, which could destroy everything. People were frightened and terrified.

But in the center of the thunder sea where destruction lingered, the light in Ye Fan's eyes was extremely bright, and even the slightest hint of excitement could be seen in his eyes.

The catastrophe only took a moment, but the benefits gained were greater than those of more than 20 million kilograms. The physical transformation was extremely rapid. At this moment, all the blood in the body had turned into gold.

The energy and blood in his body increased to an extremely terrifying level, as if even the void was about to be crushed, even causing the surrounding destructive thunder to stagnate.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes filled with golden light suddenly looked at the calamity clouds in the sky. The next moment, as if the real dragon and beast were resurrected, terrifying energy and blood surged into the sky.


The 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' vibrated, and countless black and yellow qi shrouded Ye Fan's body like the rules of the avenue.

A bright rainbow flashed, piercing the sky, and rushed directly into the calamity cloud in the sky.

"Hiss! How is that possible!!"

"What a terrifying body, it rushed directly into the calamity cloud..."

"Is this the 'Ancient Holy Body'..."

Everyone was horrified, the body of the holy body was too terrifying.

Such a terrifying thunder disaster would probably turn ordinary dragon monks into ashes when faced with it, but Ye Fan was not damaged at all, and even rushed in in order to gain greater benefits from the disaster. In the cloud of destruction.


As if angered by Ye Fan's actions, the calamity clouds in the void began to rotate and condense.

The thunder of destruction that was originally purple and black has now turned into pitch black, doubling its power.

Facing the thunder with doubled power, even Ye Fan at this moment was a little unable to bear it. Golden blood splashed everywhere and bones rattled.

But even so, Ye Fan's face remained unchanged and even became more excited.

Ye Fan knew very well that this seemingly terrifying thunder disaster of destruction was just an appetizer. After the disaster, what he had to face was the real terror.

If you can't even face this thunder disaster, let alone the rules of 'God's punishment' after the disaster.

Ye Fan is completely immersed in overcoming the tribulation at this moment. Such a powerful tribulation, even if he is not careful at this moment, he may turn into ashes and everything will be in vain.

At this moment, he was in severe pain all over, and the lightning penetrated his body in many places. If it were other monks, they would have been completely destroyed, not even ashes left.
The Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things rose and fell, hanging above Ye Fan's head. It experienced a thunder tribulation with him, and was violently struck by the sea of ​​destruction, with countless electric marks and innate lines imprinted on it.

Don't know how long it has been.

There was a thunderous roar,
The endless thunder and lightning, the blazing divine light, made the sky and the earth as bright as day, dazzling, like a boundless fire burning, burning up the void.


Finally, the void shook, the clouds of destruction dissipated, and the world suddenly calmed down, as if it had never happened.


A violent vibration sounded, and the Hualong Pond, which was originally full of vitality and contained endless mysteries, was now covered with scorched black marks, countless cracks, and was on the verge of collapse.

In the center of the Hualong Pond, although Ye Fan's body was charred and black, like charcoal, his eyes were extremely bright, with a divine light. The 'Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things' above his head was flashing with lightning, and countless innate traces were flowing and constantly transforming. For one’s own heritage.


Ye Fan moved his body slightly.

In an instant, countless charred and broken dead skins fell, the body born from thunder flashed with precious brilliance, black hair flew, and he was dressed in white, like a fairy coming to life.

······(End of this chapter)

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