i have a space

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

When Ghost is driving on the road in the mountains, there are only two words, 'elegant'.

When they arrived at the fishing ground, Zhang Wei and Li Fei were there, as well as Zhang Wei's wife.

Zhang Wei's wife is very beautiful. She is a petite beauty, seven or eight years younger than Zhang Wei.

"Brother Tang, Brother Chen." Wang Yue shouted.

Cheng Tang let out an 'hmm'.

Chen Mo nodded: "Let's go eat together."

"Let's go." Wang Yue said with a smile: "Send us back later, let's take a ride in the Rolls Royce."

Chen Mo nodded.

"I'll drive." Li Fei said.


Zhang Wei and Wang Yue got into the car and sat in the back seat.

Chen Mo was in the passenger seat and turned around: "We were talking about Li Fei getting married last year, but then there was no news."

Although Chen Mo is not very busy, Chen Mo doesn't care about these gossips.

Zhang Wei smacked his lips and said: "Just before they got married last year, Li Fei gave the bride price, and the woman took the money and ran away. Not only did she take the gift money, but she also sold a batch of fish at that time. Li Fei went After settlement, hundreds of thousands were also taken away.”

"Did you call the police?"

"Call the police." Zhang Wei said.

"Didn't you tell me that we were not emotionally compatible before? Why is this happening?"

"Li Fei won't let me tell you. Don't tell me either," Zhang Wei said.

Chen Mo let out an 'hmm'.

Cheng Tang also nodded: "I thought Li Fei's girlfriend was pretty good before... How much money did he take away in total?"

"The total is five 10,000+." Zhang Weidao.

"Have you ever recovered the money?"

"The person was found, but the money was not recovered." Zhang Wei shrugged: "Li Fei is very unlucky."

When we arrived at the villa, the taro roast chicken was already burning.

Chen Mo and the others sat and drank tea for a while: "Is your breeding farm ready?"

"The land has just been leveled. How could it be done so quickly?" Zhang Wei said: "Now are there lambs?"

"You have to queue up to reserve lambs. If you finish it next year, there should be no shortage of lambs." Chen Mo looked at Cheng Tang again: "If the tractor over there is idle, help transport the organic fertilizer. Another crop of sweet elephant grass has been harvested. Now, during the fertilization period.”

"Sweet Elephant Grass, how much fertilizer should be applied at one time?" Cheng Tang asked.

"Two-thirds. How much organic fertilizer is given, two-thirds. I haven't calculated the specific amount, but it's quite a lot anyway." Chen Mo said.

This organic fertilizer is sheep manure, cow manure, pig manure, and liquid organic fertilizer is also irrigated.

Sweet elephant grass grows quickly and requires high fertilizer.In addition to organic fertilizers, compound fertilizers will also be added depending on the situation.

We chatted for a while and ate.

Li Fei drove over and sent Zhang Wei and the others back.Chen Mo and Cheng Tang went to the village committee of Wushan New Village and played there for a while. Zhang Weimin drove over by himself.

Chen Mo also called Zhang Cheng over, and everyone sat together to talk about the next development plan of Wushan New Village.

If the ranch here wants to generate income, building a milking parlor is a good choice.

By building a milking parlor, you can raise some specialized breeds of cows and goats.If there is a regular sale of cow's milk and goat's milk, it is still possible.But operating these is a bit troublesome...

Zhang Cheng looked at Chen Mo: "Raise some dairy goats?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said 'hmm': "Try it. My father-in-law's pasture will be converted into a dairy farm."

“Which breed of dairy goat is better?”

"Saanen dairy goats. I haven't really paid attention to these before..."

"Brother Tang, do you mainly have cows or goats there?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"My area is mainly dairy cows. I bought more than 3000 black-and-white cows, and some cows that gave birth to cows for milking," Cheng Tang said.

"How many pounds of milk can a Simmental cow produce in a day?"

Cheng Tang looked at Zhang Weimin, smiled and pinched his chin.

"Isn't it convenient to tell you business secrets?" Zhang Weimin said with a smile.

"No...the milk production of Simmental cows is very uneven. Some cows have little milk, producing less than ten kilograms of milk a day. And some have very high milk production, up to thirty or forty kilograms...the most , a cow produces more than fifty kilograms of milk a day."

"Fifty kilograms, so much?" Zhang Cheng said: "How much milk can the black and white flower produce?"

"The milk production of the black and white flowers is high. It is said that the black and white flowers that produce better milk can produce seventy or eighty pounds of milk a day." Cheng Tang said.

"Seventy or eighty kilograms... Even if it costs one yuan per kilogram, the output per day will be seventy or eighty yuan?" Zhang Chengdao.

"My black and white flowers haven't started producing milk yet, and I don't know the specific yield. But I estimate that if there is no screening, during the peak period of milk production, forty or fifty pounds per day would be considered very good. If we calculate it as an average Value, divided by 2. I have never raised black and white before... I heard from my employees that on average, twenty or thirty kilograms of milk per day is considered normal. Cows have peak milk production periods and evaporated milk periods..."

The main milk-producing cattle now are Simmental cattle, which produce very high milk yields and the quality of the milk they produce is also very high.

They are fed dry alfalfa, as well as alfalfa mixed with sweet elephant grass and corn, etc. They are also fed silage, and then they are let out to eat grass once in a few days.

The cows on his side are fed more alfalfa.The Simmental cows that are currently producing milk are excluding some that produce very little milk. On average, one cow produces more than [-] kilograms of milk per day, and as the cows are fed with feed, the milk production seems to be increasing.The amount of milk produced is just barely adequate.

Because according to their feeding plan, the cost of raising a cow per day is 30 yuan.

The feed cost of 30 yuan is very low for dairy cows.

Another thing is that the yield of dairy cows is actually very high.But the milk we buy, especially the better milk, is quite expensive, at least it cannot be said to be cheap.

According to data seen online, ordinary Friesian cows produce about 20kg of milk per day, while Yili's cows produce an average of 32-40kg of milk per day, which is equivalent to 9 tons a year, and can reach up to 12 tons.

There is a saying that cows eat grass and milk them.However, in order to ensure the nutritional balance of dairy cows, dairy cows cannot only eat grass. The daily diet that dairy cows eat includes concentrated feed, silage corn, high-quality pasture alfalfa, supplementary materials, and a large amount of water...

In dairy farms outside, the daily feed cost for high-yielding cows can reach 80 to [-] yuan.

"If you raise dairy cows, do you want to get a big head?" Cheng Tang asked.

Cheng Tang wiped his chin again, said 'hmm', and said, "If the alfalfa can maintain a price of 2000 yuan per ton, the profit can be made."

The quality of the alfalfa from Chen Mo is very good, and the protein content in the alfalfa is higher than that of ordinary alfalfa.The price of alfalfa outside is basically around [-] yuan now.The quality is relatively good, about [-].

Then there is sweet elephant grass, and sweet elephant grass hay is also better.If you feel that the cost of alfalfa is too high, you can add some sweet elephant grass.

(End of this chapter)

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