Chapter 45 Supo Cat

H City South District evacuation point, temporary military base.

After sending the message, Gui Gun had not yet recovered from the shock.

When the people sent by the headquarters really put the heart and blood of the sky level in front of him, he also looked confused.

Originally, he thought that the headquarters would persuade some prefecture-level peak powerhouses to dedicate their hearts and blood.

After all, although a strong man at the peak of the earth level is precious, the combat power of a strong man at the sky level is definitely more precious than that of a strong man at the ground level, considering Yanhuang's current situation.

However, the speed at which Nan Yu killed the big bird corpse brother was really too fast. He didn't even have time to shoot a video to prove Nan Yu's combat power. Everything was reported verbally.

Therefore, according to Guigun's estimation, this process would take ten or eight days.

He never expected that the headquarters would send the blood essence so quickly, and it was a drop of heavenly heart essence blood.

"If your information is wrong, that person is not a heavenly rank, or is a bandit or ghost stick, you will be punished."

The person responsible for escorting this drop of heart essence is a bespectacled man wearing a cat-head hat.

His name is Su Po Cat.

A member of the No. [-] team of Yanhuang Special Energy has an extremely rare ability called Nine Lives. Literally, he has nine lives. As long as he doesn't get headshot, he can die eight times.

At the same time, he is also a rare intellectual talent in the Yanhuang special ability team, and he is thoughtful and careful. Although his martial arts skills are average, when it comes to life-saving ability and brains, even if the special ability team is included, he is one of the best.

Therefore, whenever there are some confidential tasks that need to be carried out, the headquarters likes to send him there.

Hearing Su Pomao's half-joking and half-warning words, Ghost Stick dismissed it and said: "That person's strength is definitely not a problem, and he can insist on escorting a few civilians through the infected area in the chaos of City H. The product is also worthy of protection.”

"So much the better."

Su Po Mao pushed up his glasses, and there was a trace of doubt on his face: "Are you sure this person is not Brother Corpse? I remember that your report said that this person will drink Brother Corpse's blood."


"I can only be sure that he is not Brother Corpse. As for whether it is some other race, I can't guarantee it."

Gui Gun really dare not give a definite answer to this question.

to be frank.

After meeting Nan Yu that day, the only thing he could confirm was that Nan Yu was not the corpse brother.

Because Nan Yu does not have any of the characteristics of Brother Corpse. Whether it is his appearance that is indistinguishable from humans or his rigorous logical thinking and behavior, he has nothing to do with Brother Corpse.

It's just that Nan Yu's red-eyed and fang-like appearance when he drank the corpse's brother's blood really seemed to be a bit out of touch with human beings.

Regarding this, Nan Yu's explanation was that the cultivation technique was strange.

But Ghost Stick searched all the information within his authority, but he couldn't find out what skill could turn a person into a blood-drinking monster.

"What!?" Such an answer inevitably made Su Pomao feel dissatisfied, and his voice unconsciously raised his voice: "In this case, you still dare to guarantee that the commander will send out his heart and blood? Ghost stick! Are you beating the corpse? Brother Shi broke his brain!!!"

"Isn't that because he was saving survivors?"

Ghost Stick muttered in explanation.

Nan Yu saves people.

He saw this with his own eyes.

Besides, with Nan Yu's strength, if he was really malicious, let alone this small military base, the entire evacuation points in H City would not be able to withstand his massacre.

This is why Gui Gun firmly believes that Nan Yu can cooperate.

"Hmph, are you so sure?"

Su Pomao still looked worried and said: "Reckless! Too reckless! If he is really a villain, if he doesn't help us and grabs blood, can you stop him?"


Ghost Stick, who had been scolded by Su Po Mao, shrugged his shoulders and did not reply. However, judging from his expression, he still firmly believed that his vision was absolutely correct.

Su Po Mao snorted coldly and did not continue to argue with Gui Gun on this topic.

Of course.

This is because he is not afraid at all that Nan Yu will suddenly go back on his promise and take action to steal the essence and blood.

This device that preserves the heart essence and blood is the latest research result of the Yanhuang Special Abilities Team. Without the correct password, even a peak heaven-level expert cannot open it. Moreover, there is also a built-in device that is enough to kill a heaven-level expert. The miniature nuclear bomb that exploded will detonate the nuclear bomb directly if the password is entered incorrectly three times.

The room was silent for a while, and then Gui Gu changed the subject and said: "Do you know which heaven-level expert dedicated his heart and blood? Alas, this senior cares about the country and the people, and he is truly a role model for our generation. .”


"Are you dreaming?"

Su Po Mao burst out laughing: "Who is a heaven-level expert who would be willing to harm his own cultivation, and then increase his strength in vain for a person he has never met before?"


"Then this is?"

Gui Guang was stunned for a moment.

If it wasn't voluntary, could it still be a robbery?
"you guessed right."

Seeing Ghost Stick's expression, Su Pomao knew what he was thinking, and smiled: "That's right, it was stolen."

"Steal it?"

"Okay, I get it now--"

Ghost stick suddenly realized, dragged out a long "oh", and then said a place name: "Yinguo?"


Su Po Mao gave him a thumbs up and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that the night you just reported up, the first team happened to capture a heaven-level master from India, and then the commander ordered the first team to The people forcefully squeezed out a drop of that guy’s heart and blood.”

"Pfft, hahahaha."

"This guy is really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Regarding the bloodletting of the strong man of the hostile force, Ghost Stick gloated and narrowed his eyes.


"Bah, that deserves it!"

"Who asked them to provoke us?"

As soon as he mentioned this matter, Su Po Mao lost his temper: "We live peacefully at home, and we are kind to everyone. We don't provoke anyone, and we don't know about these Indian grandsons." Are you pretending to be stupid or are you pretending to be wet? If you insist on making trouble here, huh, if I were the commander, I would arrest these grandsons and bleed them one by one!"

Ghost stick also responded to him with an unhappy face, and the two of them scolded those Indians for a long time.

Let it out.

Su Po Mao, who was in a much smoother mood, adjusted his glasses and asked, "Are the survivors who came with that heaven-level master still in the base? I want to talk to them."

"One of them went out with Mr. Nan, and the others are still there."

"If you want to find out the news, you'd better act quickly."

The ghost stick reminded Su Pomao: "The plane I arranged for them will arrive tonight. If you move slowly, they will get on the plane and leave."

"Okay, I see."

The Supo cat responded and left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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