Chapter 47 Can’t wait (please read on Tuesday)

In front of Su Po Mao, Nan Yu swallowed this drop of heart essence and blood in one gulp.

This was a drop of blood essence from the heart of a mid-level Heaven-level expert. Even though there was only one drop, the power of Qi and blood contained in it still made Nan Yu secretly let out a sigh of joy.

As soon as it enters the abdomen, the Blood Lotus Technique begins to operate automatically, frantically converting the abundant energy and blood power from the essence and blood into blood-colored internal power. In addition, this drop of heart essence and blood also contains part of the original owner's internal power. Under the double supplement, Nan Yu's internal strength cultivation, which already had the eighth level, immediately moved forward a lot with this supplement.

At the same time, Nan Yu's heart was beating stronger and stronger, and when his blood flowed, it was like a river rushing and roaring.

dong dong dong-

Listening to this heartbeat, Su Po Mao, who was still sizing up Nan Yu, suddenly turned pale.

His heart was actually synchronized by Nan Yu uncontrollably.

But Nan Yu's strong and powerful heart beat could not be compared to the small body of Su Po Cat.

For a moment, Supo Cat felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest, which made him unable to bear the urge to vomit blood, and then his feet became unsteady and he fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.


The changes in Nan Yu's body came and went quickly, but within a moment, the room returned to calm.


A stream of blood spilled from the corner of Su Po Mao's mouth, which he had escaped. He covered his chest and gasped for air. He looked at Nan Yu, whose eyes were still closed, with lingering fear.

In just a few breaths, he had already suffered serious internal injuries.

And even if Nan Yu didn't deliberately target him, if he wanted to take action against him, Su Po Mao was absolutely certain that he would definitely be killed in an instant.

"What a horrible body."

It was his only thought at the moment.

Just relying on the power caused by the circulation of Qi and blood, he almost exploded his heart.

Although the internal injuries he just suffered were caused by his failure to cultivate his internal energy and his inability to protect his internal organs, Nan Yu's performance still shocked Su Po Mao.

Body refining master.

Top body training master!
And after Nan Yu opened his eyes and the blood-colored inner force in his body emerged, Su Po Mao was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

It is impossible to judge the level of a heaven-level physical body, but it must be at least mid-level heaven level or above.

Roughly judge the internal strength of the heavenly level, it is from the mid-to-late stage of the heavenly level.

If I remember correctly, when I was inquiring about information with the few survivors, the female teacher and the policewoman were sure that Nan Yu would still use spells.

In other words, in addition to refining his body and internal strength, he is also cultivating his mental power.

Three cultivations of spirit, energy and spirit?
This incredible idea suddenly popped into Su Po Mao's mind.

how many years.

I haven’t seen such a practitioner in many years!

You know, a person's energy is limited.

Life is too short.

Even a strong man at the peak of the heaven level can only live for a maximum of 120 years. If he cannot break through to the god level before the age of 80, then his strength will inevitably be degraded after the Qi and blood decline, and there will be no possibility of advancement from now on.

Therefore, all practitioners will choose the major route when embarking on the path of practice, choose a path with energy and spirit and stick to it, and will never be distracted.


"Is that the reason?"

Su Po Mao said silently.

Although Nan Yu did not say what race he was, judging from Nan Yu's ability to cultivate all his energy and spirit, he must be an undead race like those monsters in the Western Dark Council.

"The undead race is as bloodthirsty as the corpse brother. It can increase its strength by sucking blood. The physical body of the heavenly level, the internal strength of the heavenly level, and the cultivation of the spiritual power are unknown. The comprehensive strength judgment, the middle stage of the heavenly level, can be used in the late stage."

Su Pomao quickly integrated the information about Nan Yu.

the other side.

Nan Yu is also looking at the benefits brought by this drop of heaven-level essence and blood.

The first is that his Qi and blood are stronger. The power of Qi and blood brought by this drop of heaven-level essence and blood is more powerful than the piles of earth-level blood he sucked before combined.

With the help of these qi and blood transformations, the blood lotus method he practiced was also pushed to make some progress towards the ninth heaven.

Nan Yu made a rough calculation in his mind. Twenty or thirty drops of blood essence like this should be enough for him to reach the ninth level and achieve the Blood Demon Holy Body.

In addition to the progress of qi and blood and blood lotus Dafa, there are also changes in the body.

It is a pity.

Just relying on this drop of heaven-level blood essence can only strengthen the physical body very limited.

However, after practicing the Blood Lotus Technique, his physical body now becomes more and more like a human. After absorbing this drop of heaven-level blood essence, his skin color is not even that pale, and is closer to a normal human skin color.

After thinking for a moment, Nan Yu reached out his hand and saw strands of blood seeping out and floating along his skin, gradually condensing into a small blood ball surrounded by internal force.

Blood Demon Pearl.

A move against enemies recorded in the Blood Lotus Technique.

"Is the cultivation of internal strength about to catch up with the physical body?"

Looking at the spinning blood ball and feeling the powerful energy contained in it, Nan Yu said to himself.

From the strength of this blood demon bead, he thought of one thing.

That is, trance.

In the world of "Brother Corpse", if people on earth want to cultivate to the god level, they need at least one energy in their essence to reach the god level, and they need to be able to perfectly control and use it.

And if you want to become a super god.

The premise is that all three items of energy, energy, and spirit must be cultivated to the peak energy level of a god, and then the integration of energy, energy, and spirit must be completed. Only in this way can one become a super god on earth.

In other words.

It is impossible for a lame person to become a super god.

For example, Long You and Bai Xiaofei were able to reach the level of super gods because one of them had released the seal of the Emperor Dragon Soul, and the other had integrated the killing power left by their ancestors in their souls. In other words, they had both made up for their missing souls. The power of the soul, thus completing the super-god that can only be achieved by the unity of essence, energy and spirit.

This is also the reason why Nan Yu wanted to practice the Blood Lotus Dafa.

The qi in the world of "Brother Corpse" includes vigor, aura and internal strength, but these are things that Nan Yu has never practiced before.

Therefore, he must find a technique that allows him to cultivate his internal strength to make up for his shortcomings and prepare for his future promotion to the super god level.

As for whether he can succeed in transcending the gods, that is a matter for later. It is always right to prepare first.

Very fortunately.

This Blood Lotus Technique is extremely suitable for his physique. In just one day, he has been pushed to the heaven-level level. He only needs to obtain enough blood essence to achieve the ninth level of heaven, and then he can prepare to attack the god-level internal power.

"Ha ha--"

Nan Yu laughed, crushed the Blood Demon Bead in his hand, then looked at Su Po Mao who had not yet stood up and said: "I can go rescue people with you at any time now, please call your people quickly."

He was a little impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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