Chapter 53
"Evil Arhat."

"Strange, where is he hiding?"

Nan Yu frowned slightly.

Where did this evil arhat come from?

He had just walked up the stairs on the second floor not long ago, and he didn't realize that there was such a peak earth-level corpse brother hiding there.

Driven by curiosity, Nan Yu turned back and took a look at the place where the evil arhat suddenly appeared.


Walking to the stairs on the second floor, seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Nan Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Just now Ghost Stick detonated all his grenades at once. These grenades are specially made and very powerful. One is probably equivalent to a full-strength blow in the middle of the prefecture level.

More than a dozen grenades were detonated at the same time, which already reduced the place to ruins. The first and third floors were directly opened up. One by one, the corpse brothers above gathered around the gap and looked down.

When seeing Nan Yu.

These low-level corpse brothers suddenly jumped towards the direction of Nan Yu Station as if they had taken a stimulant.

Without a prefecture-level corpse brother, Nan Yu took two steps back with little interest, and swiped the giant que under his feet.

Like cutting a piece of tofu.

Juque easily cut off all the footholds on this floor. The low-level corpse brothers who jumped down had no place to stay and fell to the first floor like dumplings.

"Such a big movement, there should be a prefecture-level corpse brother to check the situation."

Nan Yu was talking about it right away.

A white shadow came out from the group of corpse brothers. This white shadow came very quickly. With the cover of the corpse brothers who fell from the building, the two cold lights in their hands turned into afterimages and slashed towards Nan Yu's neck.

at the same time.

A black light suddenly smashed through the floor, also brandishing two knives, and went straight to Nan Yu's lower body.

The two attackers, black and white, cooperated very tacitly. Not only did they cover up their aura in advance, preventing Nan Yu from discovering them at the first time, but their four steel knives also blocked all of Nan Yu's escape routes.

If such an attack were carried out by Gui Guang and the others, it would be a disaster to say the least.

But for Nan Yu.

This is nothing at all.

I saw his left hand grabbing the steel knife swung by the white shadow, and his right hand holding the giant sword against the steel knife in the black shadow's hand.

After two crisp sounds of 'ding ding'.

The steel knife in Bai Ying's hand broke in response, and he himself was grabbed by Nan Yu's neck and pinched in his hand.

The steel knife in the black shadow's hand was also cut off by Juque, and his body was cut into two parts by Juque's sword, performing a wave of separation actions of the upper and lower bodies.

"Ah this-"

"how is this possible--"

The two corpse brothers who were instantly killed shouted in unison.

The two of them are dressed in one black and one white, both are the clothes of martial arts students from Peking Opera. A gray and dead face is painted with white paint to form a weird makeup. If you don't look at their appearance carefully, it is easy to mistake them. as singing.

Black martial arts are ugly, white martial arts are born.

The right-hand man of the corpse king dragon in the early stage is collectively known as the "Black and White Generals".

But what about their strength.
"Why are you two so weak?"

Nan Yu was not mocking, but truly curious.

Hei Wuchou and Bai Wusheng are both late prefecture-level, not as strong as the corpse of the evil arhat.


Longyou has only been resurrected not long ago, so it is not easy to get a group of loyal subordinates. In any case, it is better to get some blood for them to strengthen them. Why are these two guys so weak.

"Oh I see."

"You were really just a big show when you were alive, right?"

Nan Yu quickly figured out the key point.

The stronger the corpse brother was in life, the stronger the corpse will be.

The corpse brother transformed from an ordinary person needs to consume a large amount of flesh and blood to achieve evolution.

This is obviously the case for Hei Wuchou and Bai Wusheng right now.

The two of them were probably not that strong when they were spotted by Long You. They just had good brains, could talk, and could shoot rainbow farts.

To be able to have today's strength is due to Long You's kindness, allowing the two of them to devour more flesh and blood than other corpse brothers, which has evolved to this level.

"Hey, you are the one who sings the big show, and your whole family is the big show, I warn you to let me go quickly, otherwise when my master comes, I will have to eat you raw!"

Bai Wusheng, who was pinched by Nan Yu, showed no fear on his face and was even shouting loudly. Opening and closing his mouth were the master's fault.

But Hei Wuchou, taking advantage of Bai Wusheng's chattering to attract Nan Yu's attention, the remaining half of his body crawled forward quietly, trying to stay away from this place of right and wrong.


Before he could climb a few steps, Nan Yu stepped on his back.


Before the word 'life' came out of his mouth, he saw Nan Yu dig open Bai Wusheng's chest with his bare hands, take out Bai Wusheng's heart, and then drink up the blood essence in one gulp.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Hei Wuchou's soul trembled, and his whole body felt cold.

They have always been the only corpses who eat human flesh and drink human blood. When will humans be able to turn around and eat corpses!

Even his dead brother thinks that Nan Yu is a monster!

"My lord! Help!"

"Master!! Help!!!"

After seeing Nan Yu drink the blood of the dead brother, Hei Wuchou directly cut off the idea of ​​begging for mercy, and started calling for his master Long You loudly.

Nan Yu didn't stop him, he just kept watching Hei Wuchou howling like a wolf with a smile on his face.

It didn't take long.

A gloomy and hoarse voice came from upstairs: "Trash."

Followed by.

Amidst the harsh sound of breaking through the air, a gravel hit Hei Wuchou's head fiercely.


Nan Yu stretched out his hand in front of Hei Wuchou, took the stone in his hand that could easily crush the late Earth-level stone, and then gently twisted it. The fine powder floated in the wind, and all fell on Hei Wuchou's head. superior.

until this time.

Only then did Hei Wuchou realize that he had walked through the gate of hell just unknowingly, his teeth were trembling, and the sound of rattling teeth was clearly audible.

"I never imagined that after a thousand years, there would still be a strong person like you among humans."

The gloomy voice sounded again, and the visitor no longer spoke condescendingly to Nan Yu, nor did he see any movement. He suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he was face to face with Nan Yu.

This is a tall, white-haired man, wearing a white robe loosely, his complexion is pale, his body is covered with complicated golden runes, and a bright red 'command' on his forehead is particularly eye-catching.

The dead king dragon is on the right.

Single-handedly created the source of the Brother Corpse Virus plague.

I don’t know how much his strength has recovered now.

In front of Longyou, Nan Yu grabbed Hei Wuchou without any haste, cut out his heart alive, then raised the heart high, and squeezed all the blood inside into his mouth.


Outright provocation.

Instead of letting Long You kill Hei Wuchou, he took out Hei Wuchou's heart and drank the blood inside.

"It seems that brother is not human either."

Long You didn't get angry, but instead laughed: "Brother Guan is very skilled. How about joining forces with me and destroying all human beings in this world together?"


Nan Yu wiped the corners of his mouth, and promised, "Give me your immortal blood, and I will promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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