Chapter 58 Japanese Ninja Team

City H.

Nan Yu was sitting in a pile of rubble, with a giant tower at his feet, and behind him were several corpses of earth-level corpses scattered about.

He was lucky.

Found a nest of prefecture-level corpse brothers living in groups.

Although the strongest ones are only those in the mid-earth level, the advantage lies in their large numbers. If calculated together, they are quite effective in replenishing Qi and blood.

The battle with Long You in the city library.

He won.

But it didn't quite win.

Longyou's cultivation base has not yet fully recovered, whether it is essence, energy or spirit, he is weaker than himself in all aspects.

Only one point.

This stuff is really tough.

He didn't know how many people he had eaten and how much blood he had drank during the time he broke the seal. The energy and blood in his body was so frighteningly strong.

Nan Yu's strength is far beyond the peak of the ordinary sky level, and may even be close to the strength of the god level.

In the end, Leng You couldn't consume a late-stage Tian-level Long You.

The more you think, the more angry you are!

The internal force is exhausted, the magic power is exhausted, and the vitality and blood are exhausted.

This is also the first time that Nan Yu has been so weak since he came to this world.

But he couldn't let others see how weak he was.

And not only could it not be seen that he was not in good condition, but he had to force himself back to the temporary military base and find the rescue team that had already retreated back.

After recovering the blood demon seed from Gui Guang's body that had swallowed the blood of the Evil Arhat, he finally felt a little better.


He found Supo Cat without stopping.

When I went up, I just made a phone call: "That corpse king is not my opponent, but killing him is very troublesome. The previous reward was not enough, so I have to pay more. If I am not satisfied with the reward, you can send someone to deal with the corpse king yourself."

These half-truths and half-false words directly stunned Su Pomao.

It took him a long time to react and said: "Mr. Nan Yu, we have already signed an agreement."

"I was not at the peak of heaven when I signed the agreement."

Nan Yu's reason was well-founded, and Su Pomao was so confused that he couldn't find anything to refute.


When signing the agreement with Nan Yu, what he valued was his heavenly strength.

At that time, Nan Yu's strength was around mid-day level.

Although he is already the top master in H City, in the eyes of Yanhuang officials, there is still a big gap between him and the heaven-level masters of the Yanhuang special team.

Even if Nan Yu breaks the contract, they still have a way to make Nan Yu spit out everything he ate.

But it's different now.

The pinnacle of heaven.

At the peak of the heavenly level of the three cultivations of spirit, energy and spirit, there will be at least one divine skill.

The attitude towards Nan Yu must be changed.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what Nan Yu said, and the cooperation agreement for the top heaven-level powerhouses must be changed.

But Su Po Mao couldn't make his own decision on this matter. He could only say that he needed to report. After hearing this, Nan Yu left a message of 'Waiting for your news', and then immediately left the military base.

He must now replenish his energy and blood and restore his fighting strength first. If Long You recovers before him, the trouble will be his own.

that's it.

Holding the giant que, he killed from night to day, and from day to night, and directly slaughtered all the prefecture-level corpse brothers near this military base.

"The qi and blood only recovered to [-]%, which is a bit slow."

Nan Yu shook his head slightly.

After obtaining immortal blood, the energy and blood in his body almost doubled, and recovery was much more difficult than before.


Nan Yu stood up, pulled out the giant gate and continued walking forward.

The strength of the wild corpse brother is still too weak.

That's another reason why he's recovering so slowly.

He spent a whole day searching each building carefully, but he didn't find many earth-level corpses. Both the density and quality were far worse than those in the library.

However, he did not dare to go to the library again until he returned to his peak strength.

Unlike him who needs to go out to find blood food, Long You has stored a large amount of blood food in the library, and he will definitely recover much faster than himself. If he goes now, he will really feed himself into Long You's mouth .

As for why Nan Yu told Su Pomao that he could kill Long You but deliberately didn't kill him.

Telling this kind of lie is purely to prevent Yanhuang from sending Qinglong over.

A very simple truth.

If the corpse king who harmed the entire city of H couldn't even kill the strongest at the peak of the sky.

Then who else can kill him?
no doubt.

Only Yanhuang is currently the only god-level strong Qinglong on the surface.

Once Qinglong takes action, Nanyu's goal of grabbing immortal blood will be completely defeated.

It is absolutely impossible for Qinglong to give Long You's blood to him.

This is something Nan Yu doesn't want to see.

So he would rather support his weak body than brag to the Supo cat pretending to be in good spirits.

It's not just to ask for higher remuneration from the top management of Yanhuang.

Ahead was an abandoned construction site, where building materials that should have been neatly placed were scattered and discarded, and blackened blood was everywhere like graffiti.

while walking.

Nan Yu frowned slightly and stopped.

At this moment, where he should have landed, a sharp claw suddenly stabbed out from the ground.

Because of Nan Yu's attack, the owner of the sharp claw did not hit Nan Yu.

When he missed a hit, he immediately fled away again, and quickly opened the distance with Nan Yu.

"Chù Buddha's Heart Mantra."

As soon as the attacker escaped, a deep voice came from the roof of the building on Nan Yu's right.


Nan Yu tilted his head.

Nothing feels.

at the same time.

Two shouts came from the sky and from the earth respectively.

"Black Dragon!"


I saw a black shadow spinning rapidly like a whirlwind falling from the sky. At the same time, three red figures suddenly appeared behind Nan Yu, holding a samurai sword and raising it quickly against the ground.

The one who escaped from the ground also took the opportunity to emerge from the ground again and came towards the surprise attack.

Perfect surprise attack in three directions, with tricky angles and no room for dodge at all.

Nan Yu's response was very simple. He leaned back a little, took advantage of the moment when the refugee showed up, and kicked him away like a football. Then he clenched his left hand and hit the black shadow falling from the sky with his fist. He didn't bother to tell which of the three red shadows was real, so he turned around and slapped all three red shadows away.

Just the blink of an eye.

The three attackers who cooperated seamlessly were all sent flying by Nan Yu.

just now.

There was only one person left who had just used a spell to attack him in the dark.

"Baga, pig ghost, didn't you say that you have already controlled this person's soul with a spell? How can he still have the ability to fight back against us!"

The person who had previously turned into three red shadows and attacked him has shown his real appearance, a masked ninja in red.

Nan Yu's slap twisted half of his face, and now his words were leaking.

What's worse is.

His leg was pierced by a steel bar, let alone running for his life, he couldn't even move.

As for the other two sneak attackers, one had only the upper body, replaced by a wide sharp blade below the waist, and the other had no arms, with five sharp thorns on both sides of the shoulders.

Similarly, the two of them were also dressed as ninjas. Similarly, their bodies were pierced by steel bars in many places, and they were already unconscious at this time.

Japanese ninja.

Haven't met for a long time.

Nan Yu laughed, there was really nowhere to look for, and it took no effort at all.

I had been looking for Japanese ninjas for so long but I couldn't find them. Now that I didn't look for them deliberately, these people actually came to the door on their own initiative.

And there were four in total.

There were three lying on the ground, and one more.

Before Nan Yu could find him, the last ninja appeared on his own initiative.

"Shooting steel pellets."

A scream came from the place where the mantra was chanted just now, and then a ninja with a small head but a huge and bloated body jumped up, and with a method of crushing Mount Tai, he regarded himself as a rock and smashed fiercely at Nan Yu. Come down.

The so-called steel shot is to strengthen the density of one's own muscles to exceed that of steel, making it heavy and indestructible.

He has used this move countless times.

Each time, his enemies were crushed to a pulp under his heavy body.

This ninja named Guki enjoys the desperate eyes of his enemies.

Although the strange Yanhuang cultivator in front of him was not affected by Aksu Buddha's heart curse, and although he could defeat three earth-level ninjas with one blow, Guigui, who had the peak earth-level strength, was still very confident in his own strength.

"Unless you are at the heaven level, don't even think about blocking my move!"

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Nan Yu, a cruel smile appeared on Dolphin's face.

However, the next scene made his brain stagnate.

Nan Yu easily grabbed Gu Gui's head, and the astonishing falling force had no effect on him. Next, Nan Yu picked Gu Gui up and hit him hard over and over again like a whack-a-mole. Hit the ground.

Until the ground-smashing dolphin ghost bleeds from all seven orifices and all the bones in his body are shattered.

"Hmph, not popular."

Nan Yu mocked lightly and walked straight towards the red-clothed ninja who was trying to pull his leg out of the steel bar.

"Call someone."


"Call your men to rescue you."

"Hehe, Yanhuang people, kill me!"

"Well, there are."

"You, what are you going to do? Hey, hey, what are you going to do! Baga! Get out of here! Ahhhhh--stop! Stop--ahhhh!!! Damn Yanhuang people! I'm going to kill you. !!!"

Nan Yu did not kill the red ninja.

What he was doing was to let the red-clothed ninja watch the parts of his body being cut off one by one by the giant gate, and then put them in front of the red-clothed ninja one by one like a work of art.

Such torture did not last even a minute.

The stubborn red-clothed ninja succumbed, tearing and snotting his nose and saying in pain: "I'm going to call someone, I'm going to call someone, kill me, kill me quickly!"

"Call all your twelve high ninjas, and I'll kill you."

"I'm calling, I'm calling!"

The ninja in red shivered and took out a communicator from his arms. After pressing several buttons in succession, a red light lit up on the communicator. With a ferocious face, he said: "Go to hell! Yanhuang dog!!!"

Drop drop drop-

The voice from the communicator instantly became hurried.

Obviously, this is not a communicator, but a bomb that can be detonated.


Nan Yu kicked, and together with the arm of the ninja in red, kicked the bomb out.

boom -

in a violent explosion.

The red-clothed ninja was desperate, and he had no power to resist, he could only watch helplessly as Nan Yu bit his neck, sucking up his blood bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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