Chapter 85
A light rain began to fall.

After a while, it became bigger and bigger.

In the blink of an eye, the accumulated water on the ground has covered his ankles.

Nan Yu walked in the rain with a disgusted expression on his face, and the one who showed the same expression as him was Jin Hua with the cherry blossoms on his back.

Nanyu doesn't like rain.

dislike it very much.

As his blood descendant, Golden Flower also has similar preferences, including hating water.

Faint inner force fluctuations rose up from her body, shaking all the icy rainwater falling from the sky, so that she could keep her body dry at all times.

Compared to when he was just transformed and could only use brute force.

Now the aura exuding from Jinhua is much more restrained, and her eyes are more energetic, as agile as a normal person.

"Save your internal energy, and it will naturally stop raining when you get to the corpse nest."

Nan Yu glanced at Jin Hua, who was wasting her internal energy, and said lightly.

"Yes, father."

Jinhua was still as respectful as ever.

Hearing Nan Yu's words, she immediately removed her internal energy barrier and let the rain pour on her body. In the blink of an eye, her whole body was soaked. If she hadn't been wearing a special team combat uniform, she would have been exposed to such heavy rain. The scenery has suddenly appeared.

Along the way, there were no attacks by corpses, no cries for help from ordinary people, and there was no movement on the peaceful streets, only the splashing of rain.

During the two days that Nan Yu waited for the commander to deliver the supplies.

The surging corpse tide has completely ended, and the ferocious mountain of flesh has expanded a lot again.

Originally, it was not clear how terrifying this thing was in the comics, but now what Nan Yu and Jin Hua saw before their eyes was a mountain of flesh and blood that was hundreds of meters high and occupied several blocks.

"So strong blood."

"Okay, I really want to."

"Have a bite"

Standing in front of the entrance of the corpse nest, Jin Hua couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

The voice just fell.

A giant eye that was just slowly squirming flesh suddenly opened, and then a bloody hand protruded from the flesh and grabbed Jinhua like lightning.


Jinhua snorted coldly, cut off the bloody hand with one palm, and then grabbed the broken bloody hand and chewed it in front of the giant eye of the corpse nest.

This time seemed to anger the corpse nest.

Within a radius of a hundred meters, countless scarlet giant eyes opened angrily. Under each giant eye, a bloody hand stretched out and grabbed Jin Hua's position viciously.

"Early stage of heaven level."

"No wonder Long You is so confident."

From the power of Qi and blood emanating from the corpse nest's blood hands, Nan Yu easily judged the defense level of the corpse nest.

With the power now entrenched in H City.

With the defense power of the early stage of Heaven level coupled with such a terrifying and huge Qi-blood body, even Nan Yu could not quickly destroy this corpse nest in a short period of time.

Nan Yu couldn't do it, let alone other forces that were not even at the heaven level, so they could only break into this terrifying corpse nest according to Long You's arrangement.

"Don't waste your time and energy here."

Seeing Jin Hua becoming competitive and eager to fight with the bloody hands, Nan Yu swung his huge sword and cut off all the incoming bloody hands.

After doing this, he walked in.

Jinhua reluctantly glanced at the flailing flesh and blood, then hurriedly picked up the bloody hands that had been severed by Nan Yu, hugged them and chased after them.

"Father, let me eat."

Jinhua was a little greedy, but she still resisted her greed and handed over these bloody hands.

Although these bloody hands condensed in the corpse nest do not have as powerful qi and blood as the main body, they still have earth-level strength. Nan Yu just cut off more than a dozen bloody hands with one sword. When added up, it is also a large sum of qi and blood. .

However, Nan Yu had no intention of eating these bloody hands. Instead, he brushed them and used the Blood Lotus Sect's method of making blood-coagulating pills to disperse the blood energy in these bloody hands and condense them into several blood-coagulating pills.

"The Qi and blood of the mid-earth level are just okay."

"You keep it."

"Don't eat yet. Your internal strength has reached the threshold now. Eating too much will be a waste."

Nan Yu threw these coagulation pills to Jin Hua, and after a few words, he didn't say any more.

It is different from Nan Yu who only reached his limit when he reached the peak of Heaven level.

Jinhua's inner strength had just reached the peak of the earth level when it was stuck due to the limit of Dantian. Now Nanyu didn't have the medicine to expand Dantian, so he had to make do with it until Yanhuang sent new red fruits. Say it again.

"I see, father."

Jin Hua obediently stuffed these blood-coagulating pills into the pockets of her combat uniform and continued to follow Nan Yu forward.

After wading through a section of shallow water at the entrance, a long red staircase appeared in front of them.

However, this staircase did not seem to be prepared for normal humans. Each step was nearly two meters high, so Nan Yu and Jin Hua had to jump all the way up.

There was no light inside the corpse nest, but it wasn't too dark. The flesh walls on the left and right were emitting blood-colored brilliance. Along the way, some eyeballs would appear from time to time, watching the movements of Nan Yu and Jin Hua.

After doing it over and over again several times, Jinhua became a little irritable.

They rolled up their sleeves and were about to dig out the eyes of those who were watching them, but were finally stopped by Nan Yu.

"Save your strength. There are plenty of people here to kill. There is no need to argue with such a small character."

These are Nan Yu's original words.

Next, he said: "Whether you encounter people or corpse brothers here, you can kill them. Well, as for the Yanhuang people, if they are not in the way, you can let them go. If they are in the way, it will not be surprising if they are affected." Do we remember?"

"Well, I remember, father."

Jinhua nodded and said bitterly: "It would be great if there were Japanese people here."

Jinhua was turned into the same human and ghostly appearance by the Japanese. Not only was she treated as a test subject and trapped in a dark underground chamber for more than 60 years, but her daughter was also taken away by the Japanese. , and his whereabouts are still unknown, so his heart is naturally full of hatred for the Japanese people.

"Fumo Huitaro is dead, even if Dongpu still has some strength left, he probably wouldn't dare to come here."

However, before Nan Yu finished speaking, he was slapped in the face.

Because in front of him and Jinhua.

Just then a group of Japanese ninjas appeared fighting against Brother Corpse.

The leaders are a blindfolded ninja with scars on his upper body and an onmyoji in white clothes and a red top hat.

When Jin Hua saw them, her eyes were immediately covered in blood, and her four fangs stretched out uncontrollably.


"Japanese beast——"

"Die to my old lady!!!"

A sharp roar suddenly sounded, and before Nan Yu could say anything, Jin Hua pulled out Feng Mo Hui Taro's cherry fire and rushed forward with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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