Chapter 56 Laboratory No. [-]

'Laboratory No. [-]' is Wu Haohou's soul guidance device studio, which contains a large number of soul guidance technology experimental ideas and material accumulation.

This unremarkable name is also because 'No. [-]' and 'Wu Hao' have the same pronunciation.

In addition to researching new soul guidance device products, the task of the scientific researchers inside is to study how to universalize the new soul guidance device.

How can material costs be reduced to a minimum?
Can rare metals be replaced by other metals?

Can this core array create a soul guide that automatically carves the core array of the soul guide?

Especially in the realm of Wu Haohou, instead of competing with the Sun and Moon Empire in the field of military soul guidance devices, what Wu Di needs is universal, civilian-oriented, and non-soul master-oriented soul guidance devices.

In the fields that the Sun and Moon Empire excels in, it is impossible to surpass the Sun and Moon Empire in this life, especially since none of these researchers exceeds the sixth level soul engineer.

But instead of being in the military field, switching to other fields may be able to achieve greater achievements.

For example, Wu Di developed a machine that automatically replenishes water for crops. In the form of drip irrigation, a soul guide that is less than level three can automatically control the amount of water replenished.

It's not too smart, but it's very convenient for farmers. You only need to connect one side of the drip irrigation soul guide pipe to the river or the dug water diversion ditch, and then lay the other pipes on the other side a few meters apart to use it. .

As for the need for soul power replenishment?
The main feature of Laboratory No. 5 is 'charge for [-] minutes, use for [-] hours'. Each village has a soul master village chief sent by the City Hall to charge.

When a research in the No. [-] laboratory is completely finished, such as a soul-guided camera, it will be put into production in a large factory immediately.

The materials, soul guide core array, and part of the staff that have been tested in Laboratory No. [-] will go to the farther outskirts of Hanyu City to build factories and then start production.

The quality is definitely not as good as that of a group of soul instructors like Mingdetang. What Wu Di needs is cheap and universal, not high-quality soul guides that can be heirlooms from generation to generation.

Laboratory No. [-] is located on the north side of the mountain range, most of which are hidden in the mountain body, and some structures are exposed between the mountain walls.

Of course, there is thick vegetation attached to it, and if you don’t look carefully, you will see a green hillside.

Xue Bei did not drag Huo Yuhao over, but asked the people who attacked Huo Yuhao to send Huo Yuhao to prison.

The mountain is Laboratory No. [-]. How dare you run up to the mountain casually? The situation was critical just now. Couldn't Xue Bei stop him and let Huo Yuhao wait for death? Now Huo Yuhao's crime of peeping into secrets must be dealt with.

And Wang Dong.

A large number of people have already stood in front of the cave door of Laboratory No. [-], and the leader of the man in white is directing others to move things.

"Wu Di~"

Xue Bei waved his hand.

The man in white at the head saw Xue Bei coming and took off the hood on his head, "Teacher Xue, long time no see."

"Well. Wu Di, what happened just now?"

"One of the experimental materials is a little out of control. He found an opportunity when the humane was cleared and wanted to escape."

Wu Di stretched out his hand, and the vegetation at the door of the No. [-] laboratory slowly faded, revealing the rocks underneath.

The rocks have been cut into incredible neat shapes. Between the rocks, arches and walls can be seen. They seem to be "embedded" between huge rock cliffs as if they merged with the mountain.

Perfect camouflage.

"And then?" Xue Bei didn't seem too flustered here, so he should be fine.

"Then?" Wu Di waved his hand casually, "Naturally, he was killed by the blast. It may be that those soul guidance shells were fired too much, and the mountain was shaken."

"Soul guided shells?"

"After comparing the gifts from the Sun Moon Empire's glorious grand duke, I have to say that the things made by the Sun Moon Empire are indeed more powerful than those made by us."

Wu Di didn't feel at all that the soul-guided shells were wasted. Instead, he was a little proud, "How good that the level [-] evil soul master I caught last time could provide a piece of data before he died."

Xue Bei knew that Wu Di was not opposed to doing some experiments with the evil soul master. Even compared to Qiangu Canglin and Xue Bei, this prince was more like a Frankenstein.

"Let's go."

Walking into the mountain from the largest arch, the flickering light of the soul guide lamp makes the corridors on both sides dark and dark.

"The explosion is a bit unstable. It needs to be repaired when the time comes." Wu Di took a note and wrote it down.

"Where's Wang Dong? That student you caught?" Xue Bei asked as he followed.

Wu Di took out a cigarette from his storage soul guide, and secretly said to Xue Bei behind his back, "Borrow me a fire."

"No smoking is allowed in Laboratory No. [-]." Xue Beibei straightened his face.

Wu Di put the cigarette against Xue Bei's hand, "You know I'm a heavy smoker."


The butt of the cigarette started to smoke. Wu Di quickly took a puff and passed through his lungs. The smoke he exhaled was absorbed by his plant spirit, so it had no smell at all.

Wu Di took a sip, apparently a bit unsatisfactory, but then extinguished the cigarette butt,
"Wuhun is the butterfly goddess of light, but she is a woman disguised as a man, with two rings, but one soul ring is a thousand years old. A child of an aristocratic family, it feels more prominent than Qiangu Canglin.
What are you looking at me for?
Of course nothing will happen to him, he is just locked in a cell. "

Xue Bei was relieved when he heard that Wang Dong was fine. Not to mention Tang San, even if the Titan came, it could knock Xue Bei away.

Fortunately, Tang San only put the chastity lock on Wang Dong, so he didn't care about others giving Wang Dong a little setback.

Seeing Wu Di secretly smoking, Xue Bei complained, "I hope you won't get lung cancer after such a heavy smoking addiction."

"No, at worst I'll replace my lungs with my plants."


"Well, the person didn't survive. My plants replaced his lungs and helped him breathe, but the person just died."

"." Xue Bei.

It seems that Wu Di is expected to become the first reformer in Douluo Continent.

It's not the kind of flesh and blood that is weak and mechanically ascends.

Environmentally friendly plant biochemical modification talents are right.

After all, Wu Di's Wuhun is a high-level existence of the plant-type Wuhun, the heart of plants.

Xue Bei reminded: "Oxygen is transported to the whole body through the alveoli and blood vessels, and then breathed. I haven't touched any living thing in 20 years. I forgot."

"Just try it again next time."

At the end of the corridor, a huge door made of heavy metal cast stood in front of it.

Wu Di injected his soul power into it, and the complex patterns on the random metal doors lit up one after another.

A creaking mechanical sound came from the depths of the gate and the rock walls on both sides. Everyone felt that the ground beneath their feet was shaking slightly, and with this tremor, the gate slowly opened.

Inside is a bright hall with five entrances, and Wu Di led Xue Bei into a door again.

It turned out to be an elevator.

"The soul-guiding ladder, moving up and down, can quickly take people to the floor they want to go to, which is suitable for those middle-class high-rise buildings in Mingdu." Wu Di proudly introduced: "It can make a fortune."

As for why those middle-class high-rise buildings in Mingdu?

Ah, because the Douluo Continent originally belonged to the Three Kingdoms, there are very few houses that tall, and there is no need for these elevators.

But Mingdu is a bit modernized and there are many high-rise buildings. Some noble people in Mingdu should be very willing to take the elevator without fear of stairs. There is really no shortage of market.

Xue Bei thought that at least every high-rise in Mingdu should be equipped with an elevator.
There should be precious carpets and calligraphy and paintings inside the elevator, so as not to be monotonous,

At the same time, we also need a handsome, well-dressed waiter who can help VIPs press the elevator button.

Only nobles are interested in this way, mainland nobles like to use differences to show their nobility.

Xue Bei watched Wu Di press the button for the '-5' floor and said, "It's good. I'm in charge of publicity, but let's call the elevator."

"But this has nothing to do with the thunder attribute soul master. Why call it an elevator?" Wu Di asked a question that Xue Bei couldn't explain.

In the end, Xue Bei could only answer:

Wu Di lit another cigarette:

"Okay, the elevator, the soul guide elevator."

The soul guide elevator took Xue Bei and Wu Di into the abyss of the mountain together.

(End of this chapter)

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