Chapter 102
With Luo Ningxin as the center, the sky above the sea area with a radius of more than ten miles was shrouded in green, red, black, and white, four-color light curtains.

"Four Elephant Killing Formation!"

See here,

Wu Chou's pupils shrank slightly, and he shouted in shock.

Although he is usually extravagant and licentious, he is not just a second-generation ancestor on the surface, otherwise he would not have reached the middle stage of pill formation at the age of two hundred. Having read ancient and modern classics since he was a child, he has extraordinary knowledge and recognized this sword. Array.

"Isn't this sword array lost thousands of years ago?" Wu Chou looked around in surprise, he was a little unsure if it was an imitation or a real one.

"The array is in the north, Xuan Ming obeys orders..."

Luo Ningxin didn't care about their horrified gazes, she stood above the formation, stepped on the densely packed lines of the mysterious formation, pointed to the north with the sword formula in her right hand, and directed the northern killing formation directly with a ray of mind.



The seven jet-black killing formations hanging above the north sky began to clank and scream, and countless black sword glows hung down like ink painting styles, directly strangling and killing the few people below!

"Don't pick it up hard, get out of the way!"

Wu Chou protected the two concubines behind him and dodged away, while shouting loudly at the two elders of the Sixth Company Hall.


After all, it was still a step too late. The gray-clothed old man in the distance obviously didn't know how powerful this killing array was, so he directly sacrificed his magic weapon, trying to block these sword lights, and was then overwhelmed by the pitch-black Xuanming sword glow together with the magic weapon. They strangled together into groups of blood mist, and died on the spot!

And the elder in yellow, because his talisman was defensive, escaped this catastrophe, but the aura of the golden bowl magic weapon is also dim at the moment, and it seems that it may not last long.

"I am a golden bowl of mixed elements!"

The elder in yellow in the Liulian Hall looked at his golden bowl and couldn't help turning pale. There were already several tiny cracks in the golden bowl, and this was just the first attack.

Wu Chou also regretted provoking Luo Ningxin at this time. Originally, he saw that Luo Ningxin's cultivation was only at the early stage of alchemy, so he planned to use the previous conversation to collude with the two alchemy elders of Liulian Hall to take Luo Ningxin down in one fell swoop. But I didn't expect the opponent to have such impressive strength.


Luo Ningxin didn't give them time to breathe, and moved her fingers towards the south.

A resounding long cry of the Suzaku resounded in the sky above the southern part of the sword array, and the seven swords that were crystal clear and crimson were shining brightly, red like the blood of a phoenix, magnificent to the extreme, shooting out a large piece of red flame sword light, accompanied by boundless Lihuo Cut towards the few people below.

"The Four Elephants Killing Formation needs to be presided over by four powerful sword cultivators. I don't believe that you can control the Square Sword Formation at the same time!"

Wu Chou's complexion was full of gloom, he first uttered a harsh word, and then opened his arms suddenly,

In an instant, endless black wind rolled up behind him, pouring out from behind him overwhelmingly, sweeping towards the red and dazzling Lihuo sword light with an astonishing momentum that covered a large area with black.

For a time,

The extremely yin demonic wind emerging from his body actually formed a short-term check and balance with the Lihuo of the Suzaku Killing Formation.

Luo Ningxin was slightly surprised,
But then she figured it out. The opponent came from Jiyin Island and naturally had many top-notch supernatural powers and secrets. Moreover, as the direct descendant of the old demon Jiyin, his cultivation method was also the top magic skill "Xuanyin Sutra" in Luan Xinghai. His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary mid-stage pill-forming monks.

"Brother Wu, hold on here, I'll go rescue soldiers!" At this moment, the classic link of selling teammates came.

After all,

Regardless of whether Wu Chou agreed or not, the elder in yellow of the Sixth Company Hall actually held the golden bowl on his head and planned to forcefully break through the formation and run away alone.

In response to this, Wu Chou was stunned for a moment, then became furious and almost cursed.

"You've entered my killing array and still want to leave?"

In the sky, Luo Ning shook her head heartily,
Then the four-color formation under her feet burst into light and began to operate in an extremely complex pattern.



From the west of the killing formation, there was a shocking roar of tigers, and the seven Gengjin killing swords clanked and trembled, as if thousands of swords were screaming together, Gengjin's sharp edge suddenly rose, and countless killing swords flew out, shining with chilling dazzling The white light strangled towards the elder in yellow.


With a shrill scream, the elder in yellow turned into a cloud of blood mist on the spot. This time his golden bowl failed to protect him, and the golden bowl and its master were twisted into pieces by the sharp Gengjin sword light.


Facing the death of the elder in Huang Yi in Liulian Hall, Wu Chou's face was full of indifference. If the other party chose to fight Luo Ningxin together with him, there might be a little chance of escaping, but the other party chose an extremely irrational Run away and give your back to the enemy!

By now,

Looks like that's the only way to go...

"You two have been with this young master for so many years, and it's time to be loyal to me!" Wu Chou suddenly smiled strangely.


He turned his head and looked at the side, the two enchanting concubines in scantily dressed clothes who had been defending against the enemy with him all this time, a pity flashed in their eyes, and then the fierce light was revealed, directly controlling the pitch-black wind to move towards the two beautiful concubines Roll away.

"No, young master, you can't do this!"

The two coquettish concubines in the late stage of foundation establishment suddenly turned pale. After screaming for a while, they just wanted to resist, but they were opponents of Wu Chou, a monk who formed an alchemy.

"I have raised you for so many years, and now it's time to be loyal to me, so dedicate your souls to this young master!" Wu Chou laughed grimly, and then, amidst the miserable voices of the two women, stretched out his hand to hold the two women's bodies together. The spirit was pulled out forcefully, and he swallowed it with his mouth open.

I don't know what kind of magical secret method he used. After swallowing the souls of the two girls, he actually overdrawn his body's potential and forcibly raised his cultivation level, which was almost at the level of the late stage of alchemy.

Then, there was a flash of black light in Wu Chou's hand, and a black magic knife appeared in his hand.


Wu Chou held the demon in his hand, raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl. At this time, the dark green fierce light in his eyes was full of bloodthirsty killing breath, and he didn't even have a half-human appearance. He raised the magic knife and pointed it straight at Luo Ning. Slash in the direction of the heart!
In an instant,
A shrill scream came from the magic knife, and then the soaring black light flashed, and the knife unexpectedly emitted an astonishing black light that was more than ten feet long. A large piece.

"Is it demonized..."

Luo Ningxin frowned for a while, it was a bit tricky, but not a big problem.

this time,

She opened up all her firepower, and the four-sided sword formation moved together!
What Wu Chou said earlier is indeed correct. The Four Elephant Killing Formation needs to be presided over by four powerful sword cultivators to exert its full power. Before that, Luo Ningxin only urged one of them for this reason.

But Luo Ningxin was born with a sword soul, which fits perfectly with the sword formation, so it is not impossible to force them to dominate together.

(End of this chapter)

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