Chapter 128 Rabbit
Luo Ning's eyes were filled with five-colored divine light as she stared at the sneaky snow-white rabbit below. It was indeed a wonder created by heaven and earth, and it was actually able to transform. She couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

At this time, in Luo Ningxin's eyes, the pure spirit energy of this white rabbit was astonishingly dazzling.

Although Luo Ningxin has seen its name in many spiritual herbs books, this kind of naturally raised spiritual creature has long since disappeared from this world.

Once it appears, it will be enough to cause a bloody storm in the world of immortality!
Perhaps the people who opened up this small world at the beginning could not have imagined that after so many years, under the nourishment of the huge spiritual energy and the towering creation of heaven and earth, such a spiritual creature of heaven and earth would be born.

"Smell sniff~"

The rabbit below lay vigilantly outside the formation and sniffed for a while, then its two red eyes rolled around in a furtive manner, obviously trying to devise some bad idea.

Luo Ningxin waited patiently for it to fall into the trap.
This Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng is a thing transformed from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Although its body is just a kind of spiritual grass, its spiritual intelligence is very high. From the day it is born, it will transform into various animals or insects. It can move on its own and is very special. He is good at escaping, but if he is not careful, all his previous efforts may be in vain.

After the little thing circled around the formation arranged by Luo Ningxin, its two long ears kept swaying. It seemed that it noticed something strange in the spiritual energy nearby, and it still did not enter the formation.

"call out!"

Just when Luo Ning was thinking about whether to take action,
The figure of the white rabbit flashed, and after a few jumps, it disappeared into the wild grass nearby!

Luo Ningxin and Han Li couldn't help being slightly startled when they saw this scene, but just when they were a little startled at this moment, a white shadow flashed in the grass in another place, and the white rabbit turned out to be an afterimage. The speed of light instantly flew from the grass to the jade box placed in the middle of the formation. Then he lowered his head and took the jade box in his mouth, turned around and rushed out without hesitation.

"A false shot..."

Luo Ningxin couldn't help but laugh. This little thing could actually use tricks. He was really a cunning rabbit.

"Don't try to run!"

Han Li was the first to lose control and jumped out on the spot. He couldn't let the rabbit in his mouth fly away, so he jumped down and cast a golden net, hoping to catch the white rabbit that wanted to jump. On the only way back.


The little thing was startled by Han Li and even made a meowing sound, but then he suddenly stopped on the ground, twisted his body suddenly, drew an arc, and shot in another direction, with a speed and His reaction was extremely fast and he directly avoided Han Li's net.

But by this time, it was too late,

A square array of light masks suddenly rose up all around, sealing the surrounding space firmly.


The white rabbit hit the light wall and was bounced back. After rolling on the ground for several times, it stood up again with its small head shaking, but its big and smart eyes were full of panic and a little eager. cried out.


The little thing then flashed with white light and suddenly transformed into a fist-sized ball of colorful light, trying to escape underground.

But after a flash of yellow light around them, the seven-colored light group only penetrated a few feet into the soil before being pushed back out by a burst of yellow light.

this time,

The little thing was really anxious, and the seven-colored light group he transformed into collided everywhere in the formation.

Then the figure flickered, and Luo Ningxin's figure appeared in front of the colorful light group. Wearing a delicate glove made of gold wire, she grabbed the colorful light group and turned it back into a rabbit.

"The little thing is quite naughty..."

Luo Ningxin grabbed the rabbit's ears, lifted it up, and looked at him amusedly.


The little white rabbit was baring its teeth and claws, and stared at Luo Ningxin with its big and smart eyes, but it looked so cute in a mess, even if it looked ferocious, it still looked cool, as if it was deliberately naughty.The little white rabbit struggled for a while, but found that it was of no use. The little thing no longer had the energy it had just now, and it completely stopped, looking weak.

"call out!"

At this time,

An extremely blurry cyan afterimage flew over and landed on Luo Ningxin's shoulder with a hiss.

Its speed was so fast that even Han Li on the side couldn't see clearly.

This is Xiao Qing who has entered the sixth stage. She has now become the size of a normal falcon. She has extraordinary blood. Each time she advances, she will be born with some incredible blood magical powers. At this time, she has mastered the art of transformation. She can Freely contract the body shape and no longer cover the clouds and sun with the wings spread as usual.


Xiaoqing was covered in beautiful feathers. She stood on Luo Ningxin's shoulder, holding the ginseng elixir in her mouth like a child.

It is about half a foot long, with an earthy yellow color all over, and a dry and wrinkled outer skin. There is a very beautiful silver flower growing on the top. This flower exudes a faint brilliance and has a faint fragrance, which makes people smell it. Feeling refreshed.

Luo Ningxin took over the elixir of heaven and earth, which was the original body of Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng, and the little white rabbit she just caught was its transformed spirit body, which is equivalent to the relationship between the sword spirit and the sword itself.

This Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng is good at hiding, and actually placed its body under the groove of a huge stone that can isolate all energy. However, under the scan of Xiaoqing's pair of clairvoyant eyes, it can't hide. .

"Good job..."

Touching the beautiful feathers on the back of Xiaoqing's neck, Luo Ningxin chuckled and casually fed her a demon pill. Xiaoqing lowered her head and rubbed her face affectionately.

"Sister, this green eagle is really magical. The wind escape technique just now, I'm afraid the Nascent Soul cultivator's spiritual consciousness will not be able to catch the flight path."

Han Li sighed at the side and said,

His cultivation of the Dayan Divine Technique and his spiritual awareness far surpassed that of monks at the same level, but he could only capture wisps of afterimages, let alone the naked eyes blessed with magic power.


Seeing that his own body had also been captured, the snow-white rabbit that Luo Ning was holding on to was suddenly refreshed and turned into a ball of white light, trying to escape as one with his own body.


Xiao Qing let out a chirp and glanced at the other party with cold eyes.


The small body of the snow-white rabbit froze, and it looked at Xiaoqing with fearful eyes. It hugged the rabbit's head and trembled. It didn't dare to move anymore, as if it had seen a natural enemy.

Luo Ningxin chuckled lightly. One thing fell after another, but she took out a jade box and put the Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng into it.

"Sister, let's search for the elixir separately?" Han Li suggested from the side.

Now that the primary target, the Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng, has been obtained, he should be busy with other things. After all, the time to find the treasure is limited, and if the two of them act together, the efficiency will be too slow.

"Yes, but you have to be careful. If you encounter danger, just use the Great Void Escape Talisman to escape..." Luo Ningxin warned.


The two siblings took action separately.

(End of this chapter)

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