Chapter 136 Lingchi
The two Star Palace elders thought that they could control everyone by mastering some small loopholes in Xutian's small world.

But after Luo Ningxin understood their little trick, she also took advantage of the loopholes in the restrictions of the Xutian small world, and laid out the situation here in advance. The elder was exiled to the void in the small world of Xutian.

In that place, there was no sense of time, only pitch black silence. Even the old monster Nascent Soul could only be trapped alive in it...

All this is because when Luo Ningxin heard the two Star Palace elders explain the rules of Xutian Small World, they happened to mention something. The original words of the two at that time were: Whether you want to pass the second level, or just go Collect heavenly materials and treasures in the core area. If the specified time has passed and you have not reached the specified teleportation location, you will never be able to escape.

No one can see the monks locked inside the next time they open the small world of Xutian. As for the reason for their disappearance, no one knows yet.

Why did those monks in the past never be able to escape after exceeding the stipulated time?I’m afraid I haven’t been able to figure out this answer even after so many years of research on Xinggong.

Others may not care about the mysteries, but Luo Ningxin wrote them down at the time, and relied on her previous research on the Way of the Void and her advanced formation cultivation to specifically find the principle of the prohibition.

Cracks in the void!

A space as dead and silent as a black hole, with no time, no sound, and no response. There is only endless darkness and loneliness. Once you enter, you will never come out!

Those monks in the past stayed because of greed. If they didn't stay in the prescribed place, they would be exiled there by the ban of Xutian Small World!That was the place where she had just sent the two Star Palace elders.

Luo Ningxin is very clear about her positioning of strength.
If you go head-on, even if you use all your cards, you will only be able to take away one of the two people, and it will be very easy to alert the enemy.

Therefore, she followed suit and chose to use part of the ban on exile in the small world of Xutian for her own use when entering the level of the wonderful illusion.

The two Yuanying old monsters were directly sentenced to death!
These two old silver coins cannot be kept. They are hiding in the dark and are a great threat to Luo Ningxin, so they are the first ones she wants to get rid of!

"Perhaps, only monks who have reached the state of becoming a god or a higher realm can truly touch the space and escape from there..."

Even though she has been studying the Way of the Void for nearly a hundred years, Luo Ningxin has only scratched the surface of it.

"The person who created the small world of Xutian has definitely exceeded the stage of becoming a god! It is very likely that he is a monk in the legendary "Refining the Void" realm. They say that the pinnacle of the human world is the transformation of gods. If it is true, then this virtual world Tianxiao World should be a product of the other world."

"And some places or inheritances in the human world are very likely to maintain weak connections with other worlds, and they can even summon a clone by unknown means..."

Luo Ningxin thought like this,

I can't help but think of the six demon incarnations that Wen Tianren summoned from other worlds...

As a result, she has always been curious about the "Six Extremes of True Demonic Skills". Unfortunately, Wen Tianren did not have this skill in his storage bag, and she did not have time to search for the soul.




Luo Ningxin entered the giant tower and did not immediately go to meet Han Li.

Like an invisible ghost, she shuttled between the restricted void loopholes, all the way unimpeded, and directly reached the second floor of the giant tower.

There are criss-crossing bluestone passages, tall, solid and thick walls, and every time you pass through an intersection, you will see a stone door carved with mysterious runes.

These giant bluestone doors are the same in both shape and size. Each one is ten feet long and wide, in a square shape. Sometimes it faces south, sometimes it faces north, and sometimes it opens in the east-west direction. There seems to be no pattern.

Luo Ningxin ignored these stone doors. She turned many corners in the passage and came to a seemingly ordinary stone wall.

"It is indeed here, but it seems that someone got there first..." Luo Ningxin touched the wall and murmured to herself.She touched the stone wall, closed her eyes and deduced silently in her mind for a moment, then threw a dozen small formation flags and submerged them into the stone wall.

Luo Ning's consciousness began to adjust the position of the formation flag.

A strange scene happened, and the originally ordinary stone wall also had strange soft ripples like water.

For this,

There was no surprise on Luo Ningxin's face, everything was expected, and she slowly stepped into it.

The principle is just like using iron wire to pick a lock. Luo Ningxin has already developed a superb 'lock picking' skill.


next moment,
Luo Ningxin's figure appeared in a light mist, which was a little damp and warm, and there was an indescribable fragrance that hit her nostrils.


There is a milky-white spiritual pool more than ten feet in size. On the other side of the spiritual pool are a pile of black dresses and several storage bags. The white mist and fragrance are emanating from this pool, and a body with skin-like Xue's jade body was bathing in the spiritual pool.

"Senior Luo, why are you here?"

Yuan Yao looked frightened and shy, and quickly covered her chest with her slender arms.


Luo Ningxin frowned slightly. She said nothing. With the idea of ​​​​seeing no evil, she did not look at the other party, but looked around a little.

This is a huge stone chamber, about thirty to forty feet in size, with an ordinary stone door on the left and right.

On the stone wall a few feet behind, there is a relief of a dragon head made of white jade. Three or four feet below the dragon head, there is a green groove, and a green long-necked jade bottle is placed in the groove, as if As if picking something up.

When Yuan Yao saw Luo Ningxin's eyes falling on the green jade bottle, she immediately ignored her shyness, put on a gauze, quickly went ashore and put the jade bottle away.

"Fountain of Spiritual Eyes..."

A strange color flashed in Luo Ningxin's eyes. This Fang Lingquan was far more pure than Han Li's, already showing a milky white color.


She came to a strange stone door on the opposite side, with a white glow shining on it.

"Senior, there is a powerful formation inside. No one can break it..." Yuan Yao's eyes followed Luo Ningxin's figure. When she saw Luo Ningxin staring at the stone gate, she couldn't help but have a flash in her eyes. He was eager, but he didn't dare to speak to stop him, so he could only speak cautiously.


Luo Ningxin turned her head slightly and glanced at her calmly. Then she did not speak, but took out a few small flags and threw them into the formation restrictions of the stone gates, and started a new round of 'unlocking' work by herself. .

This time,

Yuan Yao felt a little uneasy. After struggling for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "I want to make a deal with Senior Luo..."

(End of this chapter)

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