Chapter 8
Luo Ningxin's figure attacked like a ghost,
The old man was startled and raised his head suddenly. What he saw was a sharp sword slashing down with a ray of light. It was slashed directly towards his head without mercy. The sword light flashed, and there was a touch of moonlight shining in the sky. Brilliance.


The old man's pupils shrank suddenly, his body dwarfed suddenly, as if being burned by fire, his figure was as agile as a monkey, he shrank his head and retreated in shock, barely escaping Luo Ningxin's attack. A sword.

However, just as he stood firm, he stretched out his hand to touch his head, and Luo Ningxin cut off most of the bun on the top of his head with a sword.


Luo Ning raised her brows slightly. In this world, this was the first time someone could dodge her sword. In the past, she only used one sword to kill an enemy.


She was not very surprised, on the contrary, she was a little excited, and finally had an opponent who could fight her.

"Finally someone who can fight..."

Luo Ningxin decided not to keep her hand anymore,

She had long been looking forward to fighting with the skilled warriors in this world. The ones she met before were all minions, but now the old man in front of her was obviously a master with superb martial arts skills and rich fighting experience.

"Sword Light!!"

"How is this possible at your age!"


The old man looked at Luo Ningxin in shock, his eyes full of disbelief!

I saw an inch-long white light suddenly appearing on the tip of the long sword held by Luo Ningxin. The white light could stretch and contract indefinitely. Under the moonlight, it was so cold!

"What! Sword light?!"

Not only him, but the wild wolf gang around him were also buzzing with excitement!
sword light,

In the Jianghu martial arts world, the supreme sword skill is the dream of all sword wielders!

"who are you?!"

The old man in Tsing Yi was cold all over his body, his air was blowing, he was sweating profusely, and he retreated quickly. He even suspected that Luo Ningxin was made by that old monster.

His reaction was far beyond Luo Ningxin's expectations. This inch of Xu Jianmang was something she had comprehended after "reaching the pinnacle" of advanced swordsmanship, but she did not expect to scare these people like this.

For this,

Luo Ningxin frowned slightly, without saying too much, she took the sword and attacked the old man again.

"You stop her!"

I don't know,

The old man didn't want to fight, so he turned around and ran away!
This made Luo Ning feel very depressed, and she rushed up like chasing the wind and the moon, her movements were unbelievably fast, she stabbed, teased, or tapped.


The old man only parried a few moves, before Luo Ningxin stabbed him into the shoulder socket with a sword, blood spilled into the void, but even so, he still escaped, Luo Ningxin wanted to chase him, but was stopped by his men.


Looking around at the gang of wild wolves who were killing them, she turned around and wiped her throat with the sword.

"Forget it, he ran away, so let's stay here..." Luo Ning said coldly, and then cut the throat of the person behind him with a backhand sword.

She was ruthless in her attacks. With each stroke of her sword, a living life passed away forever. She walked calmly, ending life like harvesting weeds. There were countless corpses lying on both sides of the road, and the grass was dyed red with blood.

Blooming blood flowers are so beautiful and shocking. In just a moment, there are more than a dozen corpses in the field. This kind of scene makes people shudder...

far away,

All the wolf gang members were trembling and fled in all directions. After all, the old man in Tsing Yi ran away, so naturally they would not stay and fight Luo Ningxin.

"The witch... no, she's the female devil from the Eighteen Hells!" Those wild wolf gangs who couldn't escape completely collapsed. At this moment, they were like lambs, sitting on the chopping block, waiting for their unchangeable fate to be slaughtered.

"The devil? Who is it?"

Luo Ning shook her head heartily.

She dared to say that none of these people was innocent, and the crimes they committed were heinous.

Luo Ningxin was absolutely not unjust in killing them. They were originally a group of horse bandits with almost blood on their hands. However, they turned into a legal gang. They expropriated people, took human lives lightly, and raped women. They committed a lot of evil. Pile, piece by piece.

If they are really allowed to go to the villages to collect food, countless people in those villages will starve to death this winter!

Although she, Luo Ningxin, is not a holy mother or a saint, she has an opinion in her heart, she knows what should be killed and who should not be killed.

Until a quarter of an hour later,

Qingning has finally been restored to this place. The blood mist slowly dispersed, leaving only dead bodies on the ground. The branch was completely destroyed, making this place a blood-stained place. The grass and stone steps were all dyed red...

among them,

Most of the hundreds of Wild Wolf Gang members had already escaped. If they wanted to escape, it was naturally impossible for Luo Ningxin to keep them all, leaving only a few dozen.



Luo Ning ignored the dead bodies here, and then strode towards the middle of the stockade.

The door of the secret treasure house here was pushed open by her, and a large amount of silver and gold was placed on the shelf, the shimmering brilliance made it hard to open the eyes, and there were quite a lot of other things, including all kinds of treasure weapons and martial arts cheats.

"One sub-helm is so rich, it seems that I have searched for people's fat and people's anointing..." Luo Ning shook her head, she turned a blind eye to the gold and silver, and went straight to the direction where the martial arts secret books were collected.

""Happy Tour"? Is this light work?"

After picking up a few secret books on the shelf that were quite pleasing to the eye, Luo Ningxin walked towards the area of ​​treasured weapons.

"Huh? This sword is good..."

I saw a sword placed on one of the shelves, with two beads inlaid on the scabbard, shining with a faint blue light.

Luo Ningxin's eyes lit up slightly, she walked up, held the sword on the hilt, and pulled it out lightly, but when she heard a 'clang', the three-foot long sword came out of its sheath and pulled out with a swish, like a dragon singing and a phoenix singing, the sword There was a gloomy cold glow on his body.



An icy breath rushed towards the face, making people shudder, and the sword body was lingering with a faint ice-blue chill, giving people a feeling of extraordinary quality!

Although Luo Ningxin didn't have a high understanding of swords, she sincerely praised:
"Good sword!"

"Is the name of the sword 'Han Yue'..."

Looking at the word "Han Yue" engraved on the sword, Luo Ning couldn't help but chuckle, and then sheathed the sword without ceremony. She accepted the trophy.



Luo Ningxin found another cellar in the village.

When she came to the cellar, she couldn't help but look a little ugly because of her state of mind.

In the cellar, I saw a few chained, naked and beautiful young girls. They sat there motionless with numb eyes. When they saw Luo Ningxin, they didn't react at all.

"You are saved... I killed all the villains outside... Come with me, I will take you home..." Luo Ning said in a deep voice.

But they didn't seem to hear it, they just looked up at Luo Ningxin with empty eyes.

"There is no home anymore..."

After a long time, one of the girls said softly as if muttering to herself.


The corners of Luo Ning's mouth twitched involuntarily.
She couldn't see any color from the eyes of these girls, just like corpses.

Taking a few deep breaths, suppressing the anger in her heart, after calming down, Luo Ningxin took out a dagger expressionlessly and placed it in front of the girls.

Seeing the dagger, the eyes of the girls finally regained a gleam of light, they crawled up numbly, slowly grabbed the dagger, stabbed their own heart without any hesitation, and ended their lives...

Faced with this scene,
"rest in peace…"

Luo Ningxin stood there in silence for a long time, and finally the village was completely burned with fire, burying all the sins.

In troubled times, people are like ants. Ordinary people live almost entirely by luck, which makes people feel chilling...

Only the sword in your hand is the truth that controls your destiny!

Luo Ningxin left with her sword in hand. She was going to the next Wild Wolf Gang to take over the helm.

If she doesn't kill it, she won't leave a piece of armor behind, she will be very blocked!
(End of this chapter)

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