King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 146 The High Priest

Chapter 146 The High Priest

"Hey! Lawrence, why do I think there are people on the moon?" Swan, who was about to get off work, looked at the bright moon in the sky.

Did a black shadow flash past just now?
"Ah~" Lawrence beside him stretched and casually glanced at the moon in the sky.

There is no one, and the moon is still so bright and flawless.

"Swan can do it, and you know that the dog eats the moon? That's the legend on Liyue's side!" Lawrence cleaned up his armor and was about to leave the gate of Mond after get off work.

"What legend? I don't know, maybe I was just dazzled just now." Swan shook his head, what figure is there in the moon in the sky?Maybe he was wrong.

"I don't know? Then let me tell you, I know a lot..." Lawrence said, put Swan's shoulders on his shoulders, and walked towards the city of Mond.

Thanks to Lawrence's father, a businessman from Fontaine, he gained a wide horizon and at the same time, he also got the name "Lawrence", which people in Mond despise.

As for why?Of course it was because his father didn't understand anything and lost a bet after being drunk.

Then he likes to mention the elegant name "Lawrence", so that now when strangers in Mond hear his name, they glare at him, which makes him feel tired to death.

But his life is generally good.Although he has the name "Lawrence", he is not a real member of the Lawrence family, so he still has several close friends.

For example, this is the case with Swann in front of him.I don't know whether it's a coincidence or other reasons, but every time he is assigned the task of guarding the gate, he can always go with Swann and get acquainted after coming and going.

"Let's go! Have a drink after get off work!" Lawrence dragged Swann and finally got off work. If Mond didn't drink for a day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Hey, don't go so fast!" Swan was staggered by Lawrence.As a friend of mine, I don't have much enthusiasm for work, and I feel like I've been beaten to death after get off work.

"Hurry up!"



"Tick!" Torret, carrying the embers, fell from the air, making only a slight and crisp sound of hoofs colliding.

The force of falling from high altitude didn't seem to exist under Thoret's feet. When it landed on the ground, it was as easy and stable as stepping on cotton.

"It's a familiar feeling." Ember got off Torret's back, stroked its mane and said nostalgicly.

"Hmph -" Thoret breathed heavily and rubbed his head against Ember's gauntlet. It felt the same as Ember's now.

"Hoo~" Ember blew the whistle of the spirit horse again, and Torret turned into dots of blue light and disappeared before his eyes.

Thoret is a spirit horse that cannot die and has no real form. It lives in the spirit horse whistle and can come out at any time.

"Alright, it's getting late, go to sleep!" Ember glanced at Lance Shanks, and then pulled her into the room.

It's a pity that Gu Long doesn't have to sleep.In the dark, Ember was lying on the bed picking his feet, while Lance Shanks was watching Ember from the side.

Those golden longan eyes are like two light bulbs in the room where the lights have been turned off.

No wonder Vic said Lance Shanks was always a light bulb, and she was!

"Don't you need to sleep?" Yan Yan was the first to break the silence. He got up and turned on the light, looking at Lance Sanks and asked in confusion.

Does Lance Shanks still recognize the bed?

"Wang, don't you know that the ancient dragons don't need to sleep?" Lance Shanks spread his hands and explained.

Ember shook his head, he really didn't know about this.In the past, when I met a dragon, I started to do it without saying a word, so why bother to understand these things?
"Let's talk about other things?" Lance Shanks pulled out a chair casually and sat down.

"What are you talking about? Let me tell you first, I don't know how to chat." Ember sat up and reminded Lance Sanks.

"You said there is someone of my kind here. What kind of existence is he?" Lance Sanks was the first to ask about Tevalin's information. This is business!
"Tevalin? He seems to be different from you." Yi Yan scratched his head. The "dragon" Tevalin seemed to be a little bit different from the ancient dragon.

"You know there are elements in this world." Ember said to Lance Shanks.

Lance Shanks nodded. She discovered its greatest characteristics as soon as she came to this world.That is, the air seems to be filled with energy everywhere. It turns out that this energy is called "element".

"There are seven types of elements in total, and Tevalin was precipitated from the wind element. He is probably, maybe, the strongest." Ember said at the end, a little uncertain.

Kutri told him about the Seven Elemental Dragon Kings. The apex of the seven elemental creatures is the "dragon".

And Twarin is the wind dragon.However, its strength is a bit far behind that of Kutri, which makes Ember a little unsure.

"That's the dragon! Don't worry about what's there and what's not, tell me about that guy's experience and character!" Lance Sanks' method of distinguishing people of the same race was unexpectedly sloppy.

If it looks like a dragon, it is a dragon!
This is the secret to Lance Sanks becoming the High Priest!There are many people in the ancient dragon clan who would discriminate against Feilong, but she would not.

The so-called flying dragon is the degenerated ancient dragon.Since their birth, they have not had dragon scales as hard as ancient dragons. Therefore, flying dragons have fatal weaknesses and become the target of dragon hunters.

The belief in Longxiang only appeared in the junction when the flying dragon was born.This kind of belief in gaining dragon power by eating raw dragon hearts was simply impossible in the era when there were only ancient dragons.

The flying dragon's forelimbs have also turned into flesh wings, and it cannot use weapons like the ancient dragon.The ancient dragon clan can use their forelimbs to wield weapons unique to the ancient dragon, just like humans.

Back then, there was only one Great Ancient Dragon, Gulan Sanks, armed with a spiral spear named Ancient Sanks, and he broke through the mountain-like wall of the royal city of Rodel.

In history, only once.

As for the red dragon thunder, Feilong didn't even have to think about it.Therefore, within the Gulong clan, the discrimination against Feilong can be said to be extremely serious.

However, those who discriminate against others should have the consciousness of being discriminated against by a higher existence.As the fourth strongest existence of the ancient dragon family, Lance Shanks discriminates equally against all discriminators who are weaker than her.

Because of this, most of the dragons of the ancient dragon clan have been beaten by her.Now that I think about it, this High Priest might also have been typed out?

Thinking of this, Lance Shanks couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead, isn't it possible?Obviously, I am the high priest who was elected by everyone, why would I think so?

After becoming the high priest, many little guys who don't know how to pray to the dragon have successfully mastered the dragon prayer under her careful guidance (electric shock), which shows that they are still very suitable for the position of the high priest.

"Don't care about his origin, as long as he is a dragon! To be a psychiatrist, you only need to know his past!" Lance Shanks added.

She is very familiar with the three intelligent creatures of enlightenment man, beast and dragon.As for the high priest, in addition to teaching prayer, the mental health of the believers is also very important.

"Is that so?" Ember was stunned for a moment, then he thought for a moment and said, "Tevalin seems to have been a dragon before. Later, he was attracted to this city and became one of the city's guardians."

"Then he got into a fight with a guy trying to protect the city, got poisoned, and slept for a long time. Woke up and found the city had forgotten him, and was angry."

"Then there were people beside him who instigated and attacked the city due to the poison." Yu Yan told everything he knew.

"How long was he asleep?" Lance Sanks asked.

"Like 500 years." Ember said, roughly this time.

"It seems that he cares about this city very much." Lance Shanks glanced at the silent Mond City in the middle of the night, and then said with a smile: "Let him learn the generosity of the long-lived species."

"For short-lived creatures like humans, 500 years is already a long time, enough to change many things."

"So, when the long-lived species and the short-lived species get along, they will always feel that the short-lived species is fickle and ruthless, while the short-lived species will find it difficult for the long-lived species to understand."

"It seems that no one has told him this truth. If that's the case, then let me enlighten him!" High Priest Lance Shanks said as he waved his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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