King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 149 The Perfect Method

Chapter 149 The Perfect Method
"How do you know the master's gold is not perfect?"

"What do you mean by that!"

"Ouch! What happened? It's so noisy, you want to fight?"


Both Lisa and Abedo lost their original posture.Their shocked shouts immediately pulled Lance Sanks back from his wandering mind on the sofa.

But neither Lisa nor Abedo paid attention to her, because their minds were already attracted by what Ember said just now.

"If your master has really reached the 'golden' level you mentioned, then the traces of creation on your body will not be so obvious, not to mention that you still have the risk of losing control." Ember first answered the most excited Ah Bedo's question.

Then he turned his head to look at the solemn Lisa, who noticed Ember's gaze, raised her head, and waited for his answer.

Lisa doesn't remember what kind of artificial person she is, but she has a very deep memory of her parents.

If she was really an alchemy creation as Ember said, then she would be busy.

"Haha, there's no need to be so solemn." As soon as Yi Yan saw Lisa's look, he knew what she was thinking. She was simply afraid that everything in her past had been arranged.

But she was obviously overthinking, and Ember further explained: "Lisa, you don't have to worry that you are someone's alchemy creation, the ones who created you are your parents."

"As for why I say that, it depends on the abilities of you two scholars. If it doesn't work, you can come and ask me." Yu Yan said at the end, giving up.

"How about it? The direction of discovering the truth and meaning of the world is too big, so let's start with people! Maybe there will be some big discoveries?"

Seeing Lisa and Abedo who were in deep thought, Ember said slightly encouragingly.He is also curious to what extent the scholars of this world can detect the world.

What he said was to give Abedo a direction, and if he said too much, he would deviate from his original intention.Can't Abedo's subjects be revealed by him alone?

"Not a creation of alchemy?" Lisa lowered her head and pondered, and began to think about the meaning of Ember's words in her mind.She wondered why Ember said that.

Seeing Lisa's pensive look, Abedo couldn't help but look up at the embers in front of him.

He only saw a knight's helmet, and under the gap of the helmet was the darkness that swallowed everything, and he saw nothing.

"You... how do you know this?" Abedo asked with difficulty.He had never heard of these things from his master, how did Ember know.

Moreover, only the master has reached the level of gold.So why does Ember still say her gold isn't perfect?
Abedo's doubts not only did not diminish, but became more.

"You just said that?" Ember spread her hands.The law of creation is the crystallization of human wisdom, but compared with the law of natural evolution, Ember still feels that the latter is more complicated.

If the former is about how to pursue and create "perfection", then the latter is about striving to build a world that allows "perfection" to appear.

Therefore, for Ember, the method of creation can be understood by analogy.After all, there are worlds in Ember's body.

Those worlds were all created by him bit by bit.

"Did I just... say it?" Abedo pointed to his mouth stiffly.Yes, as he said just now, there are all these in alchemy, but he didn't see it.

Abedo shook his head, shaking out the distracting thoughts in his mind.Lisa had told him that Ember was a god from another world.

Abedo didn't care about this at first.Things outside the world are not unusual for Abedo, who followed Reindotter in the early years.

Many of Rheindotter's creations are summoned from universes beyond Teyvat.And the so-called gods, in Abedor's eyes, are just powerful beings.

Therefore, in Abedo's eyes, the previous embers were just a "monster" that was powerful enough to wander the universe on its own initiative.

Compared with other creations of Rhine Dort, it is nothing more than stronger and smarter.

But now Ember's words completely shattered Abedo's thoughts.He also had to rethink the meaning of God.

"Then my body, do you have any solution?" Unknowingly, Abedo's name for Ember changed.

"Tsk, just treat me as a scholar like you. You're not the lazy dragon over there!" Ember looked at Lance Shanks who was chewing something in his mouth and said.

If he had been a favor to this world, he would accept the honorific and other honorifics.But he doesn't have the key, so it's always a little uncomfortable to hear others use honorifics for him.

Under the gaze of Lance Shanks' dragon eyes, Ember continued: "Of course there is a perfect way, here!"

After saying that, Yi Yan's head tilted towards the golden tree sapling on the side.

The golden tree has the function of carving the soul and reshaping the body. It is also possible to remake Abedor or make a small modification.

"Is this a tree?" Abedo looked in the direction where Ember turned his head. The golden tree saplings there were still swaying and seemed very comfortable.

"Yes, it can reshape your body and sculpt your soul." Ember nodded to Abedo.Then went on to say:

"Your problem is not that serious yet. Chicheng represents the refining of emotions, and your red color has already appeared. If things go well in the future, you will be 'chicheng' soon."

"As for the defects of the body, it can be used to help. It is very good at transforming the body." Yu Yan said, and threw a few more drops of dragon tears into the golden tree that was dyed a bit blue and white.

Hearing this, Abedo began to bow his head and meditate again.He was thinking that Ember said that his red color had appeared, so what did that mean?

Then a fiery red figure appeared in his mind, which was his unrelated sister Keli.

Then more figures began to appear in his mind.The inquisitive Timaus, the shy and hard-working Granu... all these together constitute the smile on the corner of Abedo's mouth.

Indeed, as Ember said, the red color of Abedo has already appeared, and it will expand with time in the future, until it reaches the depths of Abedo's soul.

At that time, it was the day when the chalk became red!
"It seems that this tree must be planted." Lisa came to the side of the two and said with a smile.She is also worried about how flawed Abe is.

From the moment Lisa discovered that Albedo was an alchemical creation, she was worried about the risk of Albedo losing control.Because only imperfect alchemical creations can reveal traces of man-made artifacts.

Once Abedo loses control, what will Mond use to stop the only chalk creation in Teyvat?
In a way, Lisa was right to be concerned.After all, Du Lin who attacked Mond in front of Wubai was just a black earth creation.

"When will you plant it?" Ember asked.Planting a golden tree was a big deal, and he had to watch it to avoid any accidents.

"After the Dragon Disaster. Tevalin is still entrenched in Mondstadt. It would be bad if there was a storm in the snow-capped mountains." Lisa thought for a while and felt that planting trees would be risky since Tevarin has not recovered yet.

Lisa's words reminded Ember that after they chatted for a long time, Ember almost forgot that she brought Lance Shanks out to find Twalin!
"Almost forgot the business!" Ember slapped his head and looked at Lance Shanks.

"Damn!" Lance Shanks stopped eating now and played with the golden tree instead.

I saw her pulling the green leaves on the top of the golden tree seedlings to bend the trunk, and then loosen it!
The golden tree sapling began to vibrate crazily like a spring. When its accumulated power was released, the leaves on it also drooped.

"Hey!" Lance Sanks found it a little funny when she saw the main trunk of the golden tree sapling bending backwards, trying to hide from her but not being able to.

So the golden tree was so fun when he was a child?

"Bang!" Ember saw Lance Shanks looking at the golden tree sapling like a slut, and couldn't help but hammered her on the head.

"King, what are you doing!" Lance Sanks rubbed the Tianling Gai, stood up and said.

"Let's go! It's time to work!" With that said, Ember dragged Lance Sanks out of Lisa's office.

(End of this chapter)

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