Chapter 165 Scholars

Alex paused, turned his head with a complex expression, looked at the slightly crazy Valetta and said:

"Why bother so much? Isn't this great? You are also a scholar. You should have something you want to explore."

Alex took a deep breath and said with a smile: "You know what? My biggest wish is to have a machinery factory like this."

"A mechanical factory that belongs to me alone, where no one will disturb me, and where I can use it to my heart's content!"

Having said this, Alex squeezed his fists and said with emotion:
"I am very humble, so humble that I even have low self-esteem. I am also very introverted, so introverted that I don't even have many friends."

"But I am extremely confident in machinery! I can tell you this, in my eyes, every one of the mechanics in the kingdom is a waste!"

"However, my modesty makes others think that I am incompetent, and my introversion prevents me from reaching a high position. I can only quietly be a researcher and learn about it all my life."

Alex thought of his previous experiences. He shook his head and continued: "I am a person who is content with the status quo. As a researcher, I will do what I do as a researcher. As for talent, I will treat it as if it does not exist."

"But now there is room for this talent to be used, and the status quo is so good, so why expose it?"

Alex looked confused, and in a sense, he was also an extremely scary person.Be content with the status quo, no matter good or painful, no matter real or unreal.

Valetta listened to Alex's words. She walked around the stationary robot and walked to Alex again.

She pulled up her hair that had just been spread out due to excitement and said silently:

"You have your ideas, and I also have mine. You said that every scholar has something to explore, and yes, I do too!"

Bayetta took out a piece of dark mud-like substance and put it in the palm of her hand. Looking at the flowing mud, fascination showed on her face involuntarily, "Look! What a stable power of the abyss, what a peaceful forbidden knowledge!"

But soon, Valetta's face showed a look of struggle.She squeezed the abyss lump in her hand and threw it away.

"But I know that the real power of the abyss cannot be stable enough to be touched by hand."

"My talent is very good, but in front of the abyss, a little talent has no effect at all. But even so, I still want to explore."

"I'm not afraid of anything, taboos, pollution, abyss, even if I turn into an inhuman monster, I can accept it!"

"But the only thing I can't accept is that the power of the abyss has become so stable! If I were a taboo from outside the world, I wouldn't be a stable sheep like the elemental power!"

Bayetta held these thoughts in his mind for a long time.In this false world, she has no one to talk to.

Now that she saw Alex as an exception, she unknowingly revealed everything she was thinking.

Bayetta caressed her chest. The words she just said had vented all the pressure she had felt during this period. Now she actually felt extremely comfortable.

She looked at Alex, who was silent, and took a few deep breaths.Then he bowed to him.

"Phew! Sorry, Alex, I was so excited just now. Since you think this world is fine, I won't disturb you. Let's just say goodbye."

Alex nodded when he heard this. As he said, he liked this kind of world very much.Even though he suspects that the world is false, this does not hinder his life.

True or false, there is no difference in his eyes.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Just as Valetta was about to leave, a crisp round of applause suddenly sounded between the two silent people.

Then Ember appeared between Alex and Valetta.

He started peeping when Valetta entered the machine shop.He also wants to know why Valetta can find the world to be false.But when he heard the "abnormalities" mentioned by Bayetta, he realized that those so-called "abnormalities" were all caused by his own laziness.

Because Yan Yan felt that it was too troublesome to create a world for everyone, he threw all those people who had similar knowledge of the world together.

But I didn't expect to meet Valetta, a guy who fights to the end.You can always notice details that ordinary people don't notice.How negligent.

Why is Canria's artificial sun so soft?That's because Ember knows that in the hearts of the Kanria people, the artificial sun is so dazzling and not as gentle as the real sun.

Why are the rabbits here the same as those on the ground?That's because the Kharians crave everything on earth, and they hope that what's on the ground can be the same as what's under the sky.

However, most of the creatures created in the Alchemy Academy cannot meet this requirement.They either have the same appearance but different habits, or they have different appearances but the same habits.

All of this seems to be telling the Canrians that the underground and the sky are different after all.

As for the abyssal power in this world, it is the dead skin that Ember pulled off Yousui's body.Just pretending to be the abyss of Teyvat.

For something as dangerous as Netherworld, Ember must use some means to do it, otherwise the souls of this world may turn into Netherworld's nourishment.

"A very courageous speech." Yi Yan nodded appreciatively at Bayetta. He is also a lunatic who can explore taboos to this extent.

Speaking of which, why is there such a high proportion of lunatics in Kanria? Could it be that this country is actually a mental hospital in Teyvat?
"Ember? Why are you here? Is there something new about Catherine?" Alex and Ember had met many times, and there was no surprise for his arrival.

He had already guessed about Ember's identity, but after making sure that Ember would not affect his current life, Alex no longer cared about Ember's origin.

Yi Yan nodded and shook his head, and said casually: "Katherine is very happy every day. What can happen to her? She has a new job with you today!"

With that said, Ember pulled out a pure white baby dragon in the blink of an eye.

Then Alex and Valetta's eyes widened.Because they saw that Du Lin's figure was illusory - this means that Du Lin is now a soul body!

There are cases of souls remaining in the world, but all of them occurred in places where the earth's veins were disordered.Alex and Bayetta have never seen someone like this that can directly appear in reality in the form of a soul.

If Ember knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say that they were overthinking.Because to be serious, neither Alex nor Valetta have bodies.

But it is true that Dulin's will is extremely strong, although its mind is similar to that of a child.

"Mom..., I shouldn't have appeared; I shouldn't have appeared..." The tiny murmur was still coming from Du Lin's mouth, making the embers numb.

It says it's Du Lin, but it's not Du Lin. It's more like a trace of Du Lin's lingering thoughts before his death, a trace of guilt and innocence.

But for Ember, there is no difference. Anyway, he is most familiar with souls and the like. There is no difference between residual thoughts and consciousness.

But after Dulin was stripped out of Tevalin's subconscious, he looked like he was dying, which made Ember find it particularly difficult to deal with.

He really doesn't know how to treat depression. After all, you can't just use a personality correction stick to treat any mental illness, right?
"Stop crying! Can you cry back everything? You should become stronger and stronger than anyone else!"

"Powerful enough to protect everything, powerful enough to reverse tragedy, powerful enough to make up for your mistakes!" Yu Yan said while gesturing his muscles.

However, due to the obstruction of the arm armor, it looked like he was gesturing in some unknown sign language.

"Become stronger..." Du Lin raised his head, looked at the embers in front of him and said, "How do I become stronger!"

Ember smiled when he heard this, and said to Alex and Valetta: "Look, I said you are here to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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