Chapter 169 I am you

"What is this!!!"

"how is this possible?!!"

"Brother Ember, don't scare me!"


Not to mention Alex and the others were shocked, even Ember himself was shocked.

He had never looked closely at Yousui's appearance before, so he never cared much about Yousui's transformation into himself.

But now it seems that Yousui is obviously trying to smear his image!Is he that sloppy?

Ember will clean all the blood and other stains after every battle.It's simply impossible to leave Yousui alone.

After all, the smell of blood is not that pleasant.

【How did you become like me? ] In the presence of other people, Ember began to care about his own image.

[Have I seen anyone else besides you? ] Yousui answered Yu Yan's question without moving.

His posture was still looking up to the sky, but coupled with his words, it actually had a somewhat desolate meaning.

But soon Yan Yan shook his head and threw the outrageous thoughts out of his mind.

Is this guy pitiful?Ember doesn’t believe in corruption but in the profound.There was nothing pitiful about him and Dianhuo when they bullied the corrupt.

【Forgive you!Stop talking to me later! 】Yi Yan gave instructions to Yousui. He was not very clear about Yousui's nature.

But judging from so many years of getting along with each other, it's probably as easy as him to escape.

Just as the Supreme Will wondered why the Junction had become so unorthodox, Ember also wondered why the Deep could become so unorthodox.

But so far, neither the ember nor the supreme will has found the answer to these two questions.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath when they saw the silence after Yu Yan's exclamation.When a normal person meets his opposite self, he looks like he is about to fight.

Thinking of the abilities that Yan Yan had shown before, everyone was already thinking about how to choose a good position to lie down.

If they were involved in a battle at the level of Ember, if Ember didn't mean to save them, they wouldn't be able to escape even if they wanted to.

When Ember came back to his senses, he saw Alex and the others retreating slightly.He pressed down his big hand and said, "People have come out to see us. Wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't go to the meeting?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone felt the pressure on themselves increase suddenly, and they continued to fall from the sky.


Bayetta's screams suddenly resounded through the sky. The sound was so sharp and the volume was so high that it could only be said that she was worthy of being a daughter.

Yi Yan took out his ears. How come he didn't see her screaming so loudly in the past few times?
The speed of falling is much faster than that of rising.Soon, amid Bayetta's uninterrupted screams, everyone quickly fell next to Yousu.

A soft and huge force emerged out of thin air, dragging Alex and others up after falling.Stepping on this space is as stable as stepping on the ground.

"Cough...cough!" Bayetta stopped and bent down, coughing heavily several times.She felt nothing when she screamed, but now that she stopped, she only felt her throat burning.

"Why haven't I seen you shouting so loudly before?" Yi Yan came over and patted Bayetta on the back, but he didn't know if there was any harm in doing so. Anyway, Yi Yan only learned from others.

"Before...there was no time to scream." Bayetta wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said breathlessly.

Yan Yan slapped his hand on the back. He was too weak before, and he was hit before he could react.

"Hey! Who is this guy?" Alex slowly came over from behind Yan Yan, pointed at the darkness not far away, and whispered.

Yousui didn't make any move from the time he appeared until they fell.Coupled with his bloody and dark appearance, the invisible pressure radiated made Alex's forehead begin to break out into thin sweat.

"Him?" Yi Yan raised his head and looked at Yousui, who also looked at him.Through the armor, Ember saw that inside was a mass of squirming mud.This mud clings to the inner wall of the armor and controls this body.

While Ember was observing Yousui, Yousui was also observing Ember.But like the previous peeping, Yousui only saw a pair of armor standing in front of him.

Other than that, he saw nothing.

Yi Yan secretly muttered "So ugly." Then he looked at Du Lin seriously and said: "A life that was not allowed to be born, if you really think of yourself that way, just look at him."

With that said, Yu Yan came to Yousu's side. He looked at Du Lin and said, "How do your despair, your madness, and the taboos you think compare with his?"

Hearing this, You Sui turned around and rolled his eyes at Yu Yan. What kind of comfort is this?Find someone who is worse off and compare it with someone who is worse off?

Then tell him: Look!There is someone worse off than you, so stop complaining.

This doesn't solve any problem at all!If Yousui, a "worse" person, didn't care about this, he might have fought Yu Yan desperately.

But not to mention, this method of comfort is surprisingly effective, especially for a young and self-pitying dragon like Du Lin.

Dulin recalled the scene he had seen before. The darkness under the earth, the human figures crawling deep in the depths, and all kinds of horrific scenes echoed in its mind like a slideshow.

But they are all gone now, and all the horrors have been condensed, finally converging into the existence in front of you.

Involuntarily, Dulin took a step back. He shook his head and looked at Ember and said, "Brother Ember, my head is so bloated now."

"Fear..., despair..., taboo..., what is it? What am I?" Dulin thought that he was special enough, but he didn't expect that someone even more special would appear now.

There is an abyss beneath the abyss, and there are taboos within taboos.Nested layer by layer, it seems to be endless.

This made Dulin fall into deep doubts.Since its birth, everything about it has told itself that it is unique.

His mother praised herself most fervently.But now, this specialness has disappeared.

In addition to doubts, Du Lin also had secret joy in his heart that he was not aware of.But it may be because it knows that it is not the only one, and that there are even more taboo beings walking in the world.

"Despair, fear, taboo, this is because you know too little and the power you have is too weak."

"As long as you know more and have more, taboos will become commonplace. Isn't your mother like this?" Ember looked at Du Lin. What built Du Lin's body was the power from the abyss.

"And you, Du Lin, in my eyes, you are just a young dragon with a thin shell of thorns, nothing more."

After listening to Yu Yan's words, Du Lin's heart unexpectedly calmed down.It knew very well that even if it were what it was 500 years ago, it would still be no match for him.

Maybe he is really just a young dragon in the eyes of Ember.Du Lin looked at Yu Ember with some confusion. I'm afraid he was the only one in the world who would see himself this way.

As for mom?Dulin could only try not to think in a bad direction.

"As for Him? Let Him explain himself." Yu Yan thought of Du Lin's last question, and he took a step back to make room for You Sui.

When everyone heard this, they stared at Yousu intently. The reason why the taboo is taboo is because it is deadly enough and attractive enough.

"Me?" A hoarse voice that was completely different from Ember came out from under the deep mask.

If Ember's voice is like that of an ever-promoting youth, then the deep voice is like the chorus of countless people's murmurs.

The source is vague and unclear.

Yousui made a move for the first time. He took a step forward, raised his hand, and scanned everyone in turn.Then he said slowly:
"I am you."

The familiar squirming sound and wet feeling enveloped me again.Yousui stretched out his arm, and three twisted faces gradually formed.

They are Alex, Valetta, and Dulin.

(End of this chapter)

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