King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 171 Yushang is in action

Chapter 171 Yushang is in action

On a clear day, on the slopes of Benlang Ridge, several shrubs were fluttering in the wind.

Suddenly, a bush began to tremble, and then Paimon's lazy and impatient voice came from it.

"By the way, can we really find the 'Abyss Chanter' you mentioned like this?"

"Don't you believe me?" Ember heard the suspicion in Paimon's tone, and immediately reached out and stuffed a note into the bush where Paimon and Ying were.

Paimon and Ying's faces were pressed together, curiously looking at the note sent in by Ember.Then the curiosity on their faces turned into speechlessness.

Because the note was clearly a child's graffiti.There are five stick figures, and the leader is holding something like a brick in his hand.

The five crude "people" on the note were shuttled among a group of "π"s.It was hard to imagine that Ember could tell from inside that this was the Abyss Chanter who was about to pass through the Wolf Ridge.

"This... what is this?"

"Can you tell something from this?"

Ying and Paimon looked at the "abstract" painting in front of them and were immediately shocked.There are people with such poor painting skills!

"Pay attention, Paimon, your legs are exposed!" Ember saw Paimon's thick legs exposed and couldn't help but remind him.

"Oh, I got it." Pamon responded calmly.Then he obediently retracted his little feet wearing white stockings.

"Senior, is this news really reliable?" Ying controlled her bushes and slowly moved closer to Yi Yan.

Hearing this, Yi Jin glanced at Ying, as if he didn't expect that Ying would doubt him.He reached out and pulled out the note from the firewood bush, and said solemnly:
"Don't worry, you! This informant has been developed by me for a long time, and the information must be kept true!"

In fact, Yi Yan and Yuan Shang had not spent much time together at all, but since Yuan Shang sent him a message so quickly, he wanted to go and see them.

After all, this is the first step for them to become good people in the abyss, and the embers cannot destroy their wishes.

To put it bluntly, even if there are any conspiracies, Yi Yan is confident that they will defeat them all.But when the time comes, Yuan Shang and the others will have a taste of the personality correction boxing.

"Informant?" Diluc, who was not far away, couldn't help but frowned after hearing Yu Yan's words. Can the Abyss Cult develop informants?
Under deep thought, Diluc even put aside the discomfort he felt hiding in the bushes.

He usually acts at night and takes the initiative to hide in the depths of darkness.Now he was forced into the bushes by the embers, and this method of concealment was too crude for him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Anyway, if others used such a clumsy concealment method, Diluc would definitely notice it immediately.

Could it be that the so-called "Singer of the Abyss" is actually stupid?
While Diluc was thinking wildly, Yi Yan heard Diluc's whisper behind him, and came to his side, saying mysteriously:
"Yes, you are engaged in intelligence. I will introduce you to him later."

"Really..." Diluc looked at the embers, and then said: "Then I'd like to thank you first. Also, don't move around when lurking! Both you and Ying!"

Diluc's last words were obviously helpless.In his opinion, this "ambush operation" led by Ember had a ridiculous number of mistakes from departure to lurking!
Is this kind of lurking really called lurking?It’s obviously more of an outing!

"Hey, why do you care so much? There's nothing to lose by waiting anyway, not to mention that what we're ambushing is a monster like the Abyss Songer, which we haven't seen even a few times in hundreds of years."

Wendy couldn't help but laugh when she heard Diluc's low but dull growl.In his opinion, Diluc was under too much pressure, and in many cases he didn't need to be so nervous.

"I think what Lady Wendy said is indeed right. Even if there are no monsters, such a unique experience is enough to be remembered." Qin came over without knowing what was going on.

In fact, after seeing Yan Yan lying on the ground and starting what he called "pretending", Qin regarded this hasty action as a pastime outside of work.

Now that she thought about it, it was indeed in line with her idea. Lying in the bushes without thinking about anything, just letting the sun shine through the gaps in the leaves and trees, it felt very comfortable.

After lying like this for a while, Qin was surprised to find that her fatigue over the past few days had reduced a lot, which surprised her.Before he knew it, the bushes around Diluc were crowded with people.And Diluc saw the smiling faces of everyone through the dense leaves of the shrubs.

"You..., hum! Forget it." Diluc still had the same paralyzed face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, but judging from the curve of the corners of his mouth, he was obviously in a good mood.

Now that Diluc had accepted his fate, and regarded this "lurking" as the outing that Jean mentioned, many of the unreasonable things became much more pleasing to the eye.

He also gradually let down his guard and began to imitate the piano leisurely and bask in the sun.

Although the others were laid back, Ember did not "fall" with them.If you are lurking, you should look like you are lurking!
Look at Paimon, her nose is bubbling. If someone kidnapped her at this time, I'm afraid she wouldn't know anything.

Soon, with Hu Yan's full attention, a group of figures appeared at the bottom of the hillside.

Although human beings resemble human beings, they are still different from human beings.What else could it be if it wasn't a monster from the Abyss Order?
"Sir... Sir, what is the purpose of our coming here?" In the distance, Yuan Shang and his friends gasped for air, looking at the green mountains in front of them and the long and steady Yuan Huo in front of them.

"Tired after such a short journey? If you are like this, how will the cult's plan be realized!"

Yuan Huo saw them out of breath on Yuan Shang behind him, and said with hatred.

Hearing this, Yuan Shang rolled his eyes at Yuan Huo in his heart. If you have the ability, why don't you try the abyss passage?

I have to teleport long distances and have them come rushing over, and I have to be scolded at the end. It really hurts my back to stand and talk.

【I want you to look good later! ] Yuan Shang looked at Yuan Huo, who had his back turned to him, and thought viciously in his heart.

It will definitely spit on Yuan Huo a few times later.

"Huh? Why does this hillside look so strange?" Yuan Huo looked at the hill in front of him, feeling an inexplicable sense of disobedience in his heart.

As a young man, Yuan Shang immediately noticed something unusual on the hill in front of him - how could there be five such dense bushes on such a small hill!
Just as Yuan Shang was thinking about how to trick Yuan Huo into moving forward, he heard Yuan Huo in front of him say: "Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Anyway, the things on the ground are not pleasing to the eye!"

As soon as Yuan Huo finished speaking, before they could say anything, Yuan Huo walked towards the hillside.

Yuan Shang and his friends looked at Yuan Huo's back and felt a sense of relief in their hearts. Now they were no longer burdened. It was Yuan Huo who was going to die anyway.

Yuan Huo walked for a while, and suddenly felt like he was being spied on.It turned around and saw Fuchikami and the others staying where they were.

"What are you doing in a daze? Keep up!"

"Hey! Okay, sir." Yuan Shang's tone was unusually relaxed, something he had never seen when he got along with Yuan Huo.

The Abyssal Fire is going to be sent anyway, so it’s not a big deal to give it away.

In fact, there is a reason why Abyss Fire is so confident. The Abyss Channel gives Abyss Apostles and Abyss Chanters too much convenience.

This ability to teleport through the power of the abyss at any time is enough for them to escape from any difficulties.

Over time, many Abyss Chanters and Abyss Apostles have developed a stubborn character.Whatever it is, just go up and do it.

Yuanhuo was slightly suspended in the air and came to the hillside.It didn't realize that it was surrounded by a bunch of bushes.

"Hey! Robbery! Leave the book in your hand and the ring floating behind your back!"

Ember jumped out of the bushes, and then Yuanhuo found himself surrounded by a group of big men and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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