King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 182 The correct way to open stage 2

Chapter 182 The correct way to open the second stage
"who are you?"

"Why are you here?!!"

Two identical voices reached Ember's ears.However, although the voices are the same, the emotions contained in them are completely different.

Rosalind was surprised and happy to see the embers, but as for the lady, it was pure horror.

It seemed that the embers had left quite a psychological shadow on her.

"Why can't I be here?" Ember asked the lady, and then he stretched out his hand, and the lady's shadow was peeled off from Rosalind.

Two identical people, but one is full of arrogance and scorn, and the other is full of youth and vitality.

In short, one is a 40-year-old menopausal woman, and the other is a 20-year-old girl who has just graduated.

The lady looked at the embers looking around. The location where the embers were just now should have belonged to the dead Rustan, but now it has changed.

The destined ending has been broken.All this is because of this guy in front of me!
"Rustan..., Rustan, can you save him! Please..., please save him!" The lady soon stopped worrying about why Ember was here.There are too many mysteries in Ember. One more thing is not too much, and one thing less is not enough.

She looked at the embers with burning eyes, a rare hint of pleading on her proud face.

"Isn't that right, sister? A dead person from 500 years ago! You asked me to save you, are you treating me as a wishing machine?" After hearing the lady's request, Yi Jin immediately spread his hands helplessly.

Rustana is a real dead man!And that kind of dead person has been dead for 500 years without leaving any residual soul, and has completely disappeared in the long river of history.

If we really need to use the ember to save us, I'm afraid another monster might pop up.

"You're lying! You can do it, right? You can do it!" The lady suddenly became sharper for some reason, as if she was sure that Ember could do it.

"Hey——, why didn't I notice that your eyes were so sharp before?" Yu Yan scratched his head, as if he had been seen through?

The lady and Rosalin suddenly became happy after hearing this. The gloom had lasted for 500 years, and now they finally saw the light.

However, their joy did not last long, as an unspeakable fear radiated from Yu Yan's body.

Everything is quiet, and the memories really become memories, frozen at this moment, gradually turning yellow.

The tiny sound of firewood burning echoed in the silence.Finally it grew larger and larger, obscuring the thoughts of the lady and Rosalind.

"I used to be able to, but not anymore. Because I don't want to go back to the past. Now I just want to move forward."

"I'm not hungry yet, I don't want to eat."

Flame, the flame that burns everything, the flame that creates everything, the flame fueled by souls appeared in front of them.

This flame burned countless souls, and finally burned out the "monster" in front of him.

"Now, do you understand?" The silent fear dissipated, just like the tide that drowned the two of them receded, allowing them to breathe again.

"Besides, why should I help you?" Yi Yan's tone became brisk again.He continued:

"Just because I'm an elegant and easy-going person doesn't mean I don't have preferences. Your favorability is at the bottom of my heart. Does that make it clear?"

Yan Yan bent down and gestured with his hand on the ground, indicating that he had no interest in ladies.

"Then why are you still here?" The lady looked pale, as if she hadn't gotten over the suffocation just now.

"Sister, don't you know your own problem? If I don't come, you will have to light the entire cider lake." Ember stood up, and the yellowed scene was like a lighted photo, swallowed up by tiny flames.

The embers disappeared, and Rosalind became one with the lady again.In the endless darkness, a ray of light shines.

The lady felt something in her heart, and she began to run towards the bright light.The light grew bigger and bigger, gradually filling her vision.

The pure white stabbed the lady until she couldn't open her eyes. She raised her hand, closed her eyes, and strode over.

"Wang, what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm going to die. You're done, Lance Sanks, just wait until you have to wait for a while!"

"Huh? Isn't that right? I didn't do anything!"


Noisy sounds reached the lady's ears.She opened her eyes and saw a big hole opened in her ice cocoon.The sun shines into the ice cocoon through the large hole, illuminating the heads of Ember and Lance Sanks so clearly - the two of them are looking inside the ice cocoon.

"You're doing well, sister. We haven't seen each other for so long. Why did you change your hairstyle?" Yu Jin saw the lady wake up and without saying a word, he took out a mirror and held it in front of her eyes.

Twisted makeup, fluttering curls, flowing and rising ashes.Everything is very different from what she used to be.

"By the way, your curly hair looks pretty good. Where did you get it permed?"

"I chopped it!"

Ember and Lance Sanks sang along, commenting on the lady who had transformed into the Flame Witch.

"Can you please step aside?" The lady asked calmly, looking at Ember and Lance Sanks who were commenting on her.

It's hard not to be calm. It seems like she can't beat either of them.


"Come out."

Ember and Lance Sanks took a step back silently, and then quietly looked at the lady with only one head exposed in the ice cocoon.

Only then did the lady realize that Yan Yan and the others had really just opened a hole in the ice cocoon, and she had to rely on herself to get out.

"Huh!" The lady took a deep breath, and the hot air spurted out with her breath, melting the ice cocoon into a pit.

The flames everywhere in the body began to flow.Fiery red streaks began to appear on the ice cocoon formed by the evil eye.

"Boom!" The gushing flames did not choose to melt the ice, but directly shattered it.

The burned-out blazing witch returns to the world after 500 years!
"Wow! So tall!" Yi Yan looked up at the lady. The huge skirt dragged her up, making her look much taller than Black Knife.

"It's on fire, it's on fire!" Lance Sanks' voice came from afar. Ember turned around and saw that Lance Sanks was constantly beating the rekindled flame with his dragon claws.

"Can you take it back?" Ember looked up at the lady, heat bulged from her body, and invisible flames burned everything around her.

Of course, to Ember, this little bit of heat is like the breeze blowing on his face, he doesn't feel anything at all.

"It seems..., I can't." The lady was silent for a moment and replied with some embarrassment.

If she could stop it, she wouldn't use the evil eye as a shackle to restrain herself.

"This trick of yours... is quite cruel." Yi Yan took a look at the lady's condition and burned out all the strength he had gained. It was normal to lose control.

"But your second stage cutscene is too long? If you fight me, you will have to send it if you can't open it." Ember saw that with the efforts of Lance Sanks, the surrounding area was quickly gone green.

So he no longer worried about the problem of fire - everything was burned, so why should there be a fire?

When the lady heard this, she didn't know how to respond to Ember.Breaking through the shackles was described by him as the second stage, and she had no intention of being hostile to Ember.

She felt that if she really made the ember anxious, it would be better for her to wipe her neck first, so as not to find a body in the end.

"I'll teach you how to quickly enter the second stage." Yi Yan seemed to suddenly think of something interesting, and immediately ran behind the blackened charcoal wood in the distance.

"Squeak——" A harsh scratching sound sounded, and the lady and Lance Sanks looked up in the direction of the embers.

They saw nothing, the charred tree was twisted.It and everything after it seemed to be disconnected from the world, and no valid information could be seen.

The sound of scraping iron pieces did not last long, the distant scenery was no longer distorted, and the embers came out from behind the charcoal.

In his hand, there was a ball of remaining ash that was shining slightly with sparks.

Afterglow - the remaining fire left in the bodies of heroes.It is an item that the fireless ash can't get, so they are attracted to it.

Can gain the power of fire and increase the upper limit of blood volume until death.

"Try pinching it?"

The embers were gleaming with fire, a little bloated, and looked like burning people.

(End of this chapter)

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