Chapter 187
"It seems that this gate can't be repaired." Yu Yan pretended to smooth his sleeves, looking like he was trying his best.

"Drink! Eat my flying kicks!" Yi Yan shouted, pressed down, and then rushed out!

The tricks usually used to kick Yousui's back finally appeared in the real world.

"Boom!" A violent roar sounded.The entire arena began to tremble.Amidst the diffuse dust and smoke, a ray of sunlight shines through the smoke.

Everyone looked up and saw that there was a huge door hole on the originally thick stone wall of the arena.

The pitted edges of the door opening indicate that the origin of this "gate" is somewhat special.

Then the embers ran through the doorway in a hurry.

"Okay, the door has been opened. Come with me, it's very empty inside!" Ember waved enthusiastically, then turned around and ran into the arena again.

"It's amazing."

"Are we not surprised enough?"

Jean and Diluc looked at each other, then smiled and shook their heads.Since it's unfathomable, don't pursue it.

"Hey! Hurry up!" Paimon in the distance shouted to Qin and Diluc who were still there.He seems to be wondering why they haven't followed.

"Here we come!" Qin responded and walked in with Diluc.


The interior walls of the arena are thick and trapezoidal.It is thin at the top and thick at the bottom. The bottom layer is the place for fighting.

The auditorium is actually carved out of the trapezoidal wall of the arena.The seats rise up row by row, and they are so densely packed that at a rough glance there are tens of thousands.

This shocked Qin, but trouble followed.Mondstadt has no use for such a large building.

"Hey! This way!" Ember's voice sounded from high up.Everyone looked up and saw Ember sitting high up in the audience.

Climbing up the stairs next to the auditorium, the view in front of you becomes wider.The marble-paved square below is huge and neat, large enough for the dragon to perform its full display.

Densely packed auditoriums were arranged around the square, and if they were full of people, their shouts would be enough to ring through the sky.

Huge things always shock people, and architecture is no exception.This arena has broken away from the category of general architecture. It should be called a spectacle.

"How's it going? The newly built Thousand Winds Temple is pretty good, isn't it!" Yi Yan spread his arms. Big means good, good means big.He was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"It's really good, but it seems too big. Mondstadt doesn't seem to be able to use such a big building." Qin nodded. Although it won't be used, it doesn't matter.

The Thousand Winds Temple has been abandoned for a long time, so it would be nice to renovate it now.Although the style of this renovation is different from the previous "Yidiandian".

"Uh..." Yi Yan scratched his head. He didn't think about it at all when he built it, he only cared about how big it was.

But soon Yan Yan came up with many good ideas. He said: "Open your mind! Such a big building can be used as a tourist attraction or a venue for some kind of celebration."

"And this place is so solid that it can be used as a training ground for the Knights. I think your Knights' training ground is pretty bad."

Ember really thinks the Knights' training ground sucks.The training ground of the Knights of the West Wind is on the edge of Mondstadt. It is not only small, but also does not have much training equipment.

The Knights' training ground is open to Mondstadt residents, so every time Ember and Erin go there, they can't help but complain about it.

Qin scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard this. The Knights are now very tight-staffed, and almost everyone has their own tasks.

The current training ground has almost turned into a place where Uncle Mond and his aunt chat.There are only a few people training, so naturally they don’t pay much attention to maintenance.

"Tsk, trouble. Although I'm not a fan of the Knights, if you ask, a few training grounds are still fine." Diluc looked at the embarrassed Qin, already thinking about the location of the new training ground.

Unconsciously, another function of the arena built by Ember disappeared.If this continues, this arena will probably only have the advantage of being shocking. "Isn't it right? Is this a temple? There are no statues of gods at all!" Paimon looked around. It was a very grand building, but wasn't it a bit confusing to call it a temple?

"Who said that temples must have statues of gods?" Ember retorted to Paimon. Temples and temples may also be palaces made by gods.

As for whether there are gods who can build their own palaces, I didn’t know if they existed before, but now they do!
"Look! That boy Tevalin is here!" Lance Sanks looked up at the sky. As a dragon, she was more sensitive to changes in the sky than others.

She could feel the sky becoming fresher and the wind starting to flow briskly.

"Hey! Looks like I'm the last one!" Wendy's brisk voice came from above.

A huge shadow appeared in the arena - Tvarin was coming.

Everyone looked up and found Wendy standing on top of Tevalin.There was an unstoppable smile and relaxation on his face.

Wendy always had a smile on her face before, but those smiles were more of his duty as a bard.

Anyway, Ember didn't understand why the bard kept smiling.

There was always a hint of gloom in those smiles, as if something was weighing on Wendy's heart.

But it's different now. Now Wendy's smile comes from the bottom of her heart.Maybe it's because Mondstadt is no longer a threat at all.

He can finally roam the streets with peace of mind!
"Tevalin, where is the poisonous blood behind you?" Ember looked at Tevalin. The light feathers on his body were floating slightly, without any resistance in the wind.

The top is radiant and looks soft and smooth.Doesn't it look like it's been corroded by the poisonous blood?
"Of course it was cleared!" Wendy jumped off Tevarin's body and said with a little pride.

After parting ways with Yushang and the others, Wendy couldn't wait to run to the Wind Dragon Ruins and talked with Tevarin all night long.

Friends who have been separated for so many years naturally have a lot to say, which they had not had the opportunity to do before.

"How to clear it?" Yi Yan asked Wendy curiously.Although the will contained in the poisonous blood has been removed, the remaining power is still very troublesome.

Wendy can clear it up, which is really amazing.

"Of course it is the power of love!" Wendy replied to Ember in Ember's words with a smile on her face.

It's almost the same thing. To fight against the abyss, will and strength are both indispensable.And love can always give people infinite will.

Wendy wouldn't say that it was actually because he wanted to compete with Ember that he purged Tevalin's poisonous blood!
"Come on, come on, come and be a Rattan for me. Let's see if I don't beat you to death!" Hearing this, Yu Yan's fist hardened again.

My own wind dragon celebration was over before it even started.Thanks to him for working so hard to build such a big arena.

Although Ember said this, he just waved his fist and stopped.He didn't really care about the Wind Dragon Festival or anything like that, he just wanted to have fun.

As for the erosion of living things by the abyss, Yi Yan felt that the four of them on the light abyss were enough for him to study, and there was no need to look at Tevalin at all.

Not to mention that Ember thought it would be interesting to build this arena.He had never seriously built a building before.

In the past, when he rested, he would just sit on the ground and be done with it.From time to time, you can still see rolling skulls, which is a different kind of scenery.

"Latarn? Who is that?" Wendy was confused. Could it be the real name of the demon god from other places?
"Don't worry, you don't know me!" Yi Yan waved his hand without explaining to Wendy.Because he finds it troublesome.

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to beat me? You can do it now." Wendy seemed to have thought of something and said to Ember with a smile.

Yan Yan looked at Wendy who appeared in the square below instantly and stretched out his hand.

"Tsk, the wind is going to blow."

(End of this chapter)

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