King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 208 Whispers Under the Ground

Chapter 208 Whispers Under the Ground

"Prick, plunge down hard!"

On one of the branches of the golden tree, the ember passionately directed the golden tree to take root.

In fact, he just talked about it. How to operate it depends on the golden tree itself.After all, Ember has never been a tree, and he doesn't know how to grow.

So he could only cheer for the golden tree.

About a kilometer away from the embers, the earth that had not been silent for long roared again.

Those huge golden tree roots that penetrated the entire Longji Snow Mountain began to squirm.They were originally exposed above the ground, but now they are all buried underground.

One after another, bottomless giant pits appear on the surface of Longji Snow Mountain, making people worried whether this ancient mountain range, which has been standing for who knows how long, will collapse.

Fortunately, this worry is unnecessary. The golden tree only pierces its main root deeply into the earth, and other small roots grow in shallow layers.

If someone could dig into Longji Snow Mountain, they would find that the snow mountain is already densely packed with roots of big trees.

The stability of its mountains is even greater than in the past!At least there is no need to worry about disasters such as landslides happening on Longji Snow Mountain.

What?You said it never rained at all before Longji Snow Mountain, and there were no landslides?That's okay.

The roar of the earth continued, and the entire snow-capped mountains were trembling.

The Honeysuckle Tree also noticed the abnormality. In fact, it already had a bad feeling when the extremely huge "predecessor" grew on the top of the mountain.

However, it has no legs and cannot run away even if it wants to.

Now the Honeysuckle Tree can only pray secretly in its heart, hoping that the huge "predecessor" will not send roots to its side. The child is still very young and has not eaten enough.

It's a pity that the idea of ​​​​the honeysuckle tree is doomed to fail, because the tremors of the earth show no signs of abating, but intensify.

It can even feel as if something is swimming under the earth.

Then its roots beneath the ground were touched by something.It doesn’t seem like there is something underneath the ground!
" are so white." A voice suddenly sounded from the lingering will of the Honeysuckle Tree, and with the voice came endless golden colors.

However, the Honeysuckle Tree did not respond. After all, it had just been rescued from the ice, and its consciousness was limited, so it could not make any movements at all.

"God...God said, take root...take root, follow...follow your roots, take root." The golden tree didn't care about the silence of the honeysuckle tree. It only had the words that Ember said on the branches in its mind.

The Honeysuckle Tree suddenly felt like it was being wrapped. Countless roots gradually wrapped around the pale roots of the Honeysuckle Tree, and they were growing downward along their own root systems.

"It's... it's good. Here it is... you can try it and eat it." The golden tree suddenly thought of something, and its roots began to penetrate into the roots of the honeysuckle tree.

As the roots penetrated, a warm current began to flow up from the roots to the main trunk of the honeysuckle tree.

Under this warm current, some silvery white light spots began to sprout on the poor branches of the honeysuckle tree, which were its new buds.

The Honeysuckle Tree had a flash of inspiration, its consciousness was more solidified than before, and its thoughts were clearer.

It knows what to do.

The roots of the honeysuckle tree also began to grow under the support of the golden tree.However, unlike the golden tree, the roots of the honeysuckle tree did not grow randomly like it. It carried the roots of the golden tree and purposefully drilled deep into the earth.

However, due to the size of the honeysuckle tree and the fact that it had just woken up, it was quite difficult for the pure white roots to advance underground.

The Golden Tree was naturally aware of this, and it began to drive its taproot in the direction of the Honeysuckle Tree.

This time, the roar and tremors were not unique to the ground.Deep in the earth, these two movements came together with the huge roots of the golden tree.

The huge tree roots are like a turning earth dragon, and everything they pass by, whether rocks or minerals, are crushed to pieces.

The pure white and tiny roots of the honeysuckle tree can finally grow freely deep underground.

In this way, the honeysuckle tree is responsible for guiding the direction, and the golden tree is responsible for paving the way.Two completely different trees, heading towards the same goal.

As the depth increases, some strange changes seem to occur underground.This change is reflected on the honeysuckle tree, as the roots of the honeysuckle tree begin to become illusory.If its roots were just whiter than those of ordinary trees before, now they have nothing to do with "tree roots".

Now the roots of the honeysuckle tree are more appropriately described as white streams than tree roots.

A white stream with many branches, extremely slender, and can move forward underground.

The roots of the honeysuckle tree stopped, waiting for the change of the golden tree.The next journey cannot be reached by tangible things.

Immutability, or stability, is the characteristic of the Golden Tree, a characteristic imprinted by the Supreme Will himself when it created it.

Only eternal stability can enable the golden tree to assume the role of law enforcer.

Now, this characteristic seems to be a hindrance, an obstacle to progressing deeper.

But it is different from the previous golden tree. It is watered with Ember's blood.

The golden tree will only change its shape along with the law when the law changes.The law is the embodiment of the rules of the world, and the blood of the ember is the pigment enough to create the world.

"Boom!" Under the ground between reality and illusion, a small flame suddenly appeared here.

Fire brings light and cleanses the form of the golden tree.The flame was small, but burned quickly.

Wherever he passed, the golden tree's solid wood roots dissipated and were replaced by pure gold.

The golden roots are now like this space, somewhere between reality and illusion.

Seeing the honeysuckle tree, the white stream continued to flow deeper.

The golden tree doesn't know how long its roots have been traveling, and the current underground can no longer be called underground.

There is no soil and no darkness here. The pink and white light fills this space, like an endless independent space.At the same time, there is no physical resistance in the advancement of the roots.

But moving forward here is more difficult than before.Because instead of friction, it becomes some kind of turbulence.

The golden tree tasted it through its roots, as if it were human memory.You can eat it, but God says not to eat it.

So the golden tree spit out these memories again.The golden light on its body became even brighter, and now those flowing memories could no longer affect it at all.

The roots of the honeysuckle tree dissipated the moment they entered this place. Apart from the pink and white color, there was only the golden light of the golden tree.

Not long after continuing to move deeper, the Golden Tree saw something appear.

That was a tree too, a big pure white tree.Probably, it's bigger than that.

The roots of the big tree are also white. Its roots are intertwined and spiraled, and are finally connected to the pink and white space that the golden tree just passed through.

Strangely, this tree grows upside down.This caused the roots of the golden tree and the roots of the big tree to meet face to face.A very strange scene.

But just when the golden tree was curious, it suddenly felt a disgusting aura.This is the taste of the unpalatable things that God feeds it.

At this time, the golden tree discovered that under the dense roots of the big white tree, there was a trunk with a black center.

The black color corroded the tree trunks, and their breath was wild and chaotic, as if they wanted to corrode the entire tree.

In fact, they are almost there.Because many of the roots of the big tree have turned black and red.

As a tree, the golden tree knows that if its roots are rotten, the tree will die soon.Fortunately, the tree is only partially rotten and should be saved.

Those dark auras want to escape and corrode the golden tree.But as soon as they rose, they were suppressed by something.

The roots of the golden tree leaned in, and then it heard a vague female voice.

"The world..., forgot me."

(End of this chapter)

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