King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 230 I’m just a little wolf

Chapter 230 I’m just a little wolf

"So, tell me some ancient secrets or something!" Yi Yan looked at Andrius lying on the ground and poked his wolf face.

This guy doesn't want to default on his debt, does he?
"What's the rush? Let me take it easy!" Andrius rolled his eyes. Anyway, it doesn't care about face at all now - it just lost it.

By the way, why did Twitch have to "test" Ember before?Now it seems that this is obviously the ember torturing it!
"Can't you just let me lose decently?" Andrius looked at the embers in the wind and the clouds, and thought of his current embarrassment, and couldn't help but asked angrily.

"I'm doing it for your own good." Yi Yan sat down cross-legged and said to Andrius seriously: "I see that your soul is bound here, and I want you to break free."

"But it's a pity that it failed." Yi Jin spread his hands, looking like he was doing good for Andrius.

"I thank you for roaring."

"You're welcome."

After a brief silence, Andrius raised his eyelids and said, "But I don't need it. As long as the tribe is good, I'll be fine."

"I see." Yi Yan nodded.Then he came over to Andrius and said:

"Since you want to take a rest, let me tell you the ancient secrets I heard."

"Okay." Andrius yawned. What secrets could there be in ancient times?It's just some ordinary things with the blessing of time.

"It is said that in ancient times, there were seven great kings in Teyvat..."

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Fuck! What are you doing! Are you rabid?"

Yan Yan looked at Andrius with two wolf paws covering his ears and barking loudly, and he jumped up from the ground in fright.

I heard that the mortality rate after rabies infection is 100%. Should I stay away from Andrius?

With this thought in mind, Yi Yan quietly took two steps back.Although rabies is useless to him, he doesn't want to get multiple marks on his butt.

Andrius barked loudly, and it seemed to have used its own power to make the loud barking cover the entire wolf territory.

If it loses its face, it will be lost. It doesn't want to be punished.

Seeing that Andrius seemed to have no intention of stopping, Yi Yan made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted loudly:

"What are you doing——,Andrius——"

Maybe it was because the sound reached Andrius' covered ears, or maybe he was just tired from shouting.Andrius finally put down his paws, and the screams stopped.

"Let me tell you first, I didn't hear anything, so let's stop this topic. If you talk about it again, I'm in a hurry!"

As soon as Andrius stopped shouting, he issued a series of disclaimers.How could Ember look familiar?

oh!He remembered that he seemed to have done the same thing when he rejected Lani's proposal in the church.

Although he was the one who ran to the church with the engagement ring.But that's really not Yu Ember's fault, he just took the ring easily with his cheap hands.

Who told Lani to put the engagement ring next to her mother? After Ember beat up Lenara, he thought it was her explosive equipment!
But it is indeed a good piece of equipment, so use it to get Lani.

"Okay, okay! Let's not talk about it anymore! Look how cowardly you are!" Yu Yan waved his hand, interrupting his memories of those green years.

Since Andrius can't avoid it like this, forget it. Anyway, things in ancient times are not as important as things in the present.

"By the way, those words I just said...were they very sensitive?" Under the influence of Andrius, even Ember became a little sneaky.

"More than just being sensitive! Anyone who hears this will..." Andrius pretended to wipe his neck.

"Where did you hear that? Someone is obviously trying to harm you!" Andrius looked at the embers and shook his head with regret. What a pity for such a good person. "A big guy, that's what he told me back in the dark sea." Ember made a gesture, indicating that Kutli was very big.

Kutli is really big, and if you straighten it out, you can definitely go around Mondstadt.

"Outside the Dark Sea? Huh--, that's okay. Don't mention this to others again."

"Otherwise it won't just be you, but everyone who heard this will also..." Andrius raised his eyebrows and did not say any more.

Then it saw Ember start to touch its chin. Andrius felt very flustered, and it had a very bad premonition in its heart.

"What are you thinking about?" Andrius asked cautiously, looking at the embers.

Most people who have been to the Dark Sea have bad minds, and the same is true for them who are afraid of embers.

"I was thinking, I have another trick!"

"If anyone dares to mess with me, I will go up to his hometown and shout around with a loudspeaker!"

Yan Yan clenched his fists excitedly, can you withstand this move?
Andrius almost broke out in sweat after hearing this. He shouldn't expect anything from Ember. There really is something wrong with this guy's brain.

"Brother, don't mess around. Wherever you go like this, you will die." Andrius rubbed his forehead, his head hurt now.

"So cruel?!" Yi Yan was shocked. Is this secret so sensitive?
"Those people in the sky are so cruel!" Andrius bared his fangs. If it hadn't been for them, he wouldn't have had to sacrifice his body.

"Hey~, forget it." Yi Jin sighed with some disappointment, seeing that this trick could no longer be used.

But he soon regained his composure.He has a lot of unique tricks, one more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

"Actually, I know very little about my ancient affairs." Andrius looked at the motionless appearance of Ember, thinking that he was feeling lost.

In fact, Yi Yan was thinking about whether he could write down what Kutli said on paper. In the future, he would post them one by one for the Fools and the Abyss Cult!
"Oh, by the way, the guy the girl followed should be from Liyue." Andrius thought that Yan Yan was not satisfied, so he continued.

"Liyue?" Yi Yan came back to his senses. It seemed that Zhongli had another commission. I wonder if he had sent it.

"Yes, Liyue. As for which one it is, I don't know. There are many more demon gods in Liyue than in Mondstadt." Andrius nodded and added.

"Are you talking about Liyue? I can talk to you about this!" Xiang Ling in the distance twitched her ears when she heard the words of Yu Hu and Andrius.

What a blessing. I heard about Guo Ba’s life experience as soon as I walked over.She looked at Guo Ba, who was jumping up and knocking Lei Ze's knees with chili peppers, and decided that she must look for Guo Ba's past when she went back.

"Just mentioned it a little bit." Yi Yan nodded. He had only stayed in Liyue for a while, and Andrius had never left Mondstadt in his next life. What could the two of them talk about?
"There are many delicacies in Liyue. If Mr. Ember goes there, you can find me, and I will definitely take you to taste all the delicacies in Liyue!" Xiangling pulled the grumpy pot back and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Yi Yan replied nonchalantly. He still couldn't taste anything in his mouth. Eat something?That's a waste of time!

"I'll forget it, the running wolf leader is very good." Andrius also nodded, but refused.

Let’s not talk about whether it can go or not. Even if it goes, this look is enough to make Liyue wary.

"Wolf King, here." Lei Ze ran over, covering his knees. He looked at the chili in Guo Ba's hand with some palpitations. Why were there such hard chili peppers?
Looking at the meat skewers that Lei Ze handed to his mouth, Andrius smiled and said, "Forget it, Lei Ze, I don't need these tangible things."

After all, it is just the state of the soul now.Except for the most basic senses, all other advanced senses disappear.

And taste is one of the senses that disappears.

"Teach yourself well! Lei Ze, I really hope to see you pass the trial one day." Andrius, or Boreas, touched Lei Ze's head and said.

The paws of the Wolf King were very warm, not like an illusory spirit body at all.

"Yes, I will!" Lei Ze felt the warmth on his head and nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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