King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 235 The Golden Black Room

Chapter 235 The Golden Black Room

"Why are you telling me this?" Lani pursed her lips, looking at the hunting finger knife stained with golden light in her hand and feeling a bit at a loss.

If it is true as the Supreme Will says, then I am really quite funny.What I thought was beyond destiny was actually just a predetermined fate.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you so depressed all of a sudden?" Patch saw the confused look in Lani's eyes and ran to her and waved.

But it's a pity that Lani didn't seem to see Patch's things at all, and her eyes were still distracted.

"Baldou, call that woman over later and open the door again. I guess your king is already very annoyed with that dragon."

"No need to look for it, I'm right here." As soon as the Supreme Will finished speaking, the fireproof woman's voice suddenly appeared beside Patch's old store.

At this time, everyone discovered that the fire prevention woman had been standing there all along, but no one noticed her.

"But before that, let me deal with something that shouldn't exist."

The fireproof girl said, reaching out and making a move.The hunting finger knife in Lani's hand suddenly exploded with sparks.

There were more and more sparks, and finally the dark red hunting finger knife actually burned directly.

The flames enveloped the entire hunting finger knife, and also enveloped Lani's palm, which was woven from hemp grass.

But she didn't feel any discomfort. When Lani came back to her senses, she saw a ball of ashes in her hand.

As for the hunting finger knife, there has long been no trace of it.

"You should understand that your past and present have long been separated. Being immersed in the past is not a good thing."

Lani raised her head and saw the fireproof girl smiling at her and nodding.


"King, after waiting for so long and there is still no response, let's go back!" Lance Sanks looked at the embers of "surrender" for a long time and said with great anticipation.

Haha, the holiday is extended by another day!

Cracks that were constantly broken and repaired appeared in the golden tree, and the dazzling light illuminated the frozen face of Lance Sanks.

"and many more……"

"Come in you!"

Ember, who was still "surrendering" just now, flashed to Lance Sanks' side, and with a left kick, she was kicked into the bizarre space cracks.

"Boo!" The space crack closed, and the space within the golden tree became quiet again.

"Huh! I finally feel clean." Yu Yan rubbed his shoulders and sighed.Just imitating his fingers and raising his arms almost exhausted him to death.

He looked at the calm water and felt bored, so he wanted to go out.

"Xiao Huang, open the door." Yi Yan raised his head and shouted to the golden tree.Soon, a golden curtain appeared in front of Yi Yan.

He stretched out his legs, crossed the curtain, and arrived at the top of Longji Snow Mountain.

Then Ember saw a familiar person.

Wendy, and Tevarin.

"I found that you are really idle." Ember looked at Wendy sitting on top of Tevarin's head and said speechlessly.

Why does he have to come and see everything?
"Then please don't make such a big noise, okay?" Wendy covered her heart.He said weakly while looking at the embers.

Those twisted ripples may be difficult to detect for ordinary people, but this is not the case for Wendy.

When he saw those ripples rippling all the way to the sky, Wendy was almost frightened out of her wits.

As a responsible god, he loved Mondstadt very much. In order to prevent Mondstadt from being punished, Wendy felt that it was necessary for her to come and take a look.

"For the last time! I'll be leaving soon. Let's go to Liyue!" Yi Jin spread his hands without any intention of introspection.

"Sister Lan, have you gone back?" Twarin, who had been silent, spoke up.Ember wanted to go to Liyue, but Lance Sanks was nowhere to be seen.Tevalin had already guessed something. "Sister? Tevarin, you have a problem!" Yi Yan looked at Tevarin and said in disbelief.

Being a dragon but being alone for more than 2000 years, this is Twalin; in a lonely life, a member of the opposite sex suddenly breaks into, this is Twalin; and then calling someone sister, this is Twalin!
Is there something wrong with Tevarin, or is there something wrong with Lance Sanks?

Maybe there really is something wrong with Lance Sanks.Ember thought about Lance Sanks' virtue and felt that it was [-]% true.


"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? There can't be pure friendship between men and women?" Wendy saw Tewalin's silence. As a good friend, he immediately stood up and defended Tewalin.

"Yes, but it's rare in this situation." Yi Yan nodded seriously.

"Sister Lan is my senior. She taught me a lot of things that I didn't know before. I don't think there's anything wrong with calling me sister."

Tevalin looked at Wendy and Ember who were playing the debate, and said slowly.

At first, Lance Sanks told Tevalin about the history of the dragon clan. Later, when she discovered that there was really only one dragon in Tevalin, she stopped telling the history.

Because history is recorded in books, Lance Sanks decided to teach Tevalin something that was not recorded in the books.

How to build a house suitable for a dragon, at what point should the claws be clipped, how to care for the dragon's mouth... and so on.

Later, Lance Sanks almost taught Tevalin, the "wild dragon", how to live a more comfortable life, instead of just making do with it as before.

"Then will you feel lonely in the future?" Ember stopped talking to Wendy and looked at Tevarin and asked.

"No, at least not for a while. Sister Lan left a lot of things behind, and I still need to learn and practice them." Tewarin shook his head.

Loneliness will definitely be lonely, but it's much better than before.No matter what happened, Wendy was still awake and he could chat with her.

"Tvarin, if you feel lonely. Go out for a walk. Don't limit yourself to Mondstadt. You will definitely gain something."

Wendy looked at Tevarin and encouraged him to go out for a walk. The Seven Kingdoms were huge, and Tevarin would definitely be able to get something that satisfied him.

Ember glanced at Wendy, dead Riddler.He took a step forward and said loudly:

"Actually, you still have kin, um..., guaranteed to be seven!" Yu Jin said, and made a "seven" gesture.

"Ember, you..." Wendy's expression suddenly changed drastically, and she almost screamed like Andrius.

"Xiao Huang, give me a thorn!" Ember pointed to the sky.Suddenly, the originally calm ground began to tremble.

Thorny vines sprouted from under the earth, enveloping Yi Yan and the others.

The thorn of rejection. When the golden tree rejects everything from the outside world, it will form a hard shell made of intertwined thorns.

At that time, no information within the Golden Tree will be known to the outside world.Unless a kindling is ignited, a fire is caused, and the thorn of rejection is burned.

"here it is……"

"Super little dark room!" The embers knocked on the thorny vine wall, and golden lines illuminated the interior space.

"No matter what happens inside, the outside will not know." Ember looked at Wendy, and then continued:
"Tvarin is a dragon, it's time to know what happened in the past."

Later, with Wendy's changing expression, Ember told Tevalin exactly what Kutli told him.

"Seven Dragon Kings? And the King of Dragon Kings?" Tevalin looked at his paws. Didn't he find himself alone in this world?

After the surprises and doubts, comes the responsibility that comes with identity.If the Seven Gods are trespassers, then as a dragon, should I take revenge on the Seven Gods and humans?
He looked at Wendy, then thought about Mond, and felt that he couldn't do it.

Tevalin felt that this news was not so exciting now.

"Hehe, you feel confused?" Yi Yan looked at Tevarin's doubtful eyes and smiled.

"Then go find your peers and see what they think. As Wendy said, the harvest will not be small."

(End of this chapter)

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