King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 260 No need to smoke good cigarettes

Chapter 260 No need to smoke good cigarettes

Qunyu Pavilion has always been the best place for Ningguang to work.But at this time, the three little followers who remained unchanged around Ningguang became Ke Qing and Gan Yu.

"Gan Yu, do you think he should be put in the Golden Room?" Ningguang looked at the table on the table. The mug shot of Ember on it was so clear.

As if aware of Ning Guang's gaze, the ember photo on the form waved to Ning Guang.

"???!!" Ning Guang picked up the form in horror, her eyes widened as she stared at the embers on it, as if she wanted to determine whether the scene just now was an illusion.

She was afraid that Keqing and Gan Yu wouldn't believe her when she told her, but she actually saw her photo move!
"Ningguang, what's wrong? What's the problem here?" Seeing Ningguang's surprised look, Ke Qing also moved her head to take a look.

But apart from the crooked and unrecognizable mugshot with cursive characters and embers, she saw nothing.

Ningguang put down the file, rubbed his eyes and said, "It's nothing. Maybe it's because I haven't had much rest recently and my eyesight is dazzled."

"Tell me what you think."

After saying that, Ningguang took out his cigarette rod and prepared to take a puff.

Ningguang will only smoke in two situations.One is when relatives and friends gather together, and the heart is filled with joy; the other is when problems are unsolved and the heart is filled with doubts.

Now it's clearly the latter.

"Uh... don't ask me. The appointment and dismissal of personnel in the Golden House is not within my scope of responsibilities. I am in charge of the land. Ask Gan Yu, she must have an idea."

Keqing immediately waved her hand and kicked the ball to Gan Yu.

Keqing herself was also very confused.The Golden House is of great importance, and it is impossible to let a person like Yu Jin, who has no knowledge of his background, take up the post due to emotions and reasons.

But she wanted to ask Yu Yan for advice and didn't want to offend him.After going back and forth, Keqing immediately acted like an ostrich.

Anyway, no matter what, she just doesn't suffer.

"Ah? Me?" After listening to Keqing's words, Gan Yu shook his head and refused: "You two should know that I am the secretary and it is not appropriate to express opinions on this matter. It is up to Tianquan and Yuheng to make the decision."

Gan Yu kicked the ball back again.

"Huh--, you two, you can clear up your responsibilities very quickly." Ningguang exhaled a puff of smoke.But her frown showed no sign of relief.

[This tobacco is not good. ] Ningguang shook his head and poured out the unburnt tobacco in his pipe.

A good cigarette can make her thoughts clearer. Obviously, this time the tobacco was not good enough.

Just when Ningguang wanted to call Baiwen over to get new cigarettes, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the burnt wooden box that was incompatible with the luxurious atmosphere of Qunyu Pavilion - it was the "tobacco" given to her by Yi Yan.

"I'm not telling you, Ningguang, you'd better change your habit of smoking." Ke Qing waved her hand and swept away the slightly fragrant smoke.

The tobacco that Ning Guang smoked was called cigarette, but it didn't look like cigarette.In addition to ordinary tobacco, it is also mixed with a large number of spices from various countries.

Not only does it not smell as pungent as ordinary tobacco, it actually has a peculiar aroma.

"Haha, this is one of the few hobbies I have. What's more, I don't smoke in public, right?"

Ningguang smiled, opened the dark wooden box, and then she was stunned.

Because what is in the box is not tobacco, but fine ash.Is there such tobacco among the seven countries?

He casually dug out a spoonful of ashes with his pipe. Just as Ningguang was about to say something, he suddenly felt a light touch on his hand.


The jade pipe was melted and broken, and black smoke continued to pour out.


"It's on fire!"

Fire burst out from the thick smoke, and the condensed office work suddenly burst into flames.

"Frost Transformation!"

With the clear drink of Ganyu, a lotus flower made of ice crystals bloomed.

The lotus flower emerged from the flames and then exploded.Ice crystals mixed with water splashes scattered and rushed into the burning fire.

It is strange to say that the fire looks very fierce, but Gan Yu can put it out directly with a small ice lotus.The fire went away as quickly as it came.

Ningguang patted the cheongsam on his body that was blackened by smoke. The dust was not wiped off, but his hands were quite dark.

"Huh -" Ningguang threw away the half-broken pipe in his hand and took a deep breath.

"I know how to arrange him now." Ning Guang still had the same smile, but the veins on his forehead looked oozing.

"How to arrange it?" Ke Qing swallowed. This was the first time she saw Ning Guang's expression so terrifying.

"Didn't the General Affairs Department always say that the toilet is short of people? Arrange for him to flush the toilet!"

Ke Qing looked at Ning Guang, who had a kind face, and swallowed her advice decisively.

[Senior, senior, I did it myself, and I can’t help you. 】



In the huge smoke on one side, there is an extremely strong figure.

The knotted muscles and bulging veins all tell the story of a person's strength.The ultimate form of human flesh is nothing more than this.

Godfrey, or Holyrood.The former King of Elden, a man who fought in all directions and expanded the territory of the Golden Dynasty to the entire border.

Of course, now he is a homeless man, relying entirely on his son to support him.

"Ahem! Where did you break off the scarecrow's arm? Put it back on me quickly!"

On Godfrey's shoulder, a lion covered in iron armor appeared, sneezed and said.

"This is not a scarecrow arm, this is a cigarette I made." Ge Fulei held a "cigarette" as thick as a man's arm between his fingers, compressed and then compressed and tanned from dried yellow grass, and took a deep breath.

Then the "smoke" burned quickly and turned into ashes in an instant.At the same time, the smoke in the house was so thick that it was difficult to see even one's fingers.

"Father, ho... cough cough cough!"

The door opened, and walking through the hazy smoke was a "monster" with horns.

The reason why he is called a "monster" is because there are many interlaced spiral horns growing on his head, and the large horns occupy almost half of his head.

Under the cloak, there is skin as gray as wood and full of wrinkles, with scales of various shapes mixed with fluff growing out of the skin.It makes him look like a life composed of hundreds of creatures intertwined.

Menggote, son of Godfrey.It is also the most disgusting and taboo "bad omen" of the Golden Dynasty.

"Haha! Mengt, you're here!" Gefu Lei laughed boldly, and then he exhaled violently.

"Huh-" Two streams of white air spurted out from Ge Fulei's nostrils, blowing away all the thick smoke in the room.

Menggert stuck his crutch-like cursed sword on the ground, and a huge flow of wind surged in the room.

The strong wind blew away Menggert's cloak, revealing his equally strong body.

If Godfrey's tendons represent the ultimate in strength, then Mongotte represents the ultimate in toughness.

He didn't have many muscles, but he looked like steel. Even though the light in the room was not strong, it reflected a gray-blue sheen.

"Father, what were you doing just now?" Menggert looked at the ashes on the ground and asked doubtfully.

Is it possible that my father has enlightened himself and taken the initiative to learn magic or prayer or something like that?

But soon he shook his head mockingly. As a father, his muscles grew directly into his brain to learn magic?Godfrey's muscles are the best magic.

Even Comet Yazler, who represents the rapids in the starry sky, could be torn to pieces by that muscular body.

"I was smoking just now." Godfrey said, scratching his head.

"Smoking? It's best not to do something like this that is harmful to your body and mind." Menggert frowned slightly. Didn't his father like fighting the most?Why did you learn to smoke?
"Well..., didn't you tell me not to fight with people all the time? So I just want to try other hobbies."

Ge Fulei scratched his head and said to the son to whom he owed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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