King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 272 Morax, dead

Chapter 272 Morax, dead~
"Boy, where have you been these days?"

In the green belt outside Yujing Terrace, Yi Yan sat down on the young master and asked, looking at his clothes.

The young master's clothes have not changed in any way from before, still wearing a bright brown scarf and a gray suit.

Could it be that the young master’s transformation won’t make him lose his clothes?What a transformation!The look in Yi Yan's eyes towards Young Master suddenly became much duller.

A transformation that doesn’t reveal your clothes is not perfect!

"I haven't done anything, please get up quickly, I can't breathe!" The young master said with difficulty as he lay on the grass.

He tried to stand up more than once, but Yi Yan's body seemed to be extremely heavy. No matter how hard the young master tried, he could not shake him in the slightest.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your clothes are too high-end and it's very comfortable to sit on." Hearing this, Yi Jin stood up immediately.

It can only be said that Brother Fu is Brother Fu, and the clothes he wears are different from others.He had never felt so comfortable sitting on that debt processor before.

The young master stood up, looking at the embers in front of him, and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Looking back on the past few days, the young master burst into tears.

In the past few days, whenever he saw something about Beiguo Bank, those eye-catching words could not stop popping up in his mind.

This led to the fact that as the actual leader of the Liyue Fools, the Eleventh Fools [Master] wanted to move out of the Beiguo Bank as their base!

What's even more outrageous is that he can't even use his own deposits - the young master's deposits are deposited in Beiguo Bank.

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it.

"How is it? How does it feel when your head is filled with knowledge?" Yi Yan knocked on his helmet and asked with a smile.

He can guarantee that Beiguo Bank has definitely implemented various measures now and has greatly changed its appearance.

The power of knowledge is so powerful!

When the young master heard this, his face turned green.In the past few days, he had even left all his executive duties to the lady, and was struggling with the words in his head.

Fortunately, his will is still very strong.After several days of repeated torture, Young Master finally learned to coexist with the words in his mind.

As soon as the situation improved, the young master couldn't wait to run out.Tadalia is not a person who can sit idle.

Not long after he ran out, he met Ember again.

"Haha, very good." The young master hummed a few times with a smile.Knowledge?Those words were purely used to occupy his brain capacity!
"That's right, but why did you come here? The executive officer isn't busy?" Yi Jin nodded and looked at the young master with doubts in his eyes.

Aren’t executives supposed to be busy all day long?Why does the young master still have time to run around?

"I have more free time. Besides, I can't just take a look?" The young master whistled and turned to look into the distance.

You can't say that he really came to cause damage, right?If that were the case, I'm afraid Yan Yan would have to teach Young Master another public safety lesson.

Although the young master himself has not even thought about how to destroy it, it doesn't matter. What Dadalia is best at is adapting to changes!
"Then just watch it! Bye!"

Ember raised his head and looked at the clear blue sky.Others may not be able to feel it, but Yi Yan discovered the strange aura hidden in it.

It was the aura of gold and jade, and Yi Jin knew that Zhongli's incarnation was in place without even thinking.

This also indicates that the ceremony of inviting immortals is about to begin.


The young master's eyes flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he found that the ember had disappeared.

"It's so fast!" The young master's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't feel anything just after the ember left.

The young master jumped up into the tree and turned to look at the crowded Yujing Terrace.There, Tianquan Xing Ningguang had already led the master of ceremonies to the center of the sacrifice platform.

Ning Guang looked up at the sky. The jade stone on her waist seemed to feel something and began to emit a slight fluorescence.

"The auspicious time has come!"

Ningguang's rhythmic shouts immediately resounded throughout the Yujing Terrace.The originally noisy flow of people suddenly became quiet.

"Huh..." Ningguang looked at the huge incense burner in front of him and took a deep breath.Although she had rehearsed it many times, when it came time to preside over the ceremony of inviting immortals, she still inevitably felt a little nervous.

This tension did not linger in Ningguang's heart for too long.Soon, she straightened her mood.

Taking a step forward, Ningguang thought, and the jade stones used for sacrifice flew out from her waist and surrounded her.

Liyue is heavy on stones, so whenever sacrifices are needed, in addition to the usual incense and yellow paper, jade is also indispensable. "Bang bang bang!" The jade stone flew and was accurately embedded in the notch of the incense burner.

Then the huge incense burner in the center seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and a sky-reaching light pillar rose from the furnace and reached straight into the sky.

Thick clouds gathered around the light pillar.Countless clouds gathered and intertwined, forming a huge whirlpool.

"Okay, Zhongli, this guy is very powerful!" He praised from the roof of the Ember Jade Tower attic, looking at the magnificent scene in front of him.

Not to mention other things, just looking at the appearance of this appearance, it must be full.

"Um..., something seems a little wrong?" Yi Yan looked at the huge vortex in the sky and narrowed his eyes slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a hint of darkness began to emerge from the pure white vortex in the sky.

The darkness grew larger and larger, eventually turning the entire sky into a gloomy one.In the dark clouds, streaks of red thunder flashed, looking quite depressing.

"What...what's going on? There was no such thing in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony in previous years!"

"Why do this red thunder and these dark clouds look like the legendary Tribulation?"

"Will Prince Yan be okay?"


The strange sight in the sky caused people below to talk about it.

Not to mention the crowd of spectators, even Ning Guang, who presided over the ceremony of inviting immortals, looked a little panicked.This kind of scene has never appeared in the records.


The gloom didn't last long. With an explosion, a black shadow fell from the sky. The huge force it brought not only smashed the incense burner in the center of the sacrifice platform, but even made the entire Jade Capital Terrace tremble a bit.

After the gray smoke cleared, Ningguang hurriedly looked at the falling black shadow in front of him.Then her eyes widened.

Emperor Yanwang is dead~



Ember scratched his head, that's it?Did Zhongli die too hastily?I don't know, I thought he fell to death.

After briefly inspecting Morax's "corpse", Ningguang stood up, waved her hand and shouted:

"The emperor is assassinated, block the entire venue!"

Accompanied by Ning Guang's loud shouts, the Qianyan Army, either openly or covertly, filed in and surrounded the entire Yujing Terrace.

At the same time, Ningguang was not idle either, and there were crowds of people around her.Apparently, those people were the leaders of various Qianyan Army teams.

Following Ningguang's command, order was quickly restored in Yujingtai, which was in chaos due to the emperor's death.

The Qianyan troops are each performing their duties, some are stationed at the main road, some are interrogating passers-by, and some are conducting reconnaissance...

"Hey! From above! Come down!" A patrolling soldier looked up and saw the embers picking at his feet on the roof of Yujing Terrace.


Yi Yan jumped directly from the roof of the building with a big jump, startling the soldier in front of him.

"Come with me to see Lord Tianquan!" The soldier looked at Yu Jin's strange outfit, and then looked at the broken floor on the ground.

Even if this person is not the murderer of the emperor, he is still the one who damaged public property and escaped!

"No problem, I just want to ask her what she thinks." Yi Yan nodded, and a group of people surrounded Ning Guang. He was worried about how to find her!
Looking around, Ember saw Ying and Paimon in the distance.

"You two! How do you like it?"

Ember waved his hand from afar, but it made the sneaky Ying and Paimon tremble.

The two of them seemed to have seen Qian Yanjun next to Yu Yan, and turned around and ran away!
"Hey! Don't run!"

When the soldier saw Ying and Paimon running away, he immediately shouted and chased after them.

Yi Yan looked at his empty surroundings and scratched his head. Did he cheat just now?

(End of this chapter)

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