King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 279 A Wonderful Discovery

Chapter 279 A Wonderful Discovery

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Among the rubble on the ground, the skirmishers gradually stood up.He looked at the wound on his arm that was almost the same as a bone, and a surge of anger arose spontaneously.

When the apostles of the abyss met him before, they always ran away, but they didn't expect to be pecked by geese today.


"If you're not a human being, why are you still an enemy of the cult?"

The two apostles saw the lines and joints under the wound and said with some uncertainty.

Is it possible that the kingdom on earth has developed to such a powerful stage?You must know that even in the destroyed Kanreia, intelligent machines only exist in the laboratory.

"Haha, you don't need to know. Let's ask these questions after you die!"

The skirmishers inspired the evil eye and rushed to the two apostles in an instant.Its speed didn't slow down at all.

He is a puppet, as long as the inner wiring and structure are not damaged.Even if the appearance is riddled with holes, the performance will not be affected in the slightest.

And coincidentally, the two wounds caused by the torrent were at the level of skin trauma.As long as they don't go any further, it will just look ugly to the skirmishers.

"Death? You are strong. But killing us is not enough!"

The abyss passage appears and the apostle disappears.The skirmishers also stopped in front of the abyss passage.

The bright starry sky is beautiful, but it contains countless dangers.The skirmisher was sure that as long as he jumped in, he would definitely die without a burial.

There are many dangerous places in this world.The Abyss Order happens to be the organization that knows these places best.


The abyss passage opens and the apostle appears again.

The Fools are not the only ones who want to find out the details of the cult.And the skirmishers were just one of those people who jumped around happily.

He alone wanted to kill the apostle of the abyss. Not to say it was just a dream, but it wasn't too far off.

The number one enemy of the Abyss Religion, Dains Reb, is much stronger than the skirmishers.But in the past few hundred years, he had killed only a handful of apostles of the abyss.

More importantly, it is just to destroy the sect's plan.

"They're just a bunch of ground rats who can only run away." The skirmisher retracted his fist and said with a sneer.

"I don't want to argue with you, but since you are not human, there is no need for us to waste time here. You do your thing, and I will do mine."

Shuangluo looked at the stragglers who were getting ready to go, turned his head and stopped looking.The most important thing now is to collect more information about the golden tree.

A skirmisher is just an insignificant person, so there is no need to waste too much time on him.

"Boom!" A flash of lightning rushed towards Shuangluo and Torrent.

However, the two seemed to have been prepared for it. The abyss channel appeared in front of them again, and the skirmishers' accumulated blows had no other effect except shattering the rocks.

"I found that you have more shortcomings than usual, including arrogance, arrogance, and now you have the added problem of not being able to see the situation clearly."

The sound of teasing echoed in the open space, and the two apostles of the abyss had long disappeared.

"Huh--, damn it!" the skirmisher secretly spat.Although he was unwilling to do so, he had to admit that the Abyss Apostle's statement was correct.

If there was only one Abyss Apostle, he could still try to stay, but if there were two, then fighting them would only become a pointless waste.

You can't beat them to death, you can't keep them, they are of no use except a waste of energy.

"It's best not to pray for the fools to explore the abyss again, otherwise you will be happy!" The skirmisher hammered the rock next to him and continued to move towards the top of the mountain.

Originally, his trip to Mondstadt would not be so early, but the headquarters observed the changes in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain and sent him there in advance.

The skirmisher had no objection to this. Since he came back from exploring the abyss underground, his mission has become to be mobile and on standby.Mobile standby, mobile standby, to put it nicely, is actually to deal with some emergencies and do some work that no one else is willing to do.


The appearance of the top of Longji Snow Mountain has changed drastically.The originally rugged stones were roughly smoothed and pushed away by the growing trees, and the rugged top of the mountain now became extremely smooth.

In the large open space in front of the golden tree, the snow has melted away.Dots of green spots dot it, making the top of the mountain the most lively place.

On the mottled lawn, a similarly dark green camp stood quietly.The bonfire that had not yet burned out gave off a warm light, illuminating all the bottles and jars around it.

Next to the simple alchemy platform set up in the camp, stood a man with short flaxen hair and wearing a yellow and white coat.

Abedo, he is almost the only permanent resident in Longji Snow Mountain.In Longji Snow Mountain, he can concentrate on his research.

As for the issue of instruments, Abedo's research is too in-depth. Even Xumi, who has the highest attainments in alchemy, may not be able to create instruments that can assist him.

Or it can be said that Albedo's research has now returned to its original nature, and the only instrument required is an alchemy table.

What's more, here is a mysterious creation that he can study for a lifetime.

Abedo raised his head and looked at the golden tree shining with a faint golden light.When its trunk reaches this point, it looks like it is almost the end of the world - because it is so big that nothing else can be accommodated in sight.

As if aware of Albedo's gaze, pieces of golden debris fell down, and a golden drizzle began to fall next to Albedo.

"Thank you." Abedo closed his eyes, feeling the warmth coming from all over his body, and said with a smile.

I also forgot that there is something Albedo likes here, the kind of delicate and silent warmth.

When he forgets to sleep and eat, Abedo can always find some more fruits on his desk; when the light is dim, the light coming from nowhere can always dispel the darkness...

Of course, sometimes there was flesh and blood instead of fruit on the table, and the light emitted could sometimes even blind his eyes...

"The essence of the world... should we start with people first?" After feeling that the fatigue in his body was dispelled, Albedo turned his attention to the alchemy platform in front of him.

Maybe it's wrong to call it an alchemy platform. It should be the "Golden Tree" alchemy platform.

Because this alchemy platform was built by the golden tree with the help of Abedo.

Its effect is naturally much more powerful than an ordinary alchemy platform.It is powerful enough for Albedo to give a small push to the projects left by his master.

Albedo took out two test tubes from his waist. The bright red ones contained sugar and Timaeus's blood.

After pouring down the blood of sugar, the bright red blood spread out, and then under the combined effect of Albedo's reduction technique and the golden tree, the pool of blood finally disappeared, leaving only a layer of light white powder.

Taking out the test tube, Abedo collected the white powder on the alchemy table.Then he tried again with Timaeus' blood.

The result is the same.

"Tick! Tick!"

Blood fell from Albedo's wrist, and then he repeated his same trick, and there was also a layer of light white powder.

"Same as my blood." Abedo took out a tube of blood again and put it into the alchemy table.

"It's different from pigeon blood." Abedo mused as he looked at the thin layer of blood on the alchemy table.

Reduced to the extreme, the blood of Mondstadt is the same as his.And different from other creatures.

But the problem is that he is the master's artificial human.

Abedo looked at the white powder in the test tube.The dust of transformation is the product of his blood restoration.A powder that can change the properties of a substance.

But Sugar and Timaeus turned out to be the same as him.Does this mean that they are, in a way, artificial beings?
To generalize, the people of Teyvat are all created, not native creatures like pigeons?
"What a strange discovery, but it seems like someone is here?"

Abedo retracted his thoughts and walked out of the camp.In his perception, someone was coming, and it was a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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