King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 290 The ashen-faced young master

Chapter 290 The ashen-faced young master

"How will you be here!"

The young master was immediately startled by the embers that came out.Shouldn't it be Ekaterina standing here?Why did it turn into embers?
"Let's just take it easy!" Yu Jin has a good habit, that is, he is used to getting the business done first before talking nonsense.

When the young master saw the ember rushing towards him, he was not weak at all, and he directly faced him with his two swords.

"Damn! It was your sneak attack last time..."

But before the young master could finish his trash talk, he was punched in the stomach by Yan Yan.

The shadow of the fist was so fast that he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen before he could react.

"Hiss..." He suddenly turned into a curled up prawn, his head almost touching the ground.

Then his head really touched the ground - the embers sat on the young master.

"Mr. Young Master, let Bu Bu Lu see blood..."

Baizhu walked out of Bulu. After seeing the scene in front of him, he consciously swallowed the three words "not good" back in his stomach.

Where did this guy come from?He was able to pin down the executive officer and prevent him from moving!

"Baizhu?" Pachi squatted down and looked up at the man with the white snake wrapped around his neck. He also knocked the dishonest young man under his butt.

"Exactly, I wonder if your Excellency is..." Bai Zhu looked at the embers that were as solid as a rock under the young master's struggle, and said while holding his eyes.

What a strong physique!Bai Zhu glanced at the young master sitting under Yu Yan's seat. He smashed the floor and didn't see the slightest tremor in Yu Yan's body.

"Ember." Yu Ember replied, and then he followed Bai Shu's line of sight and saw the young master struggling on the ground.

Lift your buttocks, clasp your arms behind your back, and sit down again.The three movements are completed in one go and flow smoothly.

"Don't move, I don't care if your hand is broken." Yu Yan warned the young master who was lying on the ground like a dead fish.

The young master's eyes lost their luster and he nodded numbly.When Ember's butt was raised just now, he was still thinking about running away.

But Ember soon showed him what Black Hand was.Those arms grabbed him like a chicken, and he couldn't resist at all.

"Ha...haha, Mr. Ember's magical power." Bai Shu laughed a few times when he saw this scene.

ember?He didn't even know about such a strong person.

"Baizhu, what's going on outside... eh? Senior, and Young Master?" Ying and Paimeng, who couldn't wait for Bai Shu to come, walked out of Bubulu, along with a confused Qiqi.

"Ying, do you know this powerful gentleman?" Bai Shu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ying greeting Yu Jin.

"Senior is an adventurer and joined the association earlier than me." Ying nodded.

"I heard that Seleus, the branch president of Mondstadt, wanted him to be the branch president, but he didn't want to." Paimon also added in front of Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu twitched his lips when he heard this. Has Mondstadt's Adventurers Association developed so rapidly?The branch president can push the executive officer to the ground.

Ying saw Young Master under Yu Yan's butt, and the latter noticed Ying's gaze and winked at her quickly.

Ying lowered her head and thought about it. She thought of the young master's "supportive" behavior along the way, and felt that she should still help him.

After all, they only spent 290 million [-] molas, and now it's a bit unreasonable to turn around and deny them.

"Senior, why did you press the young master under your butt?" Ying squatted on the ground and looked at the ashen-faced young master and asked.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Yu Jin saw Ying's innocent look on his face, and smacked his lips, and then said in a mature tone:
"You still have too little experience. The young master has sent people to follow you and you don't even know. You don't even know when he sold you."

Relying on Menggert's analysis, Yi Yan began to teach Ying.This feeling of training is so exciting!

The young master, who was pinned down by the embers, couldn't help but shudder when he heard this. How did he know that he was following Ying?

Seeing Ying's increasingly suspicious eyes, the young master immediately shook his head on the floor and defended: "He is talking nonsense! Ying, do you think I have done something harmful to you? I will reimburse you for all your expenses during this time!"

After saying that, the young master raised his head and stared at Ying with his innocent eyes, hoping to move her.

"Yes, the young master seems to be different from the fools we saw. He didn't yell and attack us as soon as he came up." "Moreover, he also spent a lot of money on us. Ying, do you think he likes you?" "Paimon flew to Ying's ear and whispered the last sentence.

Ying put her hands on her hips and stared at the giggling Paimon with her eyes, "I think he likes you. Look, every time you eat so much, doesn't he still reimburse you?"

"Uh..." Paimon was stunned for a moment. The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, so she hurriedly fell to the ground and said to the young master righteously:
"Hey, although you are very rich and generous, and you have spent so much money on me, it is impossible for us!"

As she said that, Paimon threw all the knick-knacks in her pocket in front of the young master - these were all bought by her using the young master's Mora.

As for what was already eaten, there was nothing Pamon could do.At worst, I can just pay it back later when I have money.


Looking at the pile of sparkling children's toys in front of him, the young master turned his face away silently.

How come this little guy has the same IQ as a child?

When Ying saw Paimon's appearance, the scarf he was wearing lifted her up.

"Paimon, don't you think you and Master are not worthy of each other?"


Paimon blinked, and then her white hair stood on end, and even the halo suspended above her head turned red.

"Whoa, ah, ah! Ying! I'm going to mess up your hair!" The angry Paimon flew very fast, scratching Ying's blond hair like a big white bee.

In a short while, Ying's smooth and neat hair turned into an afro.

Yi Yan was extremely happy on the side. He grabbed Young Master's hands behind his back and stood up with him.

"You two take your time and play, I'll take this kid and leave first."

"Oh, goodbye, senior... Paimon! Don't move!" Ying waved her hands and said nonchalantly while dealing with Paimon who was still angry.

It's as if the young master doesn't exist at all.

In fact, this is indeed the case.Ying has indeed always been wary of Young Master. Although this wariness is smaller than that of other fools, it is real.

So when the words of Yu Huan and Mr. Hua conflicted, Ying decisively chose to believe in the senior Yu Huan.

She and the young master were, at best, using each other.However, since they fought side by side with Yu Yan and dealt with the dragon disaster together, the two people's status in Ying's heart could not be compared.

The young master on the side suddenly widened his eyes after hearing Ying's "ruthless" words.That way, it's just not as good as gray-and-white picture quality.

"Let's go, voyeur boy." Yu Yan held the young master with one hand and walked down the steps of Bu Bu Lu.


"You don't have a long memory, do you?"

Yan Yan exerted force with one hand, and the palm behind Young Master's back seemed to be closed with steel pliers.Faintly, the young master even heard the sound of bones cracking.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Young Master said hurriedly.

"That's right." Yi Yan immediately let go of his palm.

He was not worried at all that the young master would run away. The "Lightning Whirlwind" he learned from Sol City was not a guarantee.

Young Master Ren fled to the ends of the earth and could teleport to him with a lightning whirlwind strike.

"Where are you sending me?" The young master rubbed his red palms and said with a dry throat.

How could this person be as strong as the captain? He couldn't even see through it, let alone compete with him.

"Where to go?" Yu Yan raised his eyebrows, raised his head and pointed to the brightly lit pavilion and said: "Go to Yujing Terrace and punish you for peeping on the girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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