Chapter 297
"This is... where?"

Mandrill raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. Wasn't he on the roof of Liyue Pavilion just now?Why are you here now?
Moving his gaze downward, Mandrill saw a broken and twisted world.

This place seemed to be very prosperous before - because everywhere you can see are the remains of buildings.

But what is uncomfortable is that in addition to the normal piles of broken walls and ruins on the ground, there are many curved and interlaced building fragments further away.

There is no order or beauty in those ruins. The wall runs directly through the building, and the conical roof is followed by another equally incomplete roof.

From a distance, the remains of these buildings look like clusters of wildly growing weeds, connected, intertwined, and indistinguishable from each other, forming this gray-white stone wild forest.

"Twisted space?" Mandrill looked at the blurry edges of the wreckage in the distance, feeling a little unsure.

Although he can travel through space to a certain extent, Mandrill doesn't know much about the various properties of space.

He withdrew his eyes and began to look at the ruins in front of him.

When you walk into a dilapidated house with air leakage from all sides, you will be hit by a stale smell.But Mandrill didn't pay attention.

"Wait..." Mandrill saw the interior of the dilapidated house and his pupils shrank rapidly.

On the walls of the dilapidated house, the two colors are distinct.One side is old and gray, and many of the walls have peeled off, revealing the red bricks and stones covered with moss.

On the other floor, it was bright and bright, with snow-white walls as if they had just been painted, and Mandrill could even smell the unique smell of talcum powder amidst the staleness.

"Not only space, but time is also distorted!" Mandrill felt a buzzing sound echoing in his mind.

Mandrill pursed his lips and walked out of the broken house.Looking up at the sky, the dull dark clouds reveal a suppressed glimmer of light. No matter where you are, the brightness is the same weak.It's impossible to tell where the sun is.

Looking at the ruins in the distance again, Mandrill felt a little enlightened.The space of this world is basically formed by the splicing and twisting of countless fragments from the past.

As for why there are no ones from the future?Mandrill feels that there should be no future for the world like this.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth suddenly shook, which surprised Mandrill.This lifeless world can still vibrate, which is enough to make people excited.

Jumping to high places among the messy ruins, Mandrill's vision finally opened up after breaking away from the ubiquitous ruins and rubble.

In the distance, there was a rare dark building that was still intact, and an open gray land.

Mandrill tried to turn into smoke, but in just a short moment, he succeeded.This made him a little surprised, but now was not the time to care about this.

He was extremely fast, but how long did it take to reach the open space?He doesn't know, maybe it's very long, maybe it's very short.

The scenery on the ground was too monotonous, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be still. Mandrill had no concept of time.

The only constant thing is the vibrations from the earth from time to time.

Stepping on the gray ground, a puff of dust and smoke flew up.Mandrill looked down at the thick and dense abyss below, and then looked up at the huge stone pillar rising out of the thick fog in front of him.

Is this really a naturally occurring terrain?The scene in front of me is like a bottomless hole opening in the center of the world, and in the middle of the hole, new land rises, standing like an isolated island in the center of the hole.

Mandrill shook his head mockingly. He really thought too much. This space itself was not in line with his common sense. It would be too funny to use his own experience.

After looking at the only narrow rocky road connecting the island to the world, Mandrill swallowed his saliva and walked up.

The earth was still shaking, and Mandrill was worried whether the "rock pieces" rising from the cliff would collapse.

Because this road is too "thin" compared with the island and the world, it is like inserting a piece of "paper" between the cliff of the island and the world.

The mandrill is walking on the upper section of this "paper".

Fortunately, Mandrill's worries were unnecessary.

At the end of the road is a natural battlefield.Except for the exit where the mandrill is located, all sides of the central island are covered by mountains.

The battlefield is naturally used for fighting.

A huge roar echoed across the isolated island.Twisting ripples can be seen echoing in the air.That distortion is both due to the shock waves generated by air compression and also because of the sheer force that distorts space.

The ripples hit the ground, and the island shook together with the outside world.

Now Mandrill understands why this world is so strange.It turns out that this isolated island standing abruptly on a cliff is the real center of the world.

When this place vibrates, the outside world also vibrates. When this place is distorted, the outside world is also distorted.

The roar was loud enough and the distortion of space was strong enough, but to Mandrill on the edge, it was like someone else's dream.

He could only watch and could do nothing.

There seemed to be some source of heat in the sky, the vast earth was roiling, and the entire space turned into a sea of ​​lava.

In the fiery red ocean, there are many dazzling reflections - those are the armors left on this land.

Not only have there been one-on-one fights to the death, but also large-scale wars.

Mandrill suddenly felt his eyes heat up. He rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, he found that there were two more people in his sight.

One is an ember; the other, like the ember, is also covered in iron armor.

They are very similar, equally burning, equally dull, equally dead.It was as if they only had fighting in their eyes.

The person who throws himself into the fire is the salary king.The stronger the soul, the greater the fire.

In order to maintain the age of fire, countless strong men have burned themselves for countless years and turned into firewood to maintain the prosperity of the world.

However, the weakening of the First Fire is inevitable, and there are fewer and fewer strong people in the world...

First a god, then a hero... In the end, in order to cultivate the firewood, artificial bait was even used to feed a twisted monster like Eldridge.

And Ember's opponents are the incarnations of the salary kings of past generations.It has no mind, it only has the martial arts skills of all Xinwang.

The flames on the two men burned fiercely, and with every step they took, endless sparks spewed out.

Their weapons were also engulfed in flames, and it was impossible to tell whether they were knives or swords, but none of that mattered anymore.Any weapon is an extension of their body.

Every time the Xinwang incarnation swung a sword, countless blurry shadows appeared in the spurting sparks.There are gods, humans, dragons...

All the experience of the Xinwangs combined to create every attack of the incarnation.It was airtight again and again, but was caught by the embers on the opposite side again and again.

Stab, chop, chop, tease, sweep...

Straight sword, scimitar, spear, heavy hammer...

The changes in moves and weapons were as smooth as flowing water for the two people fighting.

The battle between Ember and Avatar is very simple. There is no gorgeous magic, no unpredictable magic, and no suffocating huge amount of elemental power.

Some are just skills with no end in sight like an abyss and power enough to tear everything apart.

Mandrill was fascinated by what he saw, and his spear skills had reached an advanced level, but even so, the two glimpses of the encounter between Ember and the spear that the Avatar occasionally used made his inspiration and desire to dance with the spear grow stronger.

It turns out that the end of his spear skills goes far beyond his superficial skills.

"Hey!" Suddenly, a palm was placed on Mandrill's shoulder, waking up the addicted Mandrill.

"Who?!" Mandrill was startled, but when he turned around and saw that it was Ember, he jumped even further.

"You...why are you here?" Mandrill first looked at the embers still fighting in the distance, and then at the unruly embers in front of him, and said somewhat incoherently.

"Hmm... look at yourself when you were younger?" Yu Jin touched his chin and said half-jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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