King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 315 Dragons and dragons cannot be generalized

Chapter 315 Dragons and dragons cannot be generalized
The young master and the skirmishers were escorted down, and Yu Yan didn't know what Ningguang would do to them.But judging from the way everyone looked at the young master and the skirmishers, even if they didn't die, they probably wouldn't have a good time.

Of course, how to restrain these two executives will also test Liyue's defensive strength.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with Ember, as long as the two of them don't provoke Ember anymore.

Looking down at Ruo Tuo, who was still sleeping below, the first impression of the ember was that it was so big.

Why are the dragons here as if they were on hormones, and they are all ridiculously big?

A green-blue figure suddenly came to mind.Tvarin, the wind dragon who is confused about his identity.His size was much more normal, at least similar to most of the dragons Ember had seen before.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll find someone else... No, let's get the dragon!" Yi Yan slapped his head and disappeared from the Jade Pavilion without waiting for others to say anything.

"Has this guy Ember always been like this?" Osel complained immediately when he saw Ember leaving as soon as he said so.

"Senior has always been like this." Ying heard Osel's complaints and echoed.

"What's this? Sometimes embers will suddenly pop out of the corner, shocking people!" Paimon also shook his head and added a few words.

Zhongli on the side listened and smiled helplessly and shook his head.With such embers, it is difficult for Zhongli to regard him as a senior.



The fallen leaves accumulated in the dense forest rose out of the air. At a speed that ordinary people could not see, the embers were advancing rapidly, and the tall tower with wind and clouds on the horizon was getting closer and closer to him.

Familiar cliffs, familiar wind walls, and familiar ruins towers.

While Ember was running, he jumped into the eye of the wind in the tower with a big jump.

"Tevarin, what are you doing?" Ember looked at Tevarin in front of him and asked in shock.

On the platform of the storm, Tvarin stood on his feet.In front of him was a wall made of huge rocks.

The walls were large enough for a standing Tvarin to lean against.On Tevalin's forelimbs off the ground, he held a huge stone brick in one hand and a heavy book in the other.

It looked like they were comparing something.

"I'm building a house." Tvarin laid the stone bricks in his hands that could crush the tavern's singing platform, closed the book in his hands, and said matter-of-factly.

" a house?" Ember circled around the huge wall.Not to mention, Tevalin did a great job, even laying the foundation.

"A dragon like you is still building a house?" Ember asked in surprise as he looked at Tevarin standing on two feet.

"Why not? I not only want to build a house, but I also want to make furniture!" Tewarin flipped through the huge book in his hand that could serve as a brick for Ember, which described various huge and different strange furniture.

Eighty percent of it is Lance Sanks to Tevarin.

"Don't worry about these things! Come with me, I've found your kind..."

Yan Yan was very excited at first, but at the end, his tone suddenly became weak.

Because he compared Tevalin's body shape with Ruotuo's body shape, and felt that the difference was a little bit huge.

But in terms of their essence, Tevalin and Rudo are really the same creature - they are definitely closer than Lance Sanks anyway.

"What does it mean to have something but not to have? These are very useful, okay! If you have the ability, you humans can use the furniture!" Tvarin defended a few words unconvincingly.

"I don't need furniture." Yi Jin nodded seriously and replied.If Tvarin could go and take a look inside his house, he would know what it means to live in a house with only four walls.

Of course, the one in Mondstadt was renovated by others, and this one does not count.


"Let's talk about my kind." Tevalin was silent for a moment. Seeing that Ember was Lance Sanks's boss, Tevarin stopped arguing with him.

"No problem, he's in Liyue. If you fly to Liyue, you'll definitely be able to see him!" Ember nodded. Didn't Tvarin want the same kind of people?Now there is a brand new big earth dragon!
"Is that so?" Tvarin put away his big book and returned to a four-legged state.

"Let's go! Tevarin!!!" Embers jumped on top of Tevarin's head without knowing what, and with a wave of his hand, he pointed in the direction of the eye of the wind. "Huh..." Tvarin took a deep breath. It seemed that only Barbatos had sat on him, and now there was another one.

"Hold on tight, I'm flying very fast!"

However, Tevalin just doesn’t hate it.

With a dragon roar, Tvarin's wings flapped behind him.Countless flowing winds lifted his body, turning Tvarin into the flowing wind in the sky.


The sound of strong winds rang in Ember's ears. Standing on top of Tevalin's head against the wind, Ember played the role of the unknown king again.

The previous dragon lizard was not good at all. How could it be considered a storm chicken if it couldn't even fly?
Storm Chicken is Ember's "elegant name" for the nameless king's mount, because in the era when the flames are dying out, even the dragon's body has shrunk.

It looks like a plucked and malnourished chicken. Because it looks like that, Ember crows like that.

"Storm Chicken...Oh, no, it's Tevarin, charge me!" Ember Tevarin shouted from above his head.

"It's already the fastest. Besides, do you think I'm flying to the wrong place? Liyue doesn't seem to be like this."

Tevalin was unable to complain about Ember's behavior.He looked down at the lush woods below and then got lost.

Tevalin's mind was now blank, because there was no place in his memory that matched the scenery below.

Is it possible that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has flown to Fontaine or Nata in such a short time?
"This is Liyue, but some small things happened. Look, it's almost here!"

As soon as Yi Yan finished speaking, a large mountain appeared on the uneven ground below.Next to the mountains, there is a five-headed giant snake, and an island floating next to the giant snake.

No, that's not a mountain range.Tevalin looked intently and found that the "mountains" in the distance were rising and falling.

This is not a mountain, it is clearly a sleeping giant!

The surrounding wind began to stir. Qun Jade Pavilion was high in the sky and was very sensitive to changes in wind direction, so everyone knew that the wind was blowing.

"Tevalin, why is he here?! Could it be that the dragon Ember is looking for is Tevalin!" Paimon narrowed his eyes.

Although he couldn't see the person coming from the wind, it was estimated that only Tevalin could stir up that level of wind.

What?You mean Wendy?Paimon estimated that if the singer could be discouraged by his bragging, then it would be about the same.

"Tvarin..." A hint of understanding flashed in Zhongli's eyes.

"Who is it?" Osel asked, another one he didn't recognize.Judging from that aura, he is qualified to participate in the Demon God War.

Of course, it was just qualifications. Osel felt that the dragon in the wind couldn't even defeat him.

"The wind god's friend is also his dependent." Zhongli explained.

"Then why was he ridden by Ember?"


Zhongli raised his head and looked at Auxerre. Did he remember that Auxerre wasn't like this before?Why did he change so much after being released?

Was Orser's brain damaged or was his own brain damaged?
"Of course it's because Tevalin and I are also good friends!" Ember's voice came from high up, and then he jumped down from Tevalin's head and landed on the floor.

Tevarin, on the other hand, flapped his wings and hovered at the same height as Qunyu Pavilion.

"Hey! Are you stupid? That's your kind." Seeing Tevalin looking at Ruotuo dumbfounded, Ember turned his spear upside down and poked it.


Tevalin looked at the "mountain" in front of him. It was a sleeping dragon. The horns on its head alone were larger than his entire body.

(End of this chapter)

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