King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 340 It’s so strange that brother and sister reunite!

Chapter 340: Brother and sister strange!

"What do you want!!! Put me down!!!"

In a wilderness of Mondstadt, Ember was running wildly carrying a man on his back.

"Don't be so excited. Look, you have blond hair and an eyepatch. You can definitely pretend to be Ying's brother."

"Please help me!"

Feeling the terrifying strength of Dyne on his shoulders, Ember used more strength.

"Hey, put me down, I promise you!" After hearing the faint sound of his own bones cracking, Dain took a breath and gave up his struggle.

He has now discovered that the guy in front of him is simply a strength monster. Competing with him is asking for trouble.

"That's right. Carrying a big man like you on my back makes me very tired." As soon as Yi Jin loosened his hold on Daine's hand, the latter fell to the ground.

Rubbing his waist with his hands, Dain felt a burning pain.This was the first time since 500 years that he had suffered pain other than a curse.

feel good?

"What's the name of the person you just talked about?" Dain rubbed his waist expressionlessly, giving Yi Jin an inexplicable desire to complain.

"My name is Ying. She seems to have been separated from her brother and is traveling around looking for him." Yu Jin felt that this was a bit inaccurate.

Judging from Ying's leisurely appearance, she doesn't seem to be eager to find her relatives at all.

Maybe she had some suspicion in her mind?Yi Jin all guessed like this, but Ying Ying always said that the purpose of the trip was to find his brother, so he just believed it.

"Fate? Destiny..." Dai Yin's voice was as thin as a mosquito's, and he couldn't hear it clearly at all.

"What? What did you say?" Yu Yan's big-faced man came over and asked Dyne.

"It's nothing." Dain took a few steps back and then said, "I agreed, let's go and meet the girl named 'Ying'."

After saying that, Dyne looked at the ember expressionlessly again, waiting for his move quietly.

"Can you change your expression and come with me?" Ember complained about Daine's expression while leading him up the hillside.


Dyne's answer was straightforward.



On the unknown hillside of Mondstadt, Paimon yawned. She rubbed her eyes and said incoherently: "Let's go back. The embers may fly up with the meteorite."


Everyone was about to refute something, but after thinking about it, it seemed that this possibility was really high.

"What are you looking at me for?" Mona felt the eyes of everyone and looked very surprised.

"You can do some divination." Ying looked at Mona and said with a smile.

"As I said, there is nothing divination can do about the embers." Mona shook her head helplessly. Even so, she still took out the water fortune teller.

If you do some divination secretly, Ember shouldn't be able to find it, right?
With this thought, Mona moved the pointer on the water chart.The water plate is rippling. This time it is no longer chaos, but has a concrete picture.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Ember's figure appears on the water chart.After saying that, the water fortune teller fluctuated again and returned to the vague appearance it had when he was divining him before.


"Let me tell you, it can definitely be divined." Ying spread his hands and looked like "I had expected this."

When everyone was silent, a very familiar voice came from the distance.

"Ying, I found your brother!!!"


Ying and Paimon's originally sleepy eyes immediately widened, and all their sleepiness was driven away by what Ember had just said.

"What?! Where?!" In excitement, Ying even ran towards the source of the sound without even saying hello to Paimon.

Ying Yan was not far away from here. Ying Yan ran wildly for a short while before he saw two figures appearing in the distance.

One of them was an ember, and the other was a stranger she didn't know.

"Senior, can you please stop making such a joke? It will overdraw your credibility with me." Ying's excited eyes instantly turned into calm, dead fish eyes.The speed was so fast that even Ember was caught off guard. "Huh? There is such a thing, why didn't you tell me about it before?" Yi Yan scratched his head, credit score, never heard of it?

"I just added it temporarily." Ying yawned and prepared to go back to sleep with Paimon.

"What nonsense!" Yi Jin waved his hand and no longer cared about what Ying said.

He looked at Deinsreib, who was staring at him intently, and waved his hand in front of the latter's eyes.

"Hey! What's going on? I'm so fascinated by it. Could it be that you are really my brother?"

Now that both Ying and Dyne were in front of Yu Yan's eyes, he compared the two and felt that it was really possible.

That blond hair looks so similar.

"No, I told you, I have no relatives." Dain grabbed Yi Yan's hand and pressed it down.

Sure enough, Sora's sister is very similar to him.

When Ying heard Dine's voice, she also raised her head and looked at the stranger in front of her.

When she saw his blond hair that was similar to her own, Yingming was obviously stunned.But soon she shook her head.

Although the person in front of him had a familiar aura, that was all.

Whether it's his body shape, his voice, or even the style of behavior he just showed, they are very different from the empty space in Yingxin.

This is just a strange stranger.

"How are you? Do you feel familiar?" Yi Jin saw the two of them looking at each other and asked impatiently.

"I'm not familiar with it, senior, where did you find such..." Ying looked up at Dine's clothes that were very different from Mond's, and then caught a glimpse of the blue cape dotted with stars behind him...

"A person like you." Ying nodded and said seriously.

Then she stretched out her hand and said to Dain: "Ying, senior is a very nice person, as long as you ignore his escaping behavior."

"Dain Sreib, I have already learned the lesson." Dain also reached out and shook Ying's hand, then nodded and said.

Since Ying said so, let’s put Ember on the “trustworthy” level.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there would be such a magical person here. The one who picks up branches at the end of his life, my guilty princess has already seen you!"

Familiar tone, familiar tone, it seemed that Fischer and the others were running over.

Sure enough, as soon as Fischer finished speaking, the people who had been thrown away all came here.

Fischer began to mind his own business again, adding settings to Dyne, while Paimon lay on Dyne's face and angrily pulled her hair.

As for Mona, she was already crying silently in the corner holding her water fortune teller - she found that she could not divine any information from Dainsreb again.

"Mo Guang..., those who pick up branches...,"

Dain took a deep breath, inexplicably feeling that the title from Fischer's mouth was so appropriate.

But he looked at Fischer, who was amusing himself and talking in words he didn't understand at all, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it a coincidence?" Dain muttered a few words in a low voice, and then turned into a silent statue again, quietly watching Yu Yan and the others chatting and farting.

Ember and the others talked about everything, from explaining the movement of the stars to Mona, to some strange stories from the market, and everything in between.

But it was getting late, and they didn't chat for long before someone dozed off.

When Dai Yin saw this, he knew it was a good opportunity to talk to Ying alone.

"Ying, can you come to Angel's Gift tomorrow?" Daine said it bluntly.

Feeling everyone's surprised gazes, Dain thought about his words.No problem, it's just an ordinary invitation. It seems they are the ones with the problem.

Reaching out to cover Paimon's shining eyes, Ying yawned, "Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow, so I shouldn't be able to come."

Dain frowned, as if he didn't expect Ying to reject his request so decisively.

Looking around, there are many people and it is not suitable to talk.

【null. ] Dyne's voice sounded from the bottom of Ying's heart, making her energetic again.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Ying was so excited that she forgot that she was still covering Paimon's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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