King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 348 The End of the Journey

Chapter 348 The End of the Journey

"Why do you know so many people?!" Dain looked up at Tevarin who was grinding his nails, and finally couldn't help but start complaining.

Let’s not talk about why Ember is so familiar with Andrius and Tevarin. Just talking about Tevarin’s nail polishing action is full of flaws.

Why do dragons have to grind their nails?Moreover, the nail scissors used by Tevalin seemed to fit perfectly, as if they were made for the dragon.

Is it possible that Dongfeng Dragon will find someone to customize nail clippers?
Dain wondered if he had stayed underground for too long, so much so that he couldn't understand many things on the ground.

"Because I like to make friends!" Ember patted Tevalin's dragon claw, but the latter dodged it.

"Cut your nails and don't touch me."

With a "click", fragments of the dragon's claw that were as big as a head flew out, almost hitting Dyne on the side.

"Friend..." Dain turned his head to dodge the flying "hidden weapon" and muttered a few words in a low voice.

It seems that friends have not appeared in my life for a long time.

"You're quite interesting." Dain crossed his arms and said to Ember with emotion.

He has met many people, but under the curse of immortality, these people have become vague shadows, and nothing is left except memories.

As for Ember, Dyne was certain that no matter how much time passed, his figure would not fade much in his mind.

"I think you guys are more interesting." Yi Yan looked around and said as if in admiration.

"Forgetting what is interesting or not, we don't seem to have seen the Apostle of the Abyss this time." Pamon looked at Dyne and spread his hands.

There was actually a hint of regret in her tone.

"Hmph, I can't call it [regret] that I didn't look directly at that twisted thing."

"And I believe that you will definitely interact with them in the future."

Dain snorted coldly. Just looking at a monster like the Abyss Apostle makes people feel uncomfortable.

If possible, Daine didn't want to have too much contact with them.

"Yes, that seems to be the case." Paimon looked suddenly enlightened, then she turned to Ying and said:
"Since it is a powerful monster, let's go around it when we meet it in the future!"

"Haha, it would be great if the dangers in traveling could be avoided." Dyne chuckled a few times after hearing Paimon's words.

There are some things that cannot be avoided even if you want to.He felt this deeply.

"Actually, you can just go around. When you become stronger, you can let the former "trouble" know what real trouble is!"

Ember looked like I knew him well, he had been like this in the past.Can't beat the trouble?Moisturize first and then talk!When you become stronger, let "Trouble" feel the pain!
"Have you ever traveled, Ember?" Pamon looked curious. Could it be that Ember has also embarked on a journey?
"Uh..., forget it, I won't talk, you guys talk." Yu Jin thought for a moment and felt that his previous experience should not be considered a trip.

Can slashing and killing all the way be called a journey?
Seeing this, Ying stopped paying attention to the ember.Originally, she wanted to ask Yi Jin some travel tips, but looking at this, she might as well forget it.

"It would be great if it were so easy to become stronger. It's better to solve the problems during the journey." Daine stretched out his arm covered under the dark leather sleeve armor and shook his head.

If you want to become stronger in Teyvat, there are no more than three ways-obtaining the Eye of God, extraordinary talents, and seeking external power.

As for what the external force is...

Anything can be used, the remnants of the devil, the authority of the gods, or even the madness of the abyss... as long as it can be controlled.

Dine himself was born insulated from the first path; when Dyne's body fell into a curse on the second path, his talents as a human were also destroyed.

So he seeks external strength.

This power is the abyss that Dyne has always warned Ying not to touch.Thinking of this, Dain felt funny again.

Even though half of his body was buried in the abyss and curse, he still warned others not to come in.

"Dain, you seem to be very experienced in traveling? Can you tell me about your past experiences?" Seeing Dain's clear and logical words, I couldn't help but become curious about Dain's past.

She made several insinuations on the way, but Dain was so taboo about it that he refused to say even a word.But this was news about his brother, so Ying couldn't care less and asked directly.

Dain was silent for a while, and then he said calmly: "It's just that I have had these experiences with [him]. As for my past, you will understand it in the future."

"Haven't you ever thought about taking a break? It looks like you're very tired." Ying saw that Dain didn't want to say anything, and knew that it would be futile to continue to pester him.

She looked at the thoughtful Dine and thought he looked like a weathered old man.

"Take a break, that's a good suggestion. After I finish what I need to do, I can go home and take a break."

Dain walked out of the memories with a rare softness on his face.

"Home..." Paimeng also lowered her head and began to think, she muttered: "When you find your relatives, let's make a home too!"

"The Manmin Hall in Liyue is good, and the Fisherman's Toast in Mondstadt is also delicious... It's really hard to choose." Before the journey was over, Paimon began to think about his destination.

"Why not learn from me and buy a house in every place. Now that we have houses in Liyue and Mondstadt, we will try to buy a house in other countries."

Ember made his offer.

But unfortunately, Ying's financial situation does not allow it.

"No, Paimon will cost me 30 Mora just for food a month. Plus some other expenses, I am very slow to save money."

Saying that, Ying grabbed Paimon and rubbed him hard.

"I'm such a good guide, and it only costs 30 moras a month. It's not a good deal!" Paimon argued in Ying's arms.

"This is the first time I've seen a useless guide." After Ying rubbed Paimon's face, she let her out.

30 yuan to buy a hand warmer, not bad.

"It doesn't matter anywhere, as long as it's not here." Tvarin finished cutting his nails and blew a breath.

"No one would build a house in a place like this except you." Paimon said with a look of disgust on his waist.

A place like the Wind Dragon Ruins is simply not a place for humans to stay. Fortunately, Tevalin is a dragon so he can live here well.

Ying also looked in agreement. Just when she was about to say something, her heart suddenly felt an unstoppable throbbing.

That scent was so familiar that Ying couldn't ignore it.

She widened her eyes and quickly looked up at a cliff, but there was nothing there except sparse grass and gray-blue rocks.

"What's wrong?!" Paimon was the first to notice Ying's abnormality and immediately asked urgently.

"There is a familiar atmosphere there." Ying's tone was a little excited.

"Since it's a familiar smell, let's go take a look."

Dain looked in the direction of the screen's eyes, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly concealed it.

He pointed to the wind field in front of the cliff and said, "It's just right. I have a deep impression of that place and I know how to get there."

"Did you forget something?" Just as Dyne and the others were hurriedly trying to move forward, they were stopped by Ember.



Tevalin looked reluctant, but he still pressed his body down.

"Come up, hold on. I'm not responsible for falling."

(End of this chapter)

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