Chapter 36

Ember was walking along a cliff, and he lowered his head to look down the cliff, only to see the strong elemental power of thunder pervading the entire cliff. This is one of the miracles of the God of Thunder——Wuxiang Blade Narrow Space.

Legend has it that this is the sword that Thunder God swung when he fought against the big snake Orobus. As for its power, the cliff that runs through Yaruo Island in front of you and the big snake's skeleton still standing in the distance are enough proof.

Of course, this is what Ember heard from Kutiao Shaluo and Goro, and he doesn't know the details.

However, judging from the resentment of the demon god that was suppressed in the darkness of the entire Bazui Island, what they said is probably true.

But whether it’s the Wuxiang Blade Hazama or the Orochi Serpent Orobas, these all happened hundreds of years ago and have nothing to do with Ember.

At this time, he was jumping along the narrow gap of Wuxiang Blade, because according to Goro, if you go straight along the left side of the cliff, you will see a village, which is Feimu Village.

Sure enough, under Ember's big jump, he vaguely saw a small village from a distance, and there were still many people living outside the village.

Seeing that the destination was approaching, Ember also increased his speed.Soon, Ember hurried along a path to the surroundings of the village.

But what surprised him was that there were many simple wooden sheds around the village, which looked like they were newly built.

Moreover, much of the land around the village has been reclaimed, and many people are working on it.

The people in the fields were all vigilant when they saw someone approaching from outside the village, especially when they saw that Ember was wearing armor all over. Many people had already run towards the village behind.

"Ordinary people under war?" Yi Jin knew that if he moved forward rashly, it would cause a bigger misunderstanding, so he sat up on the ground.

Taking advantage of this time, he can also look at people he has never seen before—that is, ordinary people in a state of war.

Although Ember has been fighting, he has never experienced a specific war.Because when he woke up, the world was on the verge of collapse.

The black soul world gave him the impression of dead silence, and the thousands of miles of desert became a real description.

As far as the eye can see, there are all the relics of civilization, and all the wandering corpses are living corpses that have no reaction other than instinct.

The world of the circle of law is relatively better, because people don't die, they just become lunatics, and only the powerful can keep their sanity.

Therefore, before Ember came to this world, he saw very few ordinary people, because they were either dead or all became lunatics.

Just as Ember was thinking wildly, the originally peaceful village became noisy.Then Ember saw a group of yellow and emaciated people walking towards a tall man in full armor.

The man wore an Eastern Kingdom warrior armor, and the ferocious Prajna mask on his face combined with his tall body gave people an invisible pressure.

Ember could tell that this man was not an airy man.The way he walked forward and the way he held the knife made him look like a warrior.

"You are?" Jiujin looked at Ember who was sitting on the ground, with some doubts in his heart.As a person who practiced martial arts and loved martial arts, Jiujin could tell that Ember was wearing Mond's old knight armor.

But why did such a person come back to Feimu Village?Leaving aside whether he can pass through the outlying islands with his peculiar outfit, even if he does, there is no reason to come to Feitian Village, a remote village like this?

"Ember, from the Adventurer's Association." Ember stood up and patted the dirt, then said, "Which of you is the village chief?"

Jiujin is still immersed in self-doubt, aren't all adventurers green?How could you come here wearing armor? Could it be that you have lived in seclusion for a long time and lost touch?

However, after hearing Ember's shout, he quickly reacted and said, "I am, what's the matter?"

"Here, this is a letter from Ryota to you." Yi Jin took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Jiujin.

Jiujin opened it and took a look, and soon burst out laughing, "Hahaha, I didn't find that stinky boy, he really made a name for himself! Yes, yes!"

Then he put away the letter, took off his Prajna mask, and said, "It's all over, we're friends."

Ember looked at his face, a middle-aged man who had experienced a lot of weather.

"Xiang, would you like to come and sit with us?" Jiujin invited.

"Okay, anyway, I'm too busy." Ember nodded, the commission was completed, what's wrong with staying for a while?
After speaking, Ember followed Jiujin and walked towards the village.

Along the way, he saw everyone in the village saying hello to Jiujin, and Jiujin returned the greetings one by one.

When I came to Jiujin's house, it wasn't too big or too small, but it was clean and tidy.

"Sit down as you please, all my things are sold, I have nothing to entertain you, I'm sorry."

Jiujin took off his samurai helmet, and said embarrassingly to Ember.

Ember saw that he was good at martial arts, but he didn't get involved in any side, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Why didn't you join the army?"

Jiujin didn't seem to expect Ember to ask such a question, he thought for a while and said:
"I am a person with no influence or background. Although I have good martial arts skills, I am very stubborn and can't understand many things."

"But it's useless if I don't like it, so I applied to be the village chief here myself, and the guys who follow Tianling are also happy about it."

"So I went around and around, came out of the village, and went back to the village."

As he spoke, he sighed, and then continued: "As for why you didn't join the army? Well... let's put it this way."

"I didn't join the rebel army because I was the village head sent by Tianling Fengxing, and I was a member of the shogunate."

"The reason I don't join the shogunate is because I know the reason why the rebels are resisting. They are also Inazuma's people. Now that there is no food, they will soon have no food to eat."

"And I don't agree with the general's lock-down order. The lock-up order has increased the prices of many things, making life even more difficult."

"As for the eye hunting order, there is no one in our village who has the eye of God, and it has not affected us for the time being, so we have no feeling."

At the end, he smiled and said, "So, I'm here to take in the refugees. Whether it's from the shogunate or the rebels, I'll take them in."

"Then what should they do if they make trouble?" Ember discovered a blind spot.

"They can't beat me." Jiujin raised his head proudly.

Ember nodded, what she said was correct, if you make trouble, you have to see if you can stand the iron fist.

This is true whether it is a fleeing person or a sea island.

After thinking about what he saw outside, Yi Yan asked, "It seems like there's a lot of trouble here?"

After hearing this, Jiujin's face suddenly became sad, and he pulled his hair which was not much in the first place and sighed:
"Who says it's not? Life is difficult in the first place, and it becomes even more difficult when there is a war."

"Since the start of the war, more and more people have fled. They are all from a certain place, and I can't just ignore it. And I'm still registered in the land according to the heavenly leader, let alone ignore it."

"But it's okay, there are more people, and the amount of crystallized bone marrow mined has also increased, and it can barely support it."

Speaking of the end, Jiujin couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, Feimu Village produced such a rare thing as crystallized bone marrow, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

"But it comes at a price, doesn't it?" Yu Jin looked at Jiujin's somewhat deformed wrist, and if he continued like this, his hand would probably become useless.

This crystallized bone marrow is probably very dangerous.

"Hey." Jiujin sneered a few times, then slapped the table grandly, and said, "They are all women and children, and warriors are going to stand up at this time!"

Ember smiled, and said, "Is this the way of the warrior that you Eastern people often talk about?"

"This is the first time I've seen such, um..., upward samurai ways."

Ember thought for a while about the warriors from the Eastern Kingdom he had seen at the border, and compared them with the Jiujin in front of him, there was a huge difference.

"Uh, what are you talking about? What is the Eastern Kingdom? And I didn't bother to think about Bushido, so I just did it." Jiujin couldn't understand Ember's words.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I mean I will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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