King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 368 Fireworks

Chapter 368 Fireworks

"Da da da!"

In the deep and blue-lit corridor, there was the sound of steel hitting stone one after another.

Xingqiu's expression has changed from the initial excitement to numbness. I originally thought that this journey to eliminate demons would be thrilling, but now it seems...

"Chongyun, come to the back! My eyes are shining!" Xingqiu rubbed his red eyes and pulled Chongyun, who was covered in talismans, behind him.

Chongyun was the one walking in front among the three. The light emitted by the talisman on his body was so great that it directly illuminated the dark underground corridor. There was no gloomy atmosphere that should be expected in a place to suppress evil spirits.

"This..., okay, but if you encounter anything, remember to run to me as soon as possible."

Chongyun thought for a moment and followed Xingqiu's wishes to the end.

In fact, he wanted to use his fierce yang energy to drive away the hidden evil spirits, but after walking for so long, except that the yin energy became more and more intense, he didn't even see any shadow of the evil spirits.

In addition, Chongyun considered that Xingqiu might have to help his father settle accounts in the future, and a pair of good eyes would be indispensable. Fortunately, he backed down.

"This place is quite big. I don't know what is in it." Yi Yan raised his head, and because of the Chongyun brand light bulb, he was able to see the entire corridor clearly.

The corridor is wide and long, leading directly to the ground. Its width and height are both large enough to accommodate the heavy machinery traveling with the ruins.

What's even more thoughtful is that whenever Ember and others come, the blue lights on both sides of the corridor will light up.

If there were no heavy clouds, this would probably be the only light here.

"As for this, although I don't know what exactly will be here, it must be an extremely troublesome guy."

Chongyun raised his arm to make the angle of the light more suitable. He saw many Yaksha auspicious beasts carved on the walls on both sides of the corridor, which in Liyue symbolized exorcising evil.

The corridor extends to the depths of the earth. Walking in it, you will be surrounded by almost identical scenes, which makes people wonder if they have fallen into the legendary "Ghost Beating the Wall".

But that's impossible. Even if he is really trapped in the ghost wall, Chongyun can get rid of the hidden evil ghost.

The unchanging scene finally changed. The flickering blue candlelight in the distance suddenly disappeared. When Chongyun approached with his own light, everyone discovered that there was a vast open space at the end of the corridor.


Just like the corridor, after noticing someone's arrival, blue candlelight suddenly lit up one after another in the open space.

Maybe it's because blue light alone isn't enough to illuminate the wide open space. In addition to the blue fire that is no different from the candlelight, there are several more red lanterns on the ground here.

The red lanterns that were originally used to decorate the festive season suddenly appeared in such a gloomy place. Chongyun and Xingqiu couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene.

Through the thin red and blue light covering the ground, everyone could clearly see the structure of this place.

This place seems to be transformed from a natural cave. Except for the stone slabs laid on the ground, the cave wall still retains traces of groundwater erosion.

This cave is very large. Just the square paved with stone slabs on the ground is almost as big as the Thousand Winds Temple.

If the rest of the space is included, it may be enough to accommodate the entire Thousand Winds Temple.

Because the place is so large, the glowing cloud looks more like a light bulb.

"It's so big." Xingqiu felt extremely surprised when he saw the scene in front of him. Who could have imagined that there would be a cave beneath the ordinary-looking Cuijue Slope?

"It's really big, but where are the evil spirits?" Chongyun looked around. There was no evil wind or roar of ghosts here. It looked like an underground ruin that had never been discovered by anyone before.

Although discovering new ruins is also very exciting, for Chongyun, these are not as important as seeing Yaoxie.

"Be careful."


As soon as Yi Yan finished speaking, a mechanical sound that was quite familiar to the three came from the heights shrouded in darkness.

What followed was a shimmering orange-red light. This light is easy to distinguish, because this is something that every adventurer outside has experienced - that is, being locked by the missiles guarded by the ruins.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Why are there ruin guards here?"

The roaring explosion and the sweeping heat wave were also mixed with Xingqiu's confused shouts.

Although everyone says that ruin guards can be seen everywhere, it is too outrageous that they can still be seen in such deep underground ruins.

What's more, this ruins was clearly sealed by a large formation before. Is it possible that the ruins guards will also be able to break Liyue's formation?

Although doubts kept popping up in his mind, Xingqiu's movements did not stop at all. “Eat my Caiyu sword technique!”

Xingqiu said so, but he used one and two kicks.

The light blue water waves covered Xingqiu's toes, turning them into sharp blades capable of breaking steel.


The tip of his toes brought up waves of white water, shredding all the missiles that came towards Xingqiu.

The violent gray-black gunpowder was thrown out of the steel shell, and there was no longer any possibility of burning.

In the distance, Chongyun was not to be outdone. He took out a two-handed sword that was about the same height as him and struck the incoming missile with a strike.

"Linlang vibrates, and there is silence in all directions!"

"Click——, bang!"

Frost and fire appeared at the same time, but it was obvious that the frost was even better. It suppressed the spewing gunpowder and silenced the originally deafening explosion.

It sounds similar to the firecrackers set off by children during the Hai Lantern Festival.

"Where's senior?" Xingqiu saw that Chongyun was fine, so he looked around for the embers.

"Set off firecrackers."

The sound of embers suddenly sounded, and his figure suddenly appeared between Xingqiu and Chongyun, holding several slender steel creations in his hands.

Xingqiu took a closer look and almost jumped three feet high. Isn't this the missile of the ruin guard? Why did he end up in Ember's hands?

"Senior is in danger, the missiles guarded by the ruins are very powerful!" Xingqiu was about to throw away the missile in Yu Yan's hand.

Although they usually cut down the ruins guards like melons and vegetables, they are all based on the ruins of the ruins guards being in disrepair.

Most of the ruins guards wandering on the ground lack maintenance, not to mention the mentally retarded ruins guards who wander around and end up in the water.

Even if missiles are released, most of them are moving randomly. There are even fewer who can hit the enemy.

But this does not mean that the ruins guards are not in danger. Anyone who sees the deep pit blown out by the missile has to consider whether his body is as thick as the depth of the big hole on the ground.




The fire appeared, the fire wandered, the fire stretched, the fire exploded, and the ruin hunter landed.

"What? What did you say?" Yan Yan ran over with a large push of fuse missiles.


"It's nothing, I just want to remind senior that your face is dark." Xingqiu said with a painful look on his face when he saw the relic hunter spraying sparks in the distance.

"Is there any?" Yi Jin touched his helmet, and several scratches immediately appeared on it.

"Don't worry about this. It's probably because the people who made the missiles cut corners and used some explosives."

After wiping the area on his face that was blackened by the missile tail flames, Yi Yan waved his dark palms and said.

Xingqiu hesitated after hearing this. As a well-read man, he wanted to correct that the missile's warhead is called explosive, and the blackened embers are propellant.

But seeing the fuse exposed on the tail of the missile in Yu Yan's hand, Xing Qiu felt that it was better not to pay attention to those details.

After all, he had never heard of any missiles that could be fired with this kind of fuse.

"By the way, have you set off any firecrackers this year?" Yi Yan slapped his head, as if he remembered something.

"If you haven't let go, try this."

Before they could answer, Yu Yan stuffed a "firecracker" in his hand into each of Xingqiu and Chongyun.

(End of this chapter)

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