King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 378 Worrying Liyue Geological Conditions

Chapter 378 Worrying Liyue Geological Conditions


Shen He suddenly came back to his senses as he felt a tingling sensation on his arm. She looked behind herself and saw that the boulder she had thrown down was only a few steps away from her back.

Unknowingly, she was forced to retreat by Dain.

Pursing his lips, Shen He turned to look at Daiin, whose expressionless face showed no emotion or joy.

Only then did Shen He understand the gap between himself and Daiin. She is calm because she has no emotions at all, and nothing can cause turmoil in her heart.

Daine's expressionless face is because he has experienced too much and has seen through many things.

"The strength is very strong, but in Liyue's words, the character still needs to be tempered!" Dai Yin turned his palm into a fist and swung it directly towards Shen He.

Judging from the strong wind that broke through his fist, he had no intention of showing mercy to her.

"The mind creates the ice body!"

In an instant, Shen He completed the kneading action. With the flow of immortal power and elemental power in the body, an illusory figure broke away from Shen He's body and blocked her in front of her with his arms.

The figure is almost exactly the same as Shen He, but the face is a bit blurry. Not only that, there is also a white talisman on its forehead that can cover the entire face.

"Huh? Liyue's magic?" Dain felt a little surprised when he felt the resistance coming from his arm.

I have long heard that Liyue's magic is unpredictable and powerful, and seeing it today, it is indeed not an exaggeration.

"The Ice Puppet is accompanying you, the method of incarnation!" Chongyun in the distance pointed at Frost White's incarnation and said excitedly. That way, he was even more excited than Xingqiu just now.

On the one hand, this is because Chongyun's love for immortal arts is no less than Xingqiu's love for martial arts. On the other hand, his old habit of pure yang body has returned.

"Go autumn!"

"Drink, Guhua Sword Technique, Qingxin Jue!"

Just when Chongyun was a little confused about what Yu Yan and Xingqiu said, he saw a pool of clear water flying towards him.


The water was poured on Chongyun's head, and the effect was very good. The small fire on Chongyun's head was extinguished.

But soon a bigger flame came up again.

I saw Chongyun holding up the yellow flames jumping on his head and shouting: "What are you two doing! Even if I am a pure Yang body, I will still catch a cold!"

With that said, Chongyun also wiped the water stains on his face.

"Let you calm down, but it seems that I failed." Xingqiu took back his one-handed sword and said angrily.

"If you get angry again, the battle will be over!" Yu Yan's voice came, and he pointed to the distance, where the situation had changed again.

After blocking Dyne with his arms, Shen He rushed forward again.

Dain's expression finally showed a slight change, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he felt a thorn in his heart.

Although this incarnation has no sanity, its strength is no worse than that of Shen He. His fist was blocked by it and could not advance even an inch.

Seeing Shen He coming from the side, Dai Yin knew that he couldn't delay anything. His other arm, which had been motionless, moved.

Dyne turned his fists into palms again and firmly grasped the avatar with crossed arms. Then the other arm punched, and the fist with great power hit the avatar directly in the face.

Although the appearance of the incarnation is illusory, its toughness is even greater than that of an ordinary warrior's body.

Dain punched it, but instead of smashing it to pieces, he took the avatar and rushed straight to the ground.


When the huge power encounters obstacles, it is immediately vented without reservation. The floating soil on the ground was immediately shaken up by this force, followed closely by the flying soil.

"Bang!" The incarnation couldn't bear it anymore and turned into nothing in the flying soil.

Dain stood up and was preparing to welcome Shen He who might come, but he didn't expect that the shaking of the earth did not stop for a long time.

"Huh? What's going on?" Dain took a few steps back, doubts rising in his heart.

He can be said to be very precise in his grasp of strength. The punch just hit the avatar, which should be just enough to break it.

A hit on Shen He should be enough to keep her in bed for a few weeks, and it would be absolutely impossible to cause such great damage to the ground.

"The earth is cracking." Shen He saw the cracks spreading on the ground and immediately gave up the idea of ​​causing trouble for Dain.

She rushed to the side of the boulder and lifted it up again - at this juncture, she still couldn't forget her big boulder.


The boulder was lifted, and instead of reducing the cracks in the earth, the cracks in the earth became even greater.

Where cracks intersect, a chunk of ground falls off. The land seemed hollow, and now it was sinking. "Underground? Forget it, let's go back and rest." Dain didn't panic too much when he saw the land falling into darkness.

Falling into the ground was almost like coming home to him.

However, Shen He in the distance was not as calm as Daine. She held up the huge rocks with both hands and kept jumping, trying to get out of the collapse.

Seeing this, Dai Yin couldn't help but shook his head. He looked at Shen He's movements and snapped his fingers.


"call out--"

As Daiin expected, Shen He disappeared with her big stone as soon as he finished snapping his fingers.

Just as Dai Yin said, the ground beneath Shen He's feet collapsed, and she fell down on top.

Amid the crumbling ground, Dyne adjusted his clothes as if nothing had happened.

"Hope she's alright."

After Daine finished speaking, he also fell down. But his movements were much more elegant, as if he had been prepared for it.




"I declare that Dain is the first person with facial paralysis in Teyvat! Who agrees? Who opposes?"

In front of the pit, Ember said in an passionate tone.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

Xingqiu and Chongyun both nodded, for no other reason than Dai Yin was too elegant at the last moment.

There are people who can calmly adjust their clothes when the earth collapses, without any panic. This has to be admired.

Anyway, Chongyun felt that his aunt was no match for the man named "Dai Yin" in terms of facial paralysis.

So scary, so scary.

"What should we do next?" Xingqiu threw a stone into the dark pit. He didn't hear a reply for a long time, which made him quietly take a few steps back.

Others don't know what to do if this happens, but Xingqiu feels that he will definitely not get anything good.

Even if he doesn't die, he will probably stay in bed for the rest of his life.

"What else can I do? Can you just watch your friend's aunt go deep into danger and remain indifferent?" Yi Yan asked back, and then he also looked into the pit.

There seems to be a familiar atmosphere here.

"Okay, senior, tell me how we should get down there!" Xingqiu clenched his fists and asked Yi Yan.

Neither he nor Chongyun can fly, so the only thing they can count on is embers.

"Do you have Wings of Wind?" Yi Yan patted his head and asked the two of them.



Xingqiu and Chongyun shook their heads in unison. Although Wings of Wind is very convenient, it requires certain conditions.

For example, the wind must be strong when using it, otherwise it will not fly. Therefore, Wings of Wind is most popular in Mondstadt, where winds are constantly flowing all year round, and is much less popular in other countries.

"Senior, don't you? I remember you said you were an adventurer, right?" Chongyun scratched his head in confusion.

The reason why Wings of Wind is still quite popular in Liyue is because most of the Wind Wings equipment are in the Adventurers Association.

Adventurers generally won't dislike anything that can help them take risks.

"Neither do I. It seems I can only use my 'Qing Kung'!" Yu Yan raised his feet. The Qing Kung in martial arts novels seemed to him to be almost the same as flying.

It's a pity that he didn't see it in Liyue, otherwise he would really want to learn it.

"Light... light kung fu?" Chongyun looked at Yu Ember with some suspicion.

Then, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the wind slime jumping in the distance, and he suddenly felt that this was much more reliable than the "light skill" mentioned by Yu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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