King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 402 Nazhi Beach

Chapter 402 Nazhi Beach

"Mita, let me ask you, do you know where Feimu Village is?"

In the forest, embers lit a bonfire. Opposite him were several people who were devouring their food.

Hunting a few wild boars is not difficult for Yi Yan and Menggert. As for the difficulty of barbecue, only one person can master it.

So there was no food poisoning incident here - Ember's cooking skills were not so bad that he could cook a monster out of a barbecue.

Of course, the premise is that the roasted meat is serious meat and not some unknown meat that he got himself.

"Fei...Fei Mu Village?" Santian thought for a while, then turned to the people behind him and asked, "Does any of you know Fei Mu Village?"

"do not know."

Several people behind him shook their heads.

"I'm sorry, Lord Ember. We all fled from other places and don't know where Feimu Village is."

Mita shook his head, then wiped the oil stains around his mouth, and asked tentatively to Ember: "Master Ember, do you want you to follow us to Nashii Beach? Lord Ghost Taka is there."

"He has many trade routes, and he must know where Feimu Village is."

"And even if you don't want to see Lord Guilong, there are many people there, and you can always find someone who knows the way."

Afraid of suspicion, Mita added a few words.

Ember touched his chin and thought the proposal was good, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, in that case, let's not delay any more. Everyone, put your things away and let's go!" Upon seeing this, Mita stuffed the meat in his hands into his mouth, patted the soil on his body and stood up. Come.

Several people were busy with their own business, some were picking up swords and spears on the ground, and some were sorting out the scattered armor pieces.

More importantly, they carefully wrapped up the uneaten wild boar meat on the ground, and even dropped the things they had just picked up because of lack of space.


White mist rose, and under the surprised gazes of several people, the wild boar meat on the ground that required several people to lift quickly shriveled up and shrank, finally turning into dried meat that one person could pack away.

"It's a small trick, don't worry about it." He extinguished the flame in his hand and blew on the embers and said.

"Sir... is the owner of the Eye of God?" When everyone saw the scene in front of them, their tone couldn't help but become more respectful.

"No." Yi Yan shook his head. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Why did he always feel that the hierarchy concept of the Dao Wife was a bit heavy?

It's almost like going home.

After all, this was how it was at the previous junction. Those who are small in size are born to be slaves and servants. They will never be able to get ahead in their lives, and they will die in strict hierarchies.

This is an unsolved mystery that Ember can't even figure out. Why does someone with a small body have to become a slave and servant?

If the old rules of the border area were followed, with Hu Ember's size, he would be as tall as a little excrement slave.

So the embers sent large-bodied people throughout the junction flying high.

Slave head, fat boy's set, small sickle, my name is Ember (soul five), please remember!

"Is this... like this?" Santian didn't ask any more questions after hearing this. Because shrine maidens and onmyojis attach great importance to inheritance, it would probably be taboo to ask further.

What he didn't know was that Ember was neither of these identities.

Walking through the forest back to the beach, and then walking along the beach, the beach area becomes larger and larger, and the view becomes wider and wider.

However, the atmosphere became more solemn.

It is said that Shiitan Beach means "the place where the gods caress". But the scene in front of me is really not a good place.

Broken flags were randomly planted in the white sand, and the broken warships lay motionless on the beach like giant beached whales.

Dots of scarlet sway with the breeze from time to time, looking extremely eye-catching. Those little flowers seemed to be nourished by the blood poured on this land.

"It looks very miserable here." Yi Yan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the mess on the ground.

There are more traces left here than anywhere before.

"Exactly, after all, this is the main battle line. The rebels and the shogunate have fought here many times, and no one can do anything." Mita saw the scene in front of him, and his tone became softer unconsciously, for fear that Alarmed by possible ghosts here.

"In that case, the guy named 'Gui Long' you mentioned is still here? Aren't you afraid of being dealt with?" After hearing this, Yi Jin felt that on the one hand, the guy named Gui Long was so courageous, but on the other hand, he felt a little dissatisfied. untie.

A pirate, really not afraid of being taken away by the shogunate army and the resistance army to deal with him?

"Hehe, to be honest, Master Guilong has several good ships, and they can run very fast!"

"Moreover, Lord Guilong is a famous pirate nearby. It will take a lot of effort to kill him. What's more, Lord Guilong is only cleaning the battlefield and does not interfere with the war between the two sides."

Mita introduced with some pride. It is said that Guitaka was just an ordinary person before the war. He became bigger and stronger because of the turmoil of the war. This made Mita, who also suffered from the war, feel proud.

Even ordinary people are not objects that the resistance army and the shogunate army can deal with at will!

Of course, this has nothing to do with Mita. He was still worrying about where to pick up garbage a few days ago.

"Oh, I understand. Owner of the garbage recycling plant." Yi Yan nodded as if he had a sudden realization. It must not be easy to develop to this scale.

"Ha...haha." When Santian heard Yu Yan's words, he didn't answer or didn't answer, so he could only laugh a few times.

Walking through Nashi Beach, everyone can see the watchtower looming in the smoke from time to time.

The wooden towers are either fluttering with purple flags or smeared with red paint, like the teeth of a man-eating beast, which is intimidating.

Fortunately, Nashi Beach was big enough, and everyone only passed by at a distance on the edge, so neither party came out to cause trouble for them.

Moving along the coastline in twists and turns, Ember found that they were getting further and further away from the center of Nashi Beach.

Finally, the remains of a sunken ship finally appeared next to a beach on the edge of Nashi Beach.

Among the decaying logs, the shadows of several wave boats can still be vaguely seen. If you don't observe carefully, you might really think that this place is just a pile of deserted wreckage.

"Mita..., who are these two behind you?" Before they even got close, an arrow was shot out of the pile of debris.

However, the arrow was very crude. It was probably because it was a warning arrow, so it had been recycled so many times that the feathers on it were almost bald.

"Buzz!" The arrow was inserted diagonally in front of everyone, and the sparse arrow feathers were still trembling, as if they would fall off at any time.

Then, a warrior dressed as a ronin walked out from the wreckage.

There was a bright sharp arrow on the light crossbow in his hand. The head of the crossbow drooped slightly, and the luster of the arrow tip was immediately revealed.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense would know that once this arrow is fired, it will definitely hit someone to the core.

"Brother Xiaosong, these two are rare kind-hearted people. I want to ask Mr. Guilong something."

When Santian saw the person coming, he responded with a smile. As he spoke, he opened the package he was carrying, revealing the sharp sword inside.

"Thanks to these two, our brothers picked up some good things today."

"Brother Xiaosong, take a look. If that one matches yours, just take it!"

"Oh?" Komatsu Ryuki narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ember and Menggert.

"I can understand this." Komatsu Takayoshi pointed to the embers. In troubled times, there are too many people hiding their identities.

As long as your body can hold up, it's not impossible to dress yourself up like a tin can, but the person next to him is hard to ignore.

"What's going on with this guy?"

Komatsu Takahiro turned his finger towards Mengt, who didn't even look like a human being.

"Him?" Yi Yan looked up at the calm Menggert, and then explained seriously: "Have you ever heard of a monster? He is it!"


(End of this chapter)

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