King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 408 Expanded Travel Locations

Chapter 408 Expanded Travel Locations

"If you have the ability, go up and kill all the ungrateful people in the shogunate army. What's the use of committing suicide?"

Yu Yan pressed Dangui Liu and knocked on his head and said with disgrace.

"Deal with them all?"

Dangui Liuyi froze with a death-seeking expression on his face, and he kept mumbling what Yi Yan had just said.

Seeing Dangui Liu's expression, Yi Yan nodded secretly in his heart. It seemed that he had woken him up.

As a warrior, what kind of hero is he who commits suicide? There are so many inhuman things in Rice Wife, so she should at least take away one or two insects before she dies.

But the next moment he was slapped in the face.

"You'd better give me the knife and let me kill myself."

After a brief period of confusion, Tuan Gui Liu was about to die again.

"Hey! I finally found out. You just want to escape, right?" Yu Yan saw Tuan Guiliu squirming on the muddy ground and lifted him up like a little chicken.

"I didn't! Stop spitting!" Tuan Gui Liu struggled in Yu Ember's hands, but soon he discovered that even if he used all his strength, the strange guy in front of him did not move at all.

Reminiscent of the previous scene where Ember easily rescued him from the door of death, Danguiliu felt that he had probably met an expert.

So Tuangui Liu, who was still struggling, quickly withered and turned into an eggplant beaten by frost.

"What can I do? I'm just an ashigaru? The person in charge of the shogunate is the Kujo family."

"That's a big family that has been around for thousands of years. If I go up there, the mayflies shaking the trees can be considered a compliment to me. It's better to die in one hundred."

"Not only can I preserve my glory, but I can also protect the wealth of my family and friends." As Tuangui Liu spoke, his tone became deeper and deeper, sounding like he was about to cry.

Feeling the strength in his hand dissipate, Yi Yan let go of Dangui Liu's hand.

He thought about Dangui Liu's words and finally made the following evaluation: "Isn't this still your escape?"

"Escape from your responsibilities, avoid the guilt in your heart, and avoid the major decisions you need to make..."

Yu Yan shook his head and said a lot of reasoning, and the core idea was just one - proving that Dangui Liu was evading.

Jiujin on the side listened and nodded in rare agreement.

"Indeed, that's true. Putting aside everything else, if you die, who will deliver the news about the haunted gods in Yaoji Island to Narukami Taisha Shrine?"

"It's useless. According to what you mean, the shogunate army has already known about the outbreak of the evil spirit in Baoyu Island."

"Narukami Taisha Shrine has not yet sent a shrine maiden to suppress the evil spirits. This can only mean that the Kujo family has concealed the news."

"I'm a little pawn, and I still want to inform? If I didn't stab him eight times in the back and commit suicide by disembowelment, that would be fine."

Tuan Guiliu was holding his body, and the tenacity that he had to bring out the news when he was about to die was suddenly shattered.

If the human spirit is strong, nothing can destroy it, but if you want to defeat it, sometimes it is very simple.

The Dangui Liu in front of us is a good example. I had never let go of such serious injuries before.

But now, Yi Yan looked up and down at the hunched Dangui Liu. There is no energy left here, it has all been vented.

"You..., hey-" After listening to Dangui Liu's complaint, Jiujin also felt the heavy burden on his body.

The Kujo family, Washizu couldn't help but tremble when he thought of that behemoth. How could he ask Dankiroku, who was worse than him in every aspect, to fight against this thousand-year-old family?

"If you have nowhere to go, you can come to our Feimu Village."

"But let's talk first. Stay calm when you see something unusual. Also, don't refuse when I ask you to do something."

Washijin patted Dankiroku on the shoulder, then took off the mask on his face and said with a smile.

"What are you..."

Dangui Liu saw the down growing on both sides of Jiujin's cheeks, and his eyes widened in surprise.

This kind of hair density is definitely not something normal people can have. "It's because he hasn't had a beard for a year." Yi Jin came over to look at the hair on Jiujin's face and explained matter-of-factly.

"It's a small price to pay for surviving the evil spirit." Jiujin pushed the embers away and spread his hands helplessly.

"After the evil spirit broke out... can you still survive?!" Danguiliu looked even more shocked, and he didn't even care about the abnormality on Jiujin's face.

He is a guard who specializes in guarding the seal of the haunted god. In addition to ordinary military skills, he also dabbles in some onmyoji and common sense about the haunted god.

The evil spirit is the result of the resentment of the ancient demon god. As long as the time for those who are contaminated by the evil spirit is short, it is not impossible to recover.

But if you live in an environment where evil spirit breaks out for a long time. There was no chance of survival.

But now he has an example of survival in front of him, and it sounds like Washijin has been living on Yaoji Island for a long time after the evil spirit broke out.

How could this shock Tuangui Liubu?

"Haha, it has nothing to do with us." Jiujin felt Dangui Liu's shocked gaze and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then he pointed to the idle embers aside and said: "We should be grateful to him for our survival."

"Him?" Tuangui Liu looked at Yu Ember, and the shock in his eyes suddenly turned into admiration.

Not only are his medical skills so superb, but he is also so profound in the art of yin and yang. Such a person is indeed worthy of admiration.

"Also, you can also ask him to take your note to Narukami Taisha Shrine."

"How did you know I was going to Narukami Taisha Shrine?"

Yi Yan glanced at Jiujin and took a breath of cold air. Could it be that he was blinded by the fact that Jiujin was a hermit master who was powerful enough to read his heart?

"Not only do I know that you are going to Narukami Taisha Shrine, I also know that you are going to Kaiji Island, Ryoshima Island, and Abuchina Palace..."

Washujin read out Inazuma's classic place names one by one.

As he read, Yi Yan was still writing down, but the notebook was changed.

After Washijin finished reciting, Yi Jin nodded as if he suddenly understood and said: "It turns out that there are so many interesting things about Rice Wife. I have learned a lot, and I have learned a lot."

"Now you know why I know your whereabouts? Is it possible that the great adventurer Ember will only stay in Feimu Village for a while before ending his rice wife journey?"

Washujin continued. Although Feimu Village is actually isolated and no outside information can come in, Jiujin can find it on his own if he can't stand it.

As long as he conceals his abnormality, Jiujin can still find out various information easily.

Coupled with the words from the four magical visitors some time ago, Jiujin had a rough idea of ​​what kind of person Ember was.

Danguiliu listened to all the conversations between Yu Ember and Jiujin. After listening, he twitched the corners of his mouth and eyes.

Now he began to wonder if Ember would actually bring the news.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the difference between bringing it and not bringing it is not big anymore.

The evil spirits broke out on Yaoji Island for at least a few months. During this period, their defense team relied on the talismans specially issued by Narukami Taisha Shrine to resist the evil spirits for a period of time.

During this period, in addition to contacting other teams, they also actively tried to inform the outside world about the outbreak of the evil spirit.

However, no response was received. Later, when the resistance team attacked, Tuan Gui Liu realized that all this was caused by the resistance.

When he ran out in a panic, he realized that he was the only one left in the entire team.

Danguiliu couldn't help but tremble when he thought of the rebels. Those guys not only behaved like animals, but also fought like animals.

He was wounded at the time, and he relied on the only remaining talisman to travel across the island where the evil spirit broke out.

And those rebels were able to walk through the haunted Ba Ling Island without any protection. Dangui Liu almost suspected that they were not human beings.

Fortunately, he finally got rid of them. But I don’t know how far away it is.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. There might be rebels coming from behind. Let's leave quickly!"

Thinking of this, Dangui Liu forced the note into Yi Yan's hand, took a deep breath and walked out of the bushes.

(End of this chapter)

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