King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 415 Villagers with no brute force

Chapter 415 Villagers with no brute force


Sparks flew everywhere, and the two swords in Mori Masa Kenji's hands could pierce the throat of the person in front of him with only an inch away.

Unfortunately, his attack ended here. The two swords in Mori Masa Kenji's hands were held up by the samurai sword of the person in front of him, preventing him from making any progress.

Seeing this, Kenji Mori Masa suddenly exerted force on his arms and pressed down the katana a certain distance. Then he quickly drew out a knife and pointed it directly at the sergeant's abdomen.

But before his single sword penetrated the sergeant's body, a feeling of hair standing on end instantly swept through his body.

This made Mori Masaru jump back instinctively, and he avoided the cold light of the spear.


The sword-wielding sergeant took a few steps back. Apart from fear, a trace of doubt also arose in his heart.

This man is so powerful, but his skills are so clueless? The two knives were brought together to strike, and he even dared to pull the knife and insert it into his abdomen. Aren't you afraid that you would chop off his hand?

"Eye of God?" Mori Masa Kenji saw the light flashing on the waists of the two sergeants, and his heart suddenly went cold.

The owner of the Eye of God is simply an invincible existence for ordinary people.


"Morimasa! What are you doing in a daze?"

The disgusting smell of blood filled the air, making the harsh breath caused by the flames around them recede a bit.

A pool of rotten flesh appeared in front of Mori Masa Kenji's eyes, with long-broken armor attached to it.

He looked down and saw that the shining light in the rotten meat gradually dimmed, and finally was completely hidden in the rotten meat.

Looking up again, he saw that one end of Okubo's iron rod had already turned red. And there were some ferocious scratches on his body.

Fortunately, the cuticle contained snow-white cuticle, not bright red flesh.

As if noticing Morimasa Kenji's gaze, Okubo immediately waved the iron rod and came to Morimasa Kenji's side menacingly.

"What should I do? None of them are fuel-efficient lamps." Panting heavily, Okubo asked Mori Masa Kenji.

Even though he was very majestic when he killed a sergeant with one blow, it was also on the basis of exchanging lives for lives.

If it weren't for the tough skin on his body, he would have been disemboweled by now.

This group of people is completely different from the previous bandits. They know formations, martial arts, and tactics. When Okubo fights with them, he will always get another wound without realizing it.

If he didn't try his best to open a hole, he would be consumed to death sooner or later.

Hearing Okubo's anxious cry, Mori Masa Kenji came back to his senses. The owner of the Eye of God is not invincible!

But he glanced at the few sergeants who had gathered again, and the "Eye of God" on their waists became even brighter.

"If you have the chance, run away and don't get entangled." Mori Masaru Kenji whispered. Maybe you can try it one-on-one, but if it's two-on-many, forget it.

"Are you deaf? I told you to sacrifice yourself! If you haven't made any move yet, be careful you guys will end up like him!" The man who was obviously the captain shouted loudly, pointed at the corpse of the sergeant lying on the ground and roared.

Immediately, he turned to look at Okubo and Morita Kenji, and took a deep breath.

"You two, suffer death!"

The roar quickly dissipated and was replaced by the sound of gushing flames.

The rebel team leader swung his sword, and the evil eye on his waist burst into brilliant red light.

A tongue of fire like a moon arc sliced ​​through, melting and destroying everything higher than the flame.


Mori Masa Kenji saw the flames, and the burning sensation that hit his face made him clearly know that this was definitely not a move he could forcefully follow.

So he decisively stepped forward and lay down in the ditch in the field.

But Okubo was not as fast as Mori Masa Kenji. When he reacted, the flames were almost in front of him.

"Can't dodge, don't dodge!"

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Okubo decisively raised his stick with both hands and swung it hard.


The sounds of melting steel and burning flesh were so mixed that it was impossible to tell them apart.

The crescent moon formed by the flames was like substance, pushing Okubo back step by step. Okubo's whole body was mobilized, and the knotted veins were beating up and down, showing people the powerful power of his heart pumping.



As Okubo staggered, the flames gradually dissipated between heaven and earth.


Okubo pulled away the palm that was almost stuck to the iron rod, and a flash of red and white suddenly appeared on the dark iron rod.

Looking at the iron rod that had been ablated into shape, Okubo threw it to the ground without any nostalgia.

After looking down, he picked up the spear that was still shining with cold light on the ground, and casually threw the unrecognizable, charred body behind him.


The already disfigured body fell to the ground, causing a splash of sand.

The golden tree saw the black coal-like corpse in front of him, and the branches on the tree swayed.

In the midst of the panic and noise, a few small branches emerged from the ground silently, then wrapped around the charred corpse and dragged it into the earth.


Soon after the body was dragged into the ground, the golden tree shook excitedly. The few leaves on the crown of the tree also made a "rustle" sound due to its shaking.

The sound of swaying leaves soon stopped, and the few remaining branches of the golden tree began to shrink insignificantly, looking like the big tree was thinking about something.

Such visions did not attract anyone's attention. Fires are always accompanied by strong winds, and what's so noteworthy about strong winds blowing leaves?

"How do you feel?" Morita Kenji turned out of the ditch. He quickly ran to Okubo's side and asked with concern.

"If I do it again, I'll probably tell you here." Okubo shook the spear in his hand and responded with lingering fear.

For a moment just now, he almost wondered if he was burned. Elemental power is really an insurmountable gap.

"Oh, you can still hold it in for a moment, I can't even bear it." Mori Masa Kenji gently patted his chest to expel all the burning smoke.

After feeling part of the burning sensation in his lungs subside, he calmed down and turned around and said, "If you can't run away, fight as hard as you can and wait for other people in the village to come over!"

"Then let's see if you can hold it on." As soon as Kenji Mori finished speaking, the rebels in the distance made new moves.

They saw the evil eyes on their bodies emitting violent rays of various colors. Soon, flames, waterfalls, thunder... various elements containing powerful power burst out.

For a moment, people actually had a sense of seeing a natural disaster.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Kenji Mori Masa knew that as long as a little bit of these elements exploded, they would die, whether it was himself or Okubo.

So he pushed Okubo back hard to help his partner, who was a bit slow to react, react in advance.

As for the rest, we can only leave it to fate.

Just when Mori Masa Kenji was about to escape, he suddenly felt something grabbed his feet.

Then his vision shook, and when he realized it again, only Mori Masa Kenji's head was still above the ground.

Before he could figure out what was going on, a numb feeling spread from Tianling Gai to his whole body.


Something fast and huge whizzed past Mori Masa Kenji's head, followed by a loud roar.


Kenji Mori Masa looked up and saw a giant dark tail growing out of Okubo's butt.

The huge dragon tail is more than ten meters long, and its diameter alone is thicker than Okubo's entire body.

What is even more surprising is that this huge dragon tail is driven by a human body that seems to be extremely inconsistent with it.

The dragon's tail swept across and violently collided with the menacing elemental force.

The originally seemingly unstoppable explosion of elements was torn apart by the thick dragon tails in an instant. They played no role and turned into the purest elements in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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