King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 417 Feimu Village with superhuman per capita

Chapter 417 Feimu Village with superhuman per capita

"Ahem! So strong!"

"How could you not have the eyes of God!"

Nojima Kazunari slowly stood up from the trench. He looked at Jiujin who was wearing a Prajna mask in front of him. The legendary evil ghost Prajna seemed to have descended into the world.

Nojima Kazunari took a few steps back. He raised his hand to fumble around his waist. After touching the familiar glass bead, his mind immediately stabilized.

It seems that the fake God's Eye obtained by Nathan is very similar to the real God's Eye, and even the fact that the God's Eye cannot be separated from its owner is perfectly imitated.

Washujin noticed Nojima Kazunari's little movements and sneered inwardly.

"Pay the price, beast!" Washijin did not give Kazunari Nojima a chance to use elemental power. He exerted force on his legs and his speed suddenly increased.

"Don't be too proud, you just succeeded in a sneak attack!" After spitting out the bloody phlegm in his mouth, Nojima's whole body was covered with rushing purple electricity.

He took a deep breath, and now he could already see Jiujin's figure.

Nojima Kazunari was not timid and went straight to meet him.





Thunder and lightning and sparks exploded in the dark night and quickly dissipated. The figures of Nojima Kazunari and Washizu seemed to be completely invisible in the dark night.

Ordinary people can't see anyone at all in this dark night. They can only judge that there are still people fighting here by hearing the loud noises coming from the space from time to time.

"Buzz--" After separating the weapons again, the figures of Nojima Kazunari and Washujin emerged from the dark night.

Washujin's weapon was reduced to the length of a dagger due to the intensive collision.

As for Nojima Kazunari, it was because of the huge discomfort that spread throughout his body.


Nojima Kazunari's throat squirmed, and a sour and bitter smell instantly filled his mouth.

But seeing the calm face on the other side, he still suppressed the nausea.

Now Kazunari Nojima finally understands the benefits of wearing a mask. Even if there is something abnormal about Washujin, it can be covered up by the mask.

Washujin didn't seem to notice anything strange about Nojima Kazunari. He just shook his arm and then took out a red talisman paper from his arms.

Nojima Kazunari saw the extremely crude talisman in Washizu's hand and immediately laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, God Talisman? Are you going to use elemental power in the end?"

Nojima Kazunari laughed wildly. When he saw the Yui Shen Rune, he understood that Washijin was trying to control the elemental power.

Without the Eye of God, there is no inheritance of Onmyoji. If you want to use elemental power, there is only one way, and that is to use the God-only Talisman that is widely circulated among the pirates and ronin groups.

This kind of talisman paper has little power and is unstable. Only people who really have no choice will use it. No bigger force would use this kind of talisman paper that would light itself up at any time to activate the elemental power.

"You're too worried." Jiujin wiped the talisman paper on the nearly broken sword slowly.

The power of the fire element gathered on the broken blades of the dagger, quickly heating the blade to a red color.

"I just don't want you to die soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiujin's figure disappeared again. Even Nojima Kazunari, who had been strengthened by elemental power, did not see any trace of Washizu.

Just when he was about to increase the flow of elemental power, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his legs, so painful that he almost fainted on the spot.


Nojima Kazunari's vision dropped rapidly. He instinctively wanted to mobilize his whole body to stand up, but it had no effect.

He couldn't feel his lower body.


The sound of sizzling grease and the aroma of barbecue came one after another, but Nojima Kazunari had no desire to eat.

Because what appeared in front of him were two creaking human legs with burnt sections.

"Hoo..., ho..."

"The bleeding effect is very good. You won't die for the time being." Washizu interrupted Nojima Kazunari's intermittent breathing.

He grabbed Nojima Kazunari's back, carried his upper body and walked towards the place where the fire was bigger.

… ˜ ˜ “Damn it! Damn it! I should have thought of it earlier! I should have thought of it earlier!”

In a panic, Danki Liu put on the shogunate army equipment that he had originally planned to abandon and ran towards the place where the flames were blazing into the sky.

At this moment, his body was covered with bandages, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the armor was blackened by fireworks, making him look like a soldier crawling out of the cemetery.

When a fire broke out in Feimu Village, Danguiliu realized that the rebels must have come to find him.

Being able to silently kill all the guards at the Seal of the Soul God on the Yashiro Island, Dangui Liu had no doubt that they were capable of erasing Feimu Village from the map.

The scene in front of him was regressing rapidly, and Tuangui Liu was 100% sure that his speed was definitely much faster than before.

Pushing the limits in battle? Or is it a delusion caused by impatience? Dangui Liu shook his head. The most important thing now was to attract the attention of the rebels, rather than considering whether they were present or not.

The fire became brighter and brighter, and there were more and more burning houses around.

While running, Tuangui Liu suddenly felt a tremor in his heart. He rolled sideways and rolled a long way away with a low body.


Several sharp wind blades intertwined and passed by, instantly bringing up a burst of blood mist.


Tuan Gui Liu immediately stood up from the ground, and he quickly touched his back. The burning pain had not dissipated, but Tuan Gui Liu did not notice any moisture on his hands.

He looked at the palm wrapped in bandages in surprise. It was only gray and black with dust, but there was no bright red blood.

Tuan Gui Liuxiang realized something clearly. He looked at the figure walking out of the flames in front of him, and his eyes suddenly burst with anger.

He recognized that this man was one of the rebels who had attacked their station.

"Although the war between the shogunate and the rebels is Inazuma's biggest sin, for you..."

"This is a war between humans and inhuman things. It is a righteous war!"

With a roar, Danguiliu raised the spear in his hand, lowered his center of gravity and rushed towards the rebel sergeant.

At first, the sergeant was frightened by Dangui Liu's rapid running speed and kept retreating. However, he regained his confidence when he saw that Tuangui Liu charged in a straight line without turning or dodging.

A stupid person should pay the price for his stupidity.

"Swiss, swiss, swish!"

Several tornadoes visible to the naked eye cut through it, leaving dense knife marks on everything along the way.

If Dangui Liu didn't dodge, he would be cut into pieces by the tornado.

But Dangui Liu didn't dodge. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, tensed his muscles, and rushed straight into the tornado.

"His ha..."

Heartbreaking pain swept through his body, but Tuangui Liu's progress did not stop at all.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood rolled up on Tuangui Liu's body, but they grew and healed quickly. This back and forth supports Tuan Gui Liu's progress in the tornado.

Opening their eyes, the six Tuangui instantly saw a blurry figure not far away amid the blood red.

He's shaking around, he's panicking.

"Die to me!!!"

The lowered body suddenly rose up with the spear riddled with holes. Then, Tuan Gui Liu felt the resistance coming from his hand.

Without any hesitation, Danguiliu used his legs to force the gun blade into it.

As the gun blade advances, the resistance suddenly lightens. Danguiliu followed this momentum and raised his spear high.


Mild blood sprayed on Dangui Liu's face. He squinted his eyes and saw that figure now appeared above his head.

"Crack!" With a flick of his arm, the sergeant's torn body rolled several times on the ground like a torn sack before it came to a stop.


Danguiliu straightened his spear and panted heavily. He couldn't help but grin as he recalled the pain he felt when he passed through the tornado.

"I wonder which one is more painful than this or seppuku?"

(End of this chapter)

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