King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 419 Aftermath

Chapter 419 Aftermath

On a rooftop, Menggert's closed eyes opened. He looked up at the edge of the fiery red Feimu Village in the distance and sat down cross-legged.

"What? Are you done?" Yu Hu, who was writing furiously on the roof, paused for a while, and then started writing again.

Menggert raised his head and glanced slightly, and saw that under the column of Shanghai Island in the notebook, negative numbers such as "-3", "-1", "-2"... and so on were increasing rapidly.

Not only that, there are various detailed reasons behind each negative number.

For example, the reason behind the "-3" item is "the rebels harmed the people"; and the reason behind the "-1" item becomes "intentional damage to people's residences".

Seeing this, Menggert silently withdrew his gaze. If Ember remembers it this way, it would indeed take a while to write.

"Almost, we should deal with the aftermath later." Menggert felt the news from the clones and nodded in confirmation.

"Don't care about the fire outside?" Yi Yan looked up and saw the raging flames burning outside Feimu Village.

"Someone is digging a fire trench." Meng Tehelong's fingernails quickly became larger and thicker, and soon turned into a shovel.

"And it digs very quickly." His palm returned to its previous appearance and he added.

"So, the people in Feimu Village are pretty good at using the power of the furnace?" Yi Yan became curious when he saw this.

Using the power of the furnace is a power that only the furnace knight can have, and not even Menggert has been able to use it before.

In the past, the most Monggert could do was use his existing characteristics to fight and control his growing limbs independently, but he was not yet good enough.

Now that Menggert can control the remaining power of the furnace so easily in his body, in the final analysis, he has to thank Ember.

"No, Wang is worrying too much. At most, they can just use the abilities they already have to divide the work."

"There is still a long way to go before we can control the power of the furnace." Menggert shook his head. The people of Feimu Village were just a "bad omen" at best.

It's just that instead of horns, what grows on them are all kinds of weird things.

"Okay..." Yi Yan lowered his head and started writing again. Then he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked casually: "Can you teach them how to use the power in their bodies?"

"In this case, I guess it won't work." Menggert looked down at his palm and rarely rejected Ember.

"As for myself, I can only control the power of the furnace with the power left by the king. In this regard, the furnace knight is the expert."

Menggert laughed at himself.

"Those red iron pieces?" Yi Yan's writing hand stopped.

What is the number one evil force in the border area? A magician? Is it a flying dragon? Is it a black knife?

No, the number one evil force in the border area is the Crucible Knight.

The bodies of the knights who carried the power of the initial furnace had long since been transformed into inhuman beings during the continuous smelting.

Ember even suspected that the red armor on their bodies was no longer just armor, but part of their bodies.

Perhaps the evolution of their bodies is no longer limited to the biological aspects.

How do you describe 16 Crucible Knights coming together? Demi god? Is the brain of a demigod as strong as the fist of the Crucible Knight?

"Exactly, the Furnace Knight can not only teach them how to use the power of the furnace in their bodies, but also teach them more things."

"For example, they are more proficient in things like coordination and combat skills than I am."

Menggert continued.

"Oh, I understand." Yi Yan nodded, "Look again, look again, they are a bit fierce, calling them here will not have a good impact."

Why is the Crucible Knight said to be fierce? Mainly because they can't see others drinking.

Every time Ember tried to use the red and blue Holy Grail Dettol to replenish blood and restore mana, the Furnace Knight pounced on him like a chicken. Those who didn't know thought Ember had killed his whole family!

Later, Ember asked the Furnace Knights why, but they hesitated and couldn't explain why.

According to them, when they see others raising their hands to drink, they can't help but want to rush over and interrupt others' actions, and they can't control it at all.

Ember thought about it for a long time, and finally classified "The Crucible Knight doesn't like others to drink" into an unsolved mystery like the left bow skill, ring direct cancellation and other strange phenomena.

I hope I will have the opportunity to solve the puzzle in the future!

"King, Feimu Village should deal with the aftermath." Just as Ember was thinking about the mystery of the Furnace Knight hating other people's drinking, Menggote's voice came over.

"So fast?" Yi Yan came back to his senses, a little surprised.

"Let's take a look together. I didn't expect Inazuma to have quite a lot of insects." Closing the notepad in his hand, Ember jumped off the roof and ran towards the outskirts of Feimu Village.



"Arrived!"    "Silver!"


"Three brothers from Jiangxia!"



The flames gradually stopped, and a large number of people gathered at the entrance of Feimu Village in the otherwise silent night.

As more and more hooks appeared on the roster, Jiujin's expression changed from solemn to relaxed.

"It seems that everyone is very smart, and no one is dead." Jiujin smiled, waved his hand and shouted loudly.


"The village chief is awesome!"

"Master Meng is also awesome!"

The villagers cheered one after another. Today, everyone in Feimu Village escaped safely. It has to be said that this is exciting news.

The cheers lasted for a while before stopping. Seeing that everyone's excitement had dissipated, Jiujin pressed his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

He raised his head and looked around at the dense crowd in the open space. They were all old, young, women and children, and without exception their faces were stained with soot, making them look very embarrassed.

"Cough cough!"

After a slight cough, Jiujin's gentle face turned serious.

"We are all smart people. Since we survived, someone's plan must have failed. We all have to ask, right?"

"Children, if you can't stand it, stay away. Next we have to discuss how to deal with those guys."

Jiujin's eyes narrowed, and his tone was full of sternness and suppressed anger.

As soon as the words fell, the surroundings fell into deathly silence. After all, the villagers of Feimu Village are all ordinary people, and there are many who dare not even watch a pig being killed, not to mention what happened next.

"Let's go, let's go back to bed, kid!"

"But wasn't our house burned down?"

"Baby, if it weren't for you, I would have stayed."


The women listened and most of them reacted. Without much hesitation, they took their children and ran away from here.

Not only women, but also many men felt that they could not bear it mentally and left here silently.

Most of those who could stay were those who had just fought, or those who had something important destroyed.

"Is anyone else leaving?"

Washujin gave a final reminder, but the crowd made no move.

"Okay, pull up!"

Jiujin nodded behind him, and then several figures pulled up from behind the golden tree.

He was a rebel sergeant with a bruised nose and swollen face, a bruised face, and long-lost fighting ability.

The most miserable one among them was Nojima Issei, whose lower body was cut off by Washizu. And he is also the most eye-catching - can he not be noticed when being lifted?

"Say! Why is that force?" Jiujin was not polite and kicked him until he knelt on the ground.

The captured soldier only raised his head and glanced at Jiujin. Like the crowd in the distance, he was silent.

"Give up, our will is incomparable to you." Nojima Kazushige lay on the ground and sneered a few times.

"Really?" Jiujin responded calmly. Then, he took out a rib from his waist and threw it in front of Dangui Liushen.

"You have a blood debt with them, so come on." Jiujin said.

Dankiroku picked up the ribs on the ground and came to Nojima Kazunari without saying a word.

"I would like to understand your will!"

(End of this chapter)

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