King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 431 Evil Eye Factory

Chapter 431 Evil Eye Factory

In the southwest corner of Ba Ling Island, in a deep mountain without any knowledge, this is the location of the Evil Eye Factory.

"Huh? I feel something is wrong." After observing the faint purple light in the cliff for a while, Luyein Heizo asked.

He looked left and right, but he didn't see any Fools guards at the gap in the cliff, which made him wonder if his guess was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Yi Yan also looked up at the strange purple light in the mountains, feeling that it was very consistent with his impression of the Fools.

After all, they are the only ones who always do such seemingly dangerous things.

"There are no Fools guards around here. Logically speaking, shouldn't it be?"

Shikanoin Heizo touched his chin and expressed the doubts in his heart.

If, as he speculated, this is the supply base for the Fools to assist Haiji Island, then the Fools should take it very seriously.

No matter what, you shouldn't be guarded at all.

If you are afraid of being exposed, you can arrange a hidden sentry, but according to Luyein Heizou's own observation, there are not even hidden sentry here.

"Hey!" Yi Yan put his arm into Luye Yuan Heizang's arms and took out the hot stone from his pocket.

"Ember, what are you doing?" Seeing Ember's movements, Luyein Heizo was a little confused.

"Look at this day?" Yi Yan pointed to the dark clouds above his head, without any light.

"What happened today? It's just a cloudy day." Luyein Heizo looked up at the sky, not knowing what Ember wanted to say.


Ember made a "three" gesture with his palm.

"Three what?"

Kanoin Heizou's head is filled with questions.


Kanoin Heizo felt a little tight in his chest.


"Cough, cough, cough!"

As soon as the "one" in Yu Yan's mouth ended, Shikanoin Heizo let out a violent cough.

After a while, he finally recovered.

Shikanoin Heizo felt the stinging pain all over his body and the dizziness in his head, and reacted immediately.

This is a disease caused by evil spirits, and most places on Ba Ling Island are now filled with evil spirits.

"Now you understand why you weren't on guard." Yi Yan stuffed the hot stone back in his hand.

The discomfort on Shikanoin Heizou's body was immediately dispelled, as if the pain just now was in a dream.

"Huh..., I understand, I understand."

Shikanoin Heizo touched his chest and breathed heavily. Now he truly understands how destructive the evil spirit can be.

"Ember, what are you going to do next?" After adjusting his condition, Luyein Heizo asked Ember.

"What do you want to do?"

"Call someone." Luyein Heizo didn't hesitate at all. The large stronghold of the Fools is different from the previous camp on Haiji Island.

If you rush in with the same mentality of making a small fuss, you probably won't know how you died.

"What should I do about the evil spirit?"

"The shogunate's army has the shrine's talisman, so it should hold on."

Shikanoin Heizo responded without thinking.

Although ghosts are dangerous, there are ways to temporarily cover them. For example, the talisman made by the shrine maidens.

"Will the resistance army watch the shogunate army mobilize on a large scale?" Ember asked again.

"Besides, it can be seen from my notes that there are people in the shogunate who don't want the news spread by the evil spirit to be leaked." After thinking for a while, Yi Yan took another stab.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Luyein Heizang immediately deflated like a deflated ball.

He found that he seemed unable to do anything.

"Come! Just the two of us!" Yu Yan was waiting for Luyein Heizo to ask this question!


"What's wrong? Let's go!" Yi Yan didn't care, he grabbed Lu Ye Yuan Heizang's collar and threw him into the gap in the cliff.


"Bang!"     "Hiss..."

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded. Luyein Heizou calmed down and climbed up from the ground.



"There is no such thing as a cave." The embers fell to the ground, making the wooden boards on the ground creak.

Although the gap is narrow, the space inside is unexpectedly vast.

Neat wooden floors, entrance halls everywhere, well-proportioned bonsais, antique doors... This place does not look like a base for fools, it is simply the main residence of a large Inazuma family!

"Be careful." Luyein Heizo quickly became calm. Since he had been brought in by Ember, he had to get something valuable out no matter what.

"I know, but what about all the fools? Isn't this the retirement residence of a big noble?" Yi Yan said a few perfunctory words.

He looked around, but didn't see anyone, which made him wonder if he was in the wrong place.

"Hmph, there will be crystallized bone marrow in a retirement place?" Luyein Heizou snorted coldly. Then he pushed with his palm, and a blast of breeze tore open the screen next to him, revealing the crystallized bone marrow stacked randomly inside.

Such a large amount, given the current market conditions, is enough for an ordinary family to have food and drink.

"Furthermore, have you noticed the embers? The purple light we saw outside has also disappeared."

The screen tore open, and the two of them discovered that the end of the corridor they were in was a wide square.

"You think so." Yi Yan nodded. It seemed that there was indeed something fishy here.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

Everything around him was extremely quiet, only the embers and the footsteps of Kanoin Heizo echoed.

This space really seems to be a huge abandoned mansion.

"Zi..., Zhi..., Zhi..."

Just as the two were moving forward, a harsh buzzing sound suddenly came from the silent surroundings.

It sounded like the agitation of thunder and lightning, but there was also a bit of unwilling roar in it.

Then, streams of purple-black aura emerged from the fences on both sides of the corridor. They are distinct from everything around them, like smart tentacles.

Luyein Heizang saw the tentacle approaching, and a suspended magic weapon instantly appeared in his hand.

He held the magical instrument that was constantly turning pages in one hand and clenched his fingers with the other.

With the blessing of magic runes and the Eye of God, countless wind elemental forces converged on Shikanoin Heizo's clenched fist, which was exceptionally bright.

"Heart-killing fist!"

Kanoin Heizou punched the ground hard, releasing all the accumulated elemental power.


The wooden planks were broken into pieces by the strong wind and fluttered like heavy snow. Under this strong wind, the purple color that had just blown out of the ventilation fence was blown away immediately, making it impossible to get close to the two of them.

The floor of the corridor was directly lifted up, and even a layer of the hard rock below was chipped away by Luyein Heizang, but the walls on both sides of the corridor were unscathed.

And the purple-black mist that had just been blown away blew out from the ventilation fence under the wall.

"Go quickly! You can't stay in the corridor!"

Kanoin Heizo knew without even thinking that these strange gases must be related to the evil spirit, and maybe it was the " evil spirit" itself.

"Got it!" Yu Yan immediately followed behind Shikanoin Heizang.

He saw the ventilation grille where purple-black gas was constantly coming out, and took a breath quietly.

Very good, not the ghost god, but the demon god residue.

The two can be said to be exactly the same thing. The ghost god is the resentment of the dead demon god, and the demon god residue is the corpse of the dead demon god.

"Tsk, this is quite harmful." Yi Jin muttered a few words in a low voice. Then an empty pot engraved with ritual patterns appeared in his hand.

Ritual Pot - An empty pot that will be restored even if it is broken. A special item with a stronger load-bearing capacity than a cracked pot, a container needed to make ritual pot props.

Various materials and spells can be sealed in the pot, and they will be effective after being thrown.

"Suck it for me!" He raised the ritual pot above his head, and the embers activated the sealing runes in it.

The rising demonic remnants seemed to be grabbed by invisible hands and poured crazily into the ritual pot above Ember's head.

Soon, a ritual pot glowing with purple light appeared in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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