King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 433 Reasons for the continuation of the war

Chapter 433 Reasons for the continuation of the war

The empty space, the people lying on the corpses, and the embers sitting on the ground.

If there weren't any blood around, it would be pretty much the same as before.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no trace of Lu Yeyuan Heizang in the embers, so he stood up and shouted loudly:

"Shikanoin Heizo? Where did you go?"

Anyway, he is not afraid of reinforcements from the Fools. No matter how many people come, the "hypnotic pot" in his hand will be thrown away, and there will be as many corpses as possible.


A dull sound loomed, and Yi Yan listened for a while, then realized that the sound seemed to be coming from underground.


Ember responded loudly to Shikanoin Heizo's call. He took a deep breath and then punched out!


The wooden floor and the masonry underneath were cracked, and an extremely complex "spider web" appeared on the martial arts field in an instant.

And in the center of the "spider web" is a huge hole big enough to accommodate one person walking together.

"I am coming!"

Without much hesitation, Ember jumped directly.


The embers fell to the ground, and then he saw Kanoin Heizou shivering in the corner.

"Hello? What's wrong with you kid? Are you afraid of being beaten by the fools here?"

Ember patted Kanoin Heizo's shoulder and pulled him up. Having said that, Ember didn't see any fools here.

"What the hell? Those three melons and two dates from the Fools, if they are not executive officers, would I be afraid?" Luyein Heizang heard what Yu Yan said and immediately refuted it.

He pointed to the top of his head, "What happened just now? It looked like it was about to be stepped on."

Looking in the direction pointed by Luye Yuan Heizang, Yi Yan saw the eye-catching "spider web" above his head.

With these cracks on the top of his head, it's no wonder that Shikanoin Heizo was worried about collapse.

"Don't worry about this, I blasted it out." Yu Yan waved his hand, signaling Luyein Heizo not to worry.

He knew exactly how much force to use. Otherwise, with the power of the ember, one punch wouldn't just make a small hole.

The main reason is that he is worried that Luyein Heizang below will be affected.

"Is this so..." Shikanoin Heizo took a few steps back. He looked at the dense ravines above his head and wisely did not ask about the fate of the fools above.

"By the way, how was your exploration?" Yi Jin looked around at the martial arts arena that was almost exactly the same as the one on the previous floor, scratched his head and asked.

If it had been him, he would have driven all the way there. Thinking back to the beginning, Yi Yan also had a sincere heart that found the right path with his intelligence.

But later, after he encountered the underground tombs and caves, this sincerity disappeared.

But now that Shikanoin Pingzang is here, he shouldn't be able to do this.

"Three floors. There are three floors here. We are now on the bottom floor, which is also the most important floor."

"I guess the person in charge here is right here." Luyein Heizang stretched out his hand and made a "three" gesture.

"Not only that, I also got a lot of useful things. They probably missed them when they retreated in a hurry when they encountered the enemy attack."

With that said, Shikanoin Heizo led Ember to a shrine.


“It’s not the shrine that’s important, it’s what’s nearby.”

Shikanoin Heizo stared at the shrine enshrining the Seal of Barre. It was obviously the territory of the Fools, but there was a shrine enshrining the God of Thunder.

I have to say it is a strange phenomenon.

"Using the rice wife's fear of the General to hide evidence of crime? It's quite clever, but my desire for the truth is greater than my fear of the General!"


A punch shattered the wood near the shrine, and Kanoin Heizo took out a roll of parchment from the middle. "What other crimes are there? Let me see..." Shikanoin Heizo spread out the parchment and read it carefully.

"The situation of Inazuma's civil war is still unclear. The longer the war drags on, the more advantageous it will be to me..."

"In order to expand the needs of the resistance army [Evil Eye], incite the intensity of the war, and promote the determination of the commanders of both sides to fight for a long time..."

"I would like to ask all my colleagues to assist the Second Class Sea Lieutenant, His Excellency Nathan, in order to cut off the Coral Palace Army's hope of a quick victory..."

"Remember, don't leave any excuse for our fools to infiltrate!"

The more Luyein Heizang looked at it, the more twisted his expression became. Originally, he felt that this war was a civil strife, or even a unified outbreak of conflicts long ago.

But now it seems that this war is simply a joke.

The trend of the war between the two sides was actually influenced by external forces.

"Fools, I knew they were there!" Yi Yan didn't see anything. He only saw three big words "Fools" on the parchment.

Very good, it’s time for the Daozhime people to experience what the “hardworking” of the Zhidong people is!

"No surprise, San Fengxing..." Luyein Heizo knocked on the wooden board in front of him. He saw the crystallized bone marrow that could be seen everywhere here and shook his head.

"The Tianling practice, the determined practice... The longer the time goes by, the bolder we become. I just don't know what is going on with the social practice."

Sighing, Shikanoin Heizo put away the parchment in his hand. If the shrine is still clean, maybe these things can be given to Ayato Kamisato, the head of the Kamisato family.

The only one who can defeat San Fengxing is himself. He could only do so much as a detective.

"Why do I feel that you rice wives are useless from top to bottom? There are so many evil spirits?" Yi Jin complained after hearing Lu Yein Heizo's words.

Two of the three major national institutions are eyeing each other with fools. If it weren't for the God of Thunder sitting in charge, Rice Wife would have collapsed long ago.

"How do I know? My family is just a small village. If you ask me about big shots, who should I ask?"

Kanoin Heizo is also a little confused about the upper echelons of Inazuma. How can he think that one is a spy and the other is a mole?

"Forget it, don't worry about it. Didn't you say that this is where the leaders of the Fools are? Where did they go?"

Ember took out his small notebook and wrote down a few notes for the shogunate and the rebels, and then asked.

"In this case..." Shikanoin Heizo lowered his head and saw the Tomoe Seal in the shrine. He stretched out his hand, and a Tomoe Seal condensed by lightning flew out of the shrine and surrounded him.

Looking up and looking around, Luyein Heizo saw a wooden door engraved with three huge Tomoe seals.

As he got closer, the Ba Zhi Seal on his body was automatically embedded in it.

"It should be behind this door." Luyein Heizang looked at the bright third of the door and did not look for other Tomoe seals.

Instead, he turned to Ember behind him and asked: "Do you want me to find the other two 'keys', or do you just come directly?"

"Which one is faster?"

"Depending on your strength, Ember, this door is quite thick. I definitely won't be able to force it down."

Kanoin Heizo tried to gather the elemental power and punch it, but it didn't leave even the slightest trace.

It looks like a door made of wood, but it is harder than ordinary steel.

"Let me do it."

Ember pulled Shikanoin Heizo behind him, then he pressed his weight down and punched out!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of steel colliding was extremely harsh, and it was also mixed with the sound of the door tearing and breaking.

Every time Ember punched out, it left a deep dent in the door. Feeling someone violently breaking into the door, the seal of Ba engraved on the door immediately released surging thunder.

For a moment, the entire door was stained with a layer of purple.

But this still cannot stop the trend of gate collapse. At first the embers left dents, but later they were just holes.


The last punch fell, and the entire door completely changed its appearance. It seemed like it had been torn apart by countless beasts. The broken surface had large and small convexities and depressions forming sharp gaps, like growing blades.

"Huh? Are you the one in charge?" Yi Jin was slightly surprised. Because the person in front of him was the lady hiding the mirror.

"I would like to remind you not to use illusions on me."

(End of this chapter)

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