King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 446 Big Business

Chapter 446 Big Business

"Can you two please keep your voices down when you whisper? It's not my fault to beat you if I hear it, and it's not my fault not to beat you. Sincerity makes me embarrassed, right?"

On the side, Ember plucked his ears. The behavior of the skirmishers and the young master fully demonstrated what "loud conspiracy" means. It was difficult for Ember not to hear it.

"Then don't beat him up." The young master separated from the soldiers and pretended it was none of his business, then looked up at the map behind Guilong.

"This business isn't just for you, right?" Skirmisher ignored Yu E. He walked to the counter, stared at Gui Long and said.

Feeling the sharp gaze of the skirmisher, Guilong only looked at each other for a short while and then looked away.

"This is natural. There are so many trade routes and so many ships. It is not just my fault."

Guilong put away the account books in front of the counter and said slowly.

"I'm not asking you this, I'm asking the person behind you." The soldier's eyes were always on Guilong, as if he wanted to see through him.

Seeing that Guilong didn't speak, the skirmisher nodded and started pacing back and forth.

"Let me think about it, a pirate can develop such a big power and at the same time his hands are quite clean..."

"Have you become a big shot's dog?"

The skirmisher paused, then suddenly turned his head and showed an exaggerated smile to Gui Long.

The corner of his mouth almost reached to the back of his ears, which startled the young master and Yan Yan next to him.

"Is there something wrong with you fools? Why do you need so many weird functions to create a doll?"

Seeing the "ferocious" smile of the straggler, Yi Yan turned to the young master who was patting his chest and asked.

Hearing this, the young master rolled his eyes, "As far as I know, Skirmisher doesn't seem to be created by us fools. The structure of his body makes doctors jealous."

The whispers of Ember and Young Master came from behind, which caused the smile on the skirmisher's face to disappear, and his face instantly became paralyzed.

Why do you do such exaggerated actions when you can't scare anyone?

Guilong's performance was much better than that of Yi Yan and Gongzi. He just looked shocked and then quickly returned to normal.

Being able to start from scratch and develop a force during the war, Gui Long can still control basic expressions.

"Whatever you say, as long as you can get goods and shelter, that's all."

Guilong did not deny the statement of the skirmishers, he nodded magnanimously.

To him, this was not something unspeakable. I am weak now and it is normal to be inferior to others.

"In that case, are you interested in changing partners?" The soldier spread his hands upon hearing this, his tone full of temptation.

"Let me think about it, those big shots at Inazuma must look down on you, right?"

"Not only that, they should have taken away most of the money you made. Are you feeling a little bit unwilling in your heart?"

Seeing that Gui Long was indifferent, the soldier continued to shake his head and talk.

Based on his understanding of Inazuma, those aristocratic families would look down on Gui Long, a mud-legged person.

Although those are old impressions from hundreds of years ago, the skirmishers are still so sure.

After all, what Thor pursues is eternity, and there is a high probability that these families will not change.

There was a bit of resentment in Guilong's expression, and Xiansheng's words brought back some bad memories for him.

The days when he was forced to be a pirate were also the period of time when Oni Takato quit his job the most.

"That's true, but are you stronger than Kanding Fengxing?"

Guilong loosened his clenched fists and said dejectedly.

Determining and practicing is one of the three principles.

"Oh? It seems that some of the goods collected from the offshore islands have ended up in your hands." The skirmisher touched his chin and shook his head.

The Fools actually have interactions with the outlying islands, and most of the crystallized bone marrow there has ended up in the hands of the Fools.

But for now, let's let the crystallized bone marrow be taken back and played with by ourselves.

"The money you make from selling on behalf of others may not be as much as you can make from working with the Fools. What's more, our strength is much greater than that of any appraiser!"

The skirmisher folded his arms, his confidence evident. "And what we want to do is purely a good deed." As he said that, the skirmisher stretched out his palm.

Guilong hesitated for a moment, and finally joined hands with the skirmishers.

Released his palms, Gui Long seemed to be relieved, and then he reminded: "Since I have cooperated with you, I have to explain the risks to you clearly."

"First, although our stronghold is very hidden, the shogunate army has not destroyed us yet. This is largely due to the protection of the mission."

"Don't worry about this. I will stay here to meet you. Not only that, I will also call all the fools around here to help."

"If the shogunate army doesn't have a good eye, then let them try!"

As if thinking of how he was killing everyone in the shogunate army, the paralyzed face of the skirmisher was stained with an evil smile.

"Second, the resistance army..."

"Don't worry about this. We have already negotiated where the rebels are."

Before Gui Long finished speaking, he was interrupted by a skirmisher.

The skirmisher waved his hand, and then said: "Give us the locations of the villages you have accumulated, whether it is the one in Kannazuka or Yaoji Island!"

Guilong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then he came back to his senses and nodded: "Of course there is no problem with this, but with all due respect, why do you fools do so much?"

Guilong's words were like a heart-piercing arrow, directly piercing the high-spirited skirmisher, turning him into an immovable stone statue.

Yes, why do they fools do such a thankless thing?

"Of course the fools won't be so kind! This is all because of me!"

Ember patted the skirmisher on the shoulder and rescued him from his petrified state. Then, he took out a yellowed and swollen finger and stuffed it into Guilong's hand.

The Hook Finger of the Faded One - a corpse-waxed finger that is curved like a hook. It is an item left behind by the predecessors who intended to help those who came behind.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Do you still have necrophilia?!"

"Dismember the body? None of us fools would do such a thing!"

The three people's reactions were mixed, and Guilong, who reacted the most, even threw away the fingers in his palm.

There is no other reason. This crooked severed finger is really too scary. The fingers wearing the rings were bent and stiff, and the dry skin was a yellow-brown color like paint.

The color was very inconsistent. It was not the color of the fingers caused by weathering or any other natural phenomenon.

Just by looking at it, you can tell who made this instrument out of severed fingers.

"What are you looking at me for? I picked this up?!" Yu Jin saw the three people's eyes turning towards him and quickly distanced themselves from each other. He didn't want to be known as a "perverted murderer".

"What's the use of this kind of thing...?" The skirmisher bent down, picked up the severed finger on the ground and observed it carefully.

The severed finger felt extremely hard to the touch, without any fleshy feel. Similarly, its section was also dark, like old wood.

"I'll tell you how useful it is!" Yi Yan snatched his finger away and started writing and drawing on the ground.

Everyone gathered around to take a look, and saw the two characters "embers".

Then the words on the ground glowed with golden light, and among the rising light spots, a shadow formed by yellow-brown light stood up.

This shadow is none other than Ember.

However, before the phantom stood up completely, the embers wiped away the words on the ground, and the phantom naturally disappeared.

"See, if this guy's nostrils are pointing upward, write my name on the ground with your finger."

"I promise to push his head down!"

The embers were thrown away casually, and the faded finger was thrown into Guilong's arms.

In fact, he originally planned to give this to Kelai and Gaara. But, one finger is not enough, and giving it to a little girl is a bit scary no matter how you think about it.

But it doesn't matter to the big man like Gui Long.

"Okay... okay, I'll keep it safe." Guilong nodded stiffly, squeezing the faded person in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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