King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 453: The fools with delayed news

Chapter 453: The fools with delayed news

"Bah, bah, bah! Tell me, what's going on?!"

At the bottom of the mine where there is tartar sand, the young master was cleaning the stains on his body and walking back and forth in front of the crowd.

Not to mention how much stomachache he had now. In order to celebrate his escape from the embers yesterday, the young master took a special bath. He never expected that Xavier would be pushed into a mud pit today.

Could it be that God was telling him again that he shouldn't stay here for a long time?

"Report to the Executive Officer! We were performing a mission, but he discovered it!" Thunder Hammer pointed at the vigilant Xavier beside him and said maliciously.

"Executor?!" Xavier was startled by the words from Thunder Hammer's mouth. He had thought that the young man in front of him was a senior lieutenant, but he never dreamed that he was an executive officer.

For a moment, Xavier's heart felt cold. He was probably going to die here today.

"Okay, I understand. From now on, no matter what your previous tasks were, from now on..."

The young master pondered for a while. He was thinking of a good excuse, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of it. Fortunately, he just stopped thinking about it.

So he spread his hands and said:

"No more~"

"No more?" Thunder Hammer was stunned when he heard this, as if he didn't expect that his mission would end like this.

"Yes, no more! Follow me now, I have a new mission for you!"

"What mission? Master, please tell me!" After being stunned for a while, Thunder Hammer adjusted his mentality.

Among fools, it is almost ingrained in the bones that subordinates obey their superiors.

Therefore, although the young master had no documents and no orders from Zhidong, Thunder Hammer still accepted the fact that the mission he had worked hard for for several months was cancelled.

"Uh..., a new mission?" Young Master scratched his head. He originally came here to gather the fools here. As for what tasks to assign, he really hadn't thought about it yet.

While thinking, the young master caught a glimpse of Xavier who was preparing to escape, and then he looked up at the dazzling Mikage Furnace Heart in the sky.

He patted his head, wouldn't someone have to bear the burden of repairing the hearth of the furnace?

"Take this Fontaine man away and meet with me!"

The young master waved his hand, and the fools below swarmed up and lifted Xavier up.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing! I tell you, it is illegal to abduct adults, even if I am a man!!!"

Xavier struggled, but without the clockwork mechanism, he was just an ordinary person.

As a result, Xavier shouted in front, Young Master sang in the back, and the excitement of trampling on the sand spread throughout the Kannazhong.


The beach between Tatasha and Kujo Jinya was originally a deserted area, but now it was already filled with fools.

"Everyone is here?!" Standing in front of the crowd, Young Master shouted to the fools gathered below.

"Reporting to the Executive Officer, everyone who belongs to Kannazuka is here!" Someone scolded the young master below, and he immediately stepped forward and responded loudly.

"Very good!" The young master nodded, and then paced back and forth and said, "Many people may be wondering why I asked you to come here. But what I want to tell you is that what I want you to do is related to our rice wife fools. Everyone depends on Ina Wife’s survival!”

The crowd below heard the young master's serious tone, and the trace of confusion on their faces disappeared in an instant.

At first, the fools below had a lot of complaints about Young Master forcibly interrupting the mission, but when they heard what Young Master said, how could they still have any resentment in their hearts?

Hearing about the mission related to the life and death of the people of Inazuma and Fools makes people excited!

"Sir, please tell me what the mission is! We will go all out!" The fools below all shouted excitedly.

"What mission..." The young master looked at the crowd opposite, took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly: "This mission is that from now on you will all transport food for me!"


The young master's words were like invisible big hands, strangling the throats of the fools present, making them unable to utter a word for a long time.

However, the young master himself did not have the slightest awareness. He pointed at Xavier who was also in a daze and said nonchalantly:

"What the hell...Xavier, right? I heard that you are a great inventor? I'll leave it to you to fix the heart of Mikage Furnace!"

"Me?" Xavier couldn't believe it when he heard the young master mentioning himself. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him, then took a step forward.

"No? What are you fools doing? First you destroyed the heart of the Mikage Furnace, and now you want to repair it. Is there any conspiracy?"

Xavier shook his head, he felt that there must be something fishy in this.

"You decide whether to do it or not! The people here are at your disposal!" The young master waved his hand and said generously.

As long as Xavier can shoulder the burden of repairing the furnace heart, no matter how many people he needs, they will all be given!


"Honestly, do I look like a casual joker?"

After confirming it again, Xavier nodded suspiciously. Mikage's heart can't hold on any longer. If no action is taken, Kannazuka will probably become a big firework that can be seen in all countries.

The situation is stronger than the people. Although Xavier doesn't believe that the fools are really so kind, he can't control so much now. He needs to fix the heart of the furnace first!

If we count on the people in the shogunate, they may be blown up to the sky and still shirk their responsibilities.

"You, you, you! And you! Come with me!" After making up his mind, Xavier did not hesitate too much. He pointed at a few fools who looked very smart (bald heads) and led them to turn around. He ran towards the Tatar sand.

"Hey. It's pretty fast! We have to take action too! We can't be outdone by this Fontaine man!"

When the young master saw Xavier immediately start taking action, he gave the fools below him blood.

But the effect... varies from person to person.

Some fools looked excited and wanted to show off their talents immediately, while others had gloomy faces and didn't know what they were thinking about.

"My lord, I'm sorry, our team has important responsibilities and cannot complete the mission you mentioned!"

A fool in a dark robe raised his hand and said loudly.

Unlike the others, this fool had pale hair, and it was obvious at first glance that he was old.

The young master was shocked when he saw it. Aren't all the fools young and middle-aged? Why did an old man sneak in?

"Old man, why are you still among the fools? At your age, you should retire." The young master helped this fool forward, for fear that he would fall to the ground and not get up.

"My lord, you are joking. There is no such thing as 'retirement' among us members of the Hearth House." Yefi Schneitschvich broke away from the young master's support and said with great enthusiasm.

"Hearth House?" Hearing this, the young master raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him carefully.

Although his hair was gray, his eyes were full of darkness, like a vulture waiting for an opportunity.

"When was the last time you contacted your escort?" Young Master suddenly came over and asked.

Yefi Shenetsvich's eyes froze. The young master's question was confidential. However, considering that he was an executive officer, Yefi Shenetsvich still answered truthfully:

"Returning to the young master, the last time someone contacted me was three years ago."

"Three years ago..." The young master looked up at the sky, as if thinking about something. Then he patted Yefi Schneitsvich on the shoulder with a look of compassion, sighed and said:

"Your boss, the servant, was changed more than a year ago. The current servant is Arecino."

"You haven't been contacted by anyone in the past three years. You may have been forgotten by Arecino. Master, please retire!"

After saying that, the young master immediately turned around and gave instructions to the others.

"You guys, please calculate the remaining funds!"

"You guys, buy me some food!"

"Do you run fast? Okay, follow this map and find the nearby villages for me!"


For a while, the beach was very lively.

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with Yefi Schneetsvich who turned into a gray and white stone statue.

(End of this chapter)

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