King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 455 The Worst Infrastructure

Chapter 455 The Worst Infrastructure

"Up the mountain, up the mountain."

The fools on Narukami Island escaped temporarily, because the focus of Ember now is not to torture the fools, but to go to Narukami Grand Shrine to deliver the note.

Just send the note and explain the situation. There is no need for him to do the two items of "Shen Shen" and "Sakura Resentment".

If it doesn't work, you can catch some fools and use them as coolies.

Shadow Mountain was very deceptive. Yuan Jin thought there was a path up the mountain behind the ruined shrine, but except for a vertical cliff, he didn't even see a path.

Walking around the foot of the mountain, the embers quickly moved out of purple and into green. Not only that, he also came to a heavily guarded place.

"There are so many people! What is this place for?" Yi Yan exclaimed as he peeked at the large mansion in front of him through the bushes.

The area of ​​​​this mansion alone is more than several times that of the shrine just now, not to mention the soldiers patrolling around it.

But Yi Yan only glanced at it and didn't care. It was important to go up the mountain now.

Sneaking onto the road up the mountain, Ember took off his disguise. Now I can finally go up the mountain easily.

"This road is in good repair..."

Yi Yan looked up and saw the red torii gate in front of him, and praised the construction of the road up the mountain. Because there are no such decorations on other roads in Teyvat.

"What the hell!"

Before he finished speaking, Ember took back his words. Because the road ahead of him is blocked!

"Where's the road?" Yu Yan ran to the cliff and asked in surprise. The road that was smooth just now was broken off here.

After taking a few steps back and raising his head higher, Ember finally figured out what was happening on this road.

It turns out that the next section of this road connects to a cliff.

The cliff is not high or low, but it is enough to make ordinary people sick.

At a height of four to five meters, the cliff face is made of compacted loess, with no vegetation to hold on to, which is enough for ordinary climbers to struggle for a while.

"Maybe it's a test of sincerity?" Yu Yan scratched his head and could only speculate like this.

It can't be that the Dao Wife people are just going out of their way to make the road look like this, right?

With a little effort, Ember jumped up. Just as he expected, the road appeared again on the cliff.

Not only that, there is a bright red torii gate standing on the road, which seems to be admiring the climbers who cross the cliff.

"What's wrong!" Yi Yan kicked the torii gate. If sincerity can only be tested by artificially adding unnecessary difficulties, then Ember can only say that the Narukami Taisha Shrine will be like this.

But soon, he knew that he was wrong.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Yan didn't know what to say? Because in front of him, a broken bridge appeared, with green ivy still growing on the drooping bridge.

This can’t be explained by a test, right?

"Very good, now there is something wrong with the whole Dao Wife family!" Yu Yan clenched his fists and said viciously.

Now he no longer wants to walk to Narukami Taisha Shrine through the normal road. If you want to ask why, then ask the people who built the road!


Narukami Taisha Shrine is as peaceful as ever, and evil things such as war seem to have receded automatically after encountering the holy shrine.

The veins of the sacred cherry tree branches behind the grand shrine spread out, covering the entire grand shrine.

The reason why the sacred cherry tree is called the sacred cherry tree is naturally because it has many extraordinary characteristics.

The most noticeable one among them is the uninterrupted flowering period of the sacred cherry tree. It is precisely because of this that the entire Narukami Taisha Shrine is shrouded in a rain of pink flowers all year round, making it even more holy.

The rain of flowers is beautiful, but if it is left to settle, sooner or later it will turn into rotten sludge.

Therefore, the daily routine of the novice shrine maidens at Narukami Taisha Shrine is to clean up the cherry blossoms scattered from the sky.

As for the official shrine maidens, they are the main force in handling daily affairs at Narukami Taisha Shrine.

"Lianzi, why didn't you scan it? If someone saw it, I might have to recite the memorial ceremony one more time today."

At the entrance of Narukami Taisha Shrine, two shrine maidens were carefully cleaning the petals. However, one of the mikos suddenly stopped moving, prompting a reminder from her companions.

"Meteor... Meteor!" The miko named Reiko pointed at the sky and said in horror.

"Meteors during the day?" The companion looked up. Sure enough, a fiery red light appeared in the bright sky, which was extremely dazzling.

And the fire was getting brighter and bigger, and it looked like it was running straight towards Narukami Grand Shrine. "The meteor has landed!!!"

It doesn't seem like this meteor is coming towards Narukami Taisha Shrine.

"Who is acting so arrogantly here?"

Just as the meteor was about to fall, a purple fox head suddenly appeared around Narukami Taisha Shrine.

The fox head tightly wraps Narukami Taisha Shrine, and the rising purple covers all the tender pink of the sacred cherry tree.

For a moment, the entire top of Shadow Mountain seemed to be swallowed up by endless thunder.

"Purple again! Purple again! Let me see purple, right? There will be consequences at your own risk!"

Among the meteors, the angry sound of Ember came. But the people at Narukami Taisha Shrine couldn't hear these sounds.

Because the sound of friction in the air was already deafening, it passed through the fox head made of thunder and arrived at Narukami Grand Shrine first.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, and the miko below, covering her ears, could even clearly feel the blazing heat coming from above her head.

"Boom - boom!"

Meteors collided with the purple barrier, and flames and thunder intertwined. After the dull explosion, the fire became more intense.

"Broken... Broken!!!"

A miko looked up and exclaimed.

I saw that the thunder barrier on Narukami Taisha Shrine was torn open with a huge hole in it in just a short breath!

But the shrine maiden's cry was destined not to be heard. Because the meteor in the sky had already fallen into the Narukami Grand Shrine with the mournful cry in the air.


The ground began to tremble, as if the entire Shadow Mountain had a major earthquake that had never happened in a thousand years.

The sweeping air wave swept through the Narukami Grand Shrine, throwing the miko inside and outside the Grand Shrine away.

Fortunately, the shaking did not last long before it stopped. The shrine maidens who were smashed to pieces on the ground finally woke up a lot.

They helped each other stand up from the ground and looked into the big shrine with fear on their faces.

"Hey! What was that just now? A meteor? Why did it fall in the big shrine?"

"I don't know, it's my first time seeing you."

"In vain, do you think you will..."


The witches were chattering and discussing the scene they had just seen, and some even started to untie the lotus on the spot.

"Do you think this meteor... is a little louder than the rain?" Someone in the crowd asked this question.

Everyone suddenly woke up, and they turned to look at the lintel of the big shrine. Although the inside of the big shrine was still filled with dust, the torii gate and wind chimes at the entrance of the big shrine were intact.

Based on the movement of the meteor just now, it is impossible to say that it has only such a little power.

"It seems true. Are any of us injured?"

"Does skin trauma count?"

"Shut up!"


After another period of chirping, everyone walked into Narukami Taisha Shrine step by step.

No matter what falls from the sky, as the shrine maidens of the Grand Shrine, it is their duty to find out the situation of the Grand Shrine.

The smoke finally became smaller, so that it was not impossible to see clearly. The situation inside the big club can only be described as terrible.

When I stepped into Narukami Taisha Shrine, I should have seen a wide open space, but now...

The clearing was gone, leaving only a pit with flowing lava and a figure sitting in the center of the pit.

"Finally someone is here?" After soaking in the lava, Yi Yan raised his eyebrows. He stood up, pointed at the approaching witch and shouted:

"Where's the person in charge? Come out here, I need to talk to her about something!"

(End of this chapter)

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