King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 460 Demolition Begins

Chapter 460 Demolition Begins

"Where does this country man from the countryside dare to speak such arrogant words here!"

As soon as Yi Yan finished speaking, the soldier guarding the gate immediately changed his expression. In the rice wife's body, she dared to say something like cutting off one of the Thunderbolt General's hands. Even the audacity cannot be described as such behavior.

He has to be described as a bold and talented person.

"Get it quickly!"

The guards didn't hesitate too much. They leveled their upright spears, and the cold-light spear points were immediately aimed at the embers.

"The reaction was so big?"

Yi Yan looked at the guards who gradually surrounded him, and there was no change in either tone or movements.

"Have you ever flown?"

The tip of the gun poked at him, and Yi Yan reached out to hold the gun blade firmly. During the wrestling match, countless sparks burst out from his palms.

The soldier didn't reply. Veins popped up on his forehead as he tried to pull out the weapon in his hand. But with all his strength, the spear didn't move at all, as if it was nailed to Ember's hand.

"It seems like there isn't one? Then hold on to your weapon, it's about to take off!" Yi Jin was not angry when he saw that the soldier didn't reply.

After just a reminder, his palm holding the gun blade suddenly exerted force, and the sharp and thin gun blade was instantly crushed into a steel rod.

Then Ember waved his arm, and the spear and the guard holding him were thrown away and disappeared.

"Haha, it's flying pretty high." Yi Yan turned around and looked far into the distance, as if the soldiers around him didn't exist.

"But... damn, who is this guy? Go and call for reinforcements!" The guard who had just surrounded Yu En could not help but take a few steps back when he saw that one of his companions was missing in the blink of an eye.

"No need to trouble you, I won't run away until this place is razed to the ground today."

Seeing the whispering soldiers, Ember turned his head and said.

Immediately afterwards, his figure disappeared directly from the sight of the guards.

"What about people?"

"Here it is!"

After a brief conversation, another guard flew into the air.

When the remaining people saw this scene, they knew that Ember was definitely not an opponent they could deal with.

So they ran towards Tian Ling Shixing behind them one by one, trying to find reinforcements.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"I told you not to be in a hurry, but you are still in such a hurry, you are looking down on me."

After a few dull knocks, only Huan Yan was left at the gate of Tianling Fengxu.

After looking at the towering wall in front of him, Yi Yan put away the huge stick in his hand.

Since you have to dismantle things next, there is no need to be so gentle.

Ember raised his arm, and dots of blue light began to gather on his hand. The light on his palm became brighter, and then a blue mallet appeared in Ember's hand.

High Hammer - One of the pyroxene magics of the Magic Academy Rhea Lucalia.

Can form a magic hammer and strike with it. Only once can you use pursuit.

The magic taught in the Haimo Classroom is equivalent to the academy's judge of good and evil. Magic exists to settle disputes.

The High Hammer, which was created to settle disputes, was used here in the Heavenly Territory. From Ember's point of view, it was perfect.

As long as Tian Ling's devotion can be hammered to pieces, there will probably be no disputes.


The blue hammer hit, and a blue shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out, destroying all the nearby towering walls.

"It's much more pleasing to the eye now." Looking at the ruins in front of him, Yi Yan nodded and stepped in. Although Tianling Temple is located next to the castle tower, its area is not small. It looks small, but that's just compared to the castle tower.

The most obvious example is that the training ground of the shogunate army is set up in Tianling Shixing.

Some new recruits who have not been in the army for a long time will train for a period of time at Tianling's training ground. After the assessment, they will be officially transferred to specific armies.

At the same time, it is also the place where the shogunate army conducts daily training. A Tianling's pursuit includes the backbone and future of the shogunate army.

The huge sound outside naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Tianling. But the ones who really took action were the new and old sergeants who came from the nearby training ground.

"Stop whoever comes! You destroyed the wall outside!"

Large swaths of purple came from all directions, and Ember walked tightly into Tianling for a short while. He was already surrounded by shogunate soldiers who rushed over.

Looking around, some people were eager to try, some were sweating, and some were surprised and doubtful.

However, without exception, they are all warriors, and even the one who just shouted to Ember was also a general.

"Where are the civil servants inside? If I want to find them, these new recruits, I'd better poke the spear in my hand a thousand times before coming to me!"

After casually scanning the surrounding soldiers, Yi Yan discovered that many of them had frivolous steps, and there were many mistakes while marching and dancing with their guns.

There is no doubt that a considerable number of these people are new recruits. This is not the person Ember is looking for.

Although the soldiers of the shogunate also did many things that were inappropriate for others, that was only the case when they were promoted to a group.

When it comes to individuals, especially these recruits, we have to deal with them in detail. These new recruits probably have never even been to the battlefield, so if you are looking for trouble, you won't be able to find them.

What Yi Yan really wants to see is the person in charge of Tianling's implementation.

"The adults are busy with everything, so there is no need for them to come forward for such a trivial matter." The leading general heard Yu Yan's question and replied loudly.

"I advise you to just surrender and force your way into the Heavenly Territory. No matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to escape."

Seeing Yi Yan's thoughtful look, the leading general tried to persuade him again.

The walls pursued by Tianling are not only thick, but the materials used are also specially reinforced.

The guy in front of him was able to destroy such a large wall of Tianling Sect so easily. His strength may have already exceeded the scope of ordinary people.

Even if he could really be kept, he would probably have to pay a heavy price.

"It seems that those guys are quite arrogant and like to fly above people?"

"Okay, I'll drag them down right away!" Looking at the mansions lined up behind the crowd, Yu Yan rubbed his wrist and said.

Seeing Yu Yan's appearance, the general knew that there was no way he could be captured without hesitation. So he pressed his hand towards the darkness.


A sharp and ear-piercing collision sounded, and among the sparks, sawdust mixed with broken iron splashed into the crowd, causing a commotion.

"How is that possible?!" The general's eyes suddenly widened. He looked up at the sentry tower in the distance in disbelief, and huge waves surged in his heart.

The gesture he just made meant to release arrows. The arrows he fired were not the bows and arrows held by the soldiers, but the fixed heavy crossbows made of steel on the sentry tower.

The heavy arrows shot by this kind of powerful crossbow, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary owners of the Eye of God, will inevitably turn into a puddle of minced meat if they are hit by such arrows.

Now the heavy arrow just hit Ember, but it couldn't even make him move.

After rubbing his forehead, there were some residual sawdust in Yi Yan's hand. Just now he felt his head sink, as if something hit him on the head.

Looking at their reactions now, it seems like arrows?

"The shot was pretty accurate."

After brushing off the debris in his hand, Yi Yan looked at the still silent Sifang Pavilion and said, "It seems that the movement just now wasn't big enough. We need to work harder to make them unable to sit still."

Turning his attention to the soldiers surrounding him, Yi Yan nodded and said, "In that case, let me see the training results of you new recruits!"

(End of this chapter)

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