King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 464: Fight and run away

Chapter 464: Fight and run away


Sea water poured in from the gap made by the sword, and the blue waves immediately turned purple as soon as they came into contact with the long-lasting thunder element power in the canyon.

Inazuma used to have only one Musang Sabama. Well now, there are two of them, although the newly chopped Wuxiang Blade is a little smaller.

"The power of Lord General..."

"Is this Wu Xiang's sword the real power?"

Wanye and Feng saw the canyon with purple light rising from a distance, and were so shocked that they even forgot to wipe the dirt off their bodies.

Their behavior was not an exception. Almost all the Dao wives who saw the scene just stopped involuntarily.

In the past, they could only hear about the infinite power of General Thunder and Lightning in legends. Now that the legend has become a reality, you can imagine the shock it brings to them.

"Sure enough, the general's power is invincible!"

Kujo Takayuki struggled to get up from the soft soil. He looked far into the distance, trying to see the miracle in front of him more clearly.

But soon, he was stepped on.

"Ouch? What is it?" Yi Yan raised his foot and looked at it. Did he step on something just now?

After looking at it for a long time, there was no movement in the dark hole under the soles of the feet, so the ember just pretended that nothing happened.

He quickly came to Feng and Manye's side, and after seeing their stunned expressions, he decisively clamped them under his arms and prepared to take them running away.

Before leaving, Yi Yan seemed to remember something. He held Feng and Manyo between his arms and shouted to the horizon:

"If you can move, I suggest you come down and take a walk. Those humanoids under your command have done a good job!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and ran towards the deep pit he had just stepped on.

"Master of the Kujo clan, right? I sincerely hope that you can rectify your Tianling practice. It's best to stop the war. If Kaijijima doesn't agree, I can also help you negotiate."

"I like to do things according to the rules. If you don't cherish this opportunity to check yourself, then I will check it for you."

"That's all I have to say, so you can do what you want."

After saying that, Ember disappeared in the blink of an eye.


With Kaede and Manyo held between their waists, embers danced back and forth on the roof of the house in Inazuma Castle.

"Hey, you two come here and help me, think about where to go. Don't tell me that you came here when your head got hot."

Ember jumped behind a hidden wall and put down the dizzy Kaede and Manyo in his hands.

"Um..., yes... yes." Feng rubbed his temples, and after the dizziness in his mind dissipated for a while, he replied.

"In the wooden leak tea room, it is very hidden and will not be detected." Wan Ye also said.

"I'm suddenly very curious, how did you know that I practice in Tianling?" Seeing Feng and Wanye who had been prepared for a long time, Yi Yan couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Is it possible that in just a few months, these two boys have developed some kind of huge power?

"I have to thank the head of the Kamisato family for this. If he hadn't told me the news, Man'yo and I probably wouldn't know what happened now."

"Kamizato's family?"

"It is the head of the society. The head of the Kamisato family is Kamisato Ayato, who is also the actual controller of the society."

Seeing Ember's confused look, Manyo explained.

"Yes, the Society has always opposed the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order. However, due to the obstruction of the Tianling Order and the Kanding Order, the opposition of the Society has never come before the General."

Feng nodded. Not to mention the delivery of the news this time, when he and Wanyo were wanted by Mantao's wife, She Mingxing also helped a lot.

"Huh? Is Shefengxing so useless?" Yu Jin said in surprise when he heard Feng's words. After all, it is said that social practice is one of the three practices, and the objections can't even reach the eyes of General Raiden. Isn't this too useless?

Wan Ye twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this. After all, She Fengxing wanted to help Yu Yan. Isn't it a little impolite for Yu Yan to point it out so bluntly? Although the social practice is indeed a bit useless. "You can't say that. The three branches of Zhongshe are in charge of culture and sacrifices, the Tianling branch is in charge of public security and military affairs, the Zhuding branch is in charge of trade and economy, and the branch of Shexing has no money and no one, so they can't compare at all."

Feng defended the society.

"Okay, I understand this. You'd better take me to that wooden building teahouse quickly. I'm already a little curious about the society."

With a wave of his hand, Yi Yan asked Feng and Wanye to take him to the wooden leak tea room. Originally, he thought that all Inazuma's departments were humanoid departments, but he didn't expect that there was such a handsome existence as Sheshou among them. How could he not be curious?

"Okay, I guess the pursuit order hasn't been issued yet, so it's a good time for us to leave now." Feng leaned out of the grass and saw the pedestrians on the roadside were still in shock, and knew that this was an excellent opportunity.

So he waved to Yu Yan and Wan Ye, and led them to the wooden leakage tea room.

The Mokaku Teahouse is located on the side of Inazuma Street. Although it is a teahouse, it rarely receives guests.

The reason is that this is the family gathering place of the Shinto family, so ordinary people will not be allowed in.

Of course, this is just a cover. The real function of the wooden leak tea room is to serve as a secret base for certain activities of the Kamisato family.

And now, Mu Le Tea Room has played its role again.

"So it's you two?" As soon as he walked into the wooden leak tea room, Yi Yan recognized Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka at a glance.

"Oh? Mr. Ember knows us?" Ayato Kamisato had a look of surprise in his eyes. It would be understandable if she knew Ayaka Kamisato. After all, Ayaka is known as Princess White Heron by the people and often appears in various activities. It is not unusual to know Ayaka.

But if you know him, it's worth talking about. As the leader of the final series, Kamisato Ayato thought that his traces were well hidden, and after he and Yae Kamiko reached cooperation, he became even more cautious and showed up in even fewer places.

In this case, how could Ember know him?

"do not know."

"do not know?"

Ember's words interrupted all the thoughts in Ayato Kamisato's mind.

"I only saw you two during the duel in front of the emperor, Lan Mao. It's rare." Ember nodded. He really didn't know Kamisato Aya and Kamisato Ayaka.

He had an impression of the two of them simply because their hair colors were so special during the duel in front of the emperor, so he took a few more glances.

"Haha, okay. I have long heard that the great adventurer Ember is different from ordinary people. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

Kamisato Ayato smiled relievedly upon hearing this, and then nodded to Kamisato Ayaka beside him.

Kamisato Ayaka on the side saw her brother's appearance and immediately understood. After she apologized, she exited the room.

Upon seeing this, Wan Ye and Feng looked at each other and planned to leave.

"Now that senior has arrived at the Mu Le Tea House, I believe that the head of the Shenli family will have a way to avoid being traced. Feng and I will not bother you here."

"Exactly, this trip is back to Inazuma City, and there are still many places we haven't visited yet. Before the order for tracing is issued, the two of us have to take a good look."

"You are absolutely right. I didn't take a good look at Daozuma Castle last time I came to Daozuma. I must take a good look at it this time!"

"Wait, Mr. Ember, please stay."

Kamisato Ayato saw Ember leaving with Kaede and Manyo, and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

Looking at Kamisato Ayato standing in front of him, Yu Yan waved his hand, "I just said that he wouldn't be so kind. Tell me, why did you call me here?"

Ember stopped and Kamisato Ayato breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Ember would just walk away.

He was probably the only one who could face the terrifying blow from General Thunderbolt just now without causing any serious harm.

The more this happens, the more he needs to be roped in!

Kamisato Ayato looked at the embers and secretly made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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