King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 476 Ember Signal Light

Chapter 476 Ember Signal Light

"So grand? I hope you can work so hard in the future." Yu Yan saw the straggler waving his hands nonchalantly, patted his shoulder and said hopefully.

"Working?" There was a trace of doubt in the soldier's eyes. Soon, he realized what did Yu Yan do in Heguan?

He came to Heguan to find out if there was anything here that would make Balzebdu feel troublesome.

What about the embers? It can't be the same, right? The skirmishers felt that the fact that Yan Yan was still lingering on Daoqi would make Balzeb difficult.

"I remember that you seemed to have proposed going to Heguan first. What did you come to Heguan for?"

Skirmisher turned to Ember and asked.

After hearing this, Yan Yan did not respond immediately. He just glanced at the fools sitting in front of the campfire. Without exception, their faces were full of exhaustion.

They rowed so hard back then, but now they feel so sore.

"Before you want me to answer this question, do you guys have to answer me a question first?"

"Did you have a hand in Dao Wife's national lock-down order and eye-hunting order?"

As soon as these words came out, the body of the young master, who had just closed his eyes and meditated, trembled, and he jumped up from the beach like a carp.

"It's none of my business. I don't know anything. If you ask me who owes money to Beiguo Bank, I can immediately pull out a long list of names for you."

"But what I can understand is only debt collection. These policy matters are certainly none of my business!"

The young master moved his hands quickly and quickly distanced himself from the relationship.

However, under the gaze of everyone, the young master's movements gradually slowed down, mainly because he became the center of attention, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Since you asked that, it seems that you have got some definite information. Yes, I admit that the Suoguo Order and the Eye Hunting Order do have the element of fooling people."

"What? Did you bring us here specifically to make a good start?"

Skirmisher stayed calm, his eyes never leaving Ember's body when he spoke, for fear that Ember would burst out and cause an attack.

When the young master heard what the skirmishers said, his eyes were darting around - he was thinking about where he should go if he wanted to escape later.

"Haha, do I look like such a bloodthirsty person?" Seeing the skirmishers and Young Master's little moves, Yi Yan couldn't help laughing.

"I saw..., forget it, you might not be able to see it." Yu Yan put his arm around the skirmisher's neck and pointed at the thick fog in the distance with one hand, wanting him to take a good look at the desolate Heguan.

However, after realizing that the sight of the skirmishers could not penetrate the thick fog, he decisively lowered his arm.

Ember turned to the tensed skirmishers and said, "Heguan is a good place, but it has a small drawback, that is, it has not been developed yet."

"So, since you fools have caused so much damage to Rice Wife, do you think it's okay to compensate me for a well-developed island?"

After Ember finished speaking, he stared at the skirmisher with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

Seeing that the straggler lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, Yi Yan lowered his hand and put it on the straggler's shoulder and started to exert force.


A sound like the breaking of brittle wood suddenly appeared in the camp where a needle could be heard, making everyone feel nervous.

"Stop, stop, stop! Promise! We promise!"

Heartbreaking pain came from his shoulder, causing cold sweat to break out on the soldier's forehead.

As a doll, he should not feel pain, but at this moment, the pain flooded into the soldier's mind like a tide.

If he hadn't been mentally strong, he might have fainted by now.

"That's right." Yu Yan immediately let go of the arm holding the soldier's shoulder, looking like a good gentleman.

"Huh..." After the skirmisher raised his head and glanced at the embers, he turned his attention to the half-destroyed shoulder.

Pulling open his clothes, the skirmisher glanced inside. I saw the slightest cracks covering his shoulders.

Fortunately, there were only cracks and no further damage. At this level, Skirmishers can still barely repair it on their own.

"The Skirmishers have agreed now, what about you, Master?" After taking care of one leader, Yi Yan set his sights on the other leader.

"I completely agree!" Young Master nodded immediately without much hesitation.

The skirmishers are dolls and can endure such a beating. But that's not him. If Ember were to suffer such a blow, even if he could be cured in the end, the root of the disease would inevitably be left behind. The shoulders are no less important to a warrior than the limbs. Young Master doesn’t dare to give it a try.

"That's right!" He was very satisfied when he saw the young master nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

He looked at the frozen expressions of the fools nearby and snapped his fingers.


The firelight became a little brighter, and the heat it radiated dissipated the coldness brought by the fog.

"Sleep, sleep. Only after you have slept can you explore Heguan, right?"

"Hum hum……"

After Ember finished speaking, he pretended to snore.

Hearing Ember's snoring, the skirmisher sighed deeply.

"Looking at you, you are very tired. Everyone, please rest."

After the erratic attack, the stragglers lost interest in exploring Heguan. He waved his hand and lay down on the ground.


The fog outside the Crane Temple lingered for a long time, and the embers sat by the campfire for an unknown amount of time.


"woke up?"

"woke up!"

When the young master heard the sound of embers, he suddenly lost all sleep and felt very energetic.

"How long has it been?" The soldier also opened his eyes. In fact, he didn't need to sleep, but after discovering that Yan Yan didn't sleep either, he decisively turned off his phone.

"I don't know, the fog hasn't changed much, but it should be daytime now." Yi Yan speculated, looking at the fog that was obviously a bit brighter than yesterday.

The only thing that can tell time in Heguan is the fog that fills the entire island. Beyond that, nothing can be seen.

"Do you know what the use of time is? It's better to go and investigate now." The young master stood up and stretched. He looked at the vast white surroundings and was eager to try.

"That's true. Why don't we set off now." Upon hearing this, Yi Yan felt that it made sense.

"Start? How to start? You can't see anything around here. If you move forward rashly, you might get separated without knowing it." The skirmishers looked at the fog around them. If they set off, there would be no difference between a group of people and one person.

"This is a problem." Ember also discovered this. He scratched his head, then took a deep breath.


The firelight appeared from the body of the ember. This firelight was not worth mentioning compared to the previous bonfire, but the light was extremely penetrating.

The firelight was like a sharp needle, piercing the "paper" of thick fog and shooting straight into the distance.

But compared to the fire, the most eye-catching thing was the rising momentum of the ember.

The smell of embers reaches the sky, like a light in the dark night, visible from a great distance.

"You...what are you doing?" When the young master saw Yu Yan's appearance, he couldn't help but take a few steps back in fear.

In his impression, Ember's posture seemed to be displayed when facing a powerful enemy.

So what is he doing now that he is like this? Is it possible that you feel dissatisfied with the answers given by the fools yesterday and want to kill them here?

"What are you doing? Then you can always find me, right?" Bathed in the firelight, Yi Yan restrained his momentum.

It's eye-catching enough without being overwhelming.

"I declare that the advance team of fools and cranes are leaving now!"

After saying that, Ember flew into the mist.

Although his figure was swallowed by the thick fog, the firelight on his body penetrated the thick fog and danced in everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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