King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 478 Chapter 477 Protagonist of the Festival

Chapter 478 Chapter Protagonist of the Festival

"Huh? Child?" The young master looked around and saw only a gloomy surrounding, like houses and the like, not even a shadow.

"You are a child here. Are your parents in a hurry? Go back quickly!" The young master came to the child and waved to him.

Sure enough, little brats are the same everywhere and can run so well.

"Mom and dad are busy, and I know the way back!" The child shook his head, unwilling to go home.

"Do you know the way back? This fog is so..." The young master paused because he saw the thick fog in the distance gradually dissipate, revealing the savage and dead land underneath.

It is said to be barbaric because the shrubs and grass forests in the distance grow wantonly; it is said to be dead and silent because no living beings can be seen among such lush vegetation.

"When did the fog lift?!" The young master rubbed his eyes. Wasn't he dreaming?

"Just now." Yi Yan crossed his arms and looked at the children below.

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Aru, my name is Aru."

Aru looked at this group of fools, and then a curious look appeared on his face.

"Are you people from outside?"

"Yes, I just came here not long ago." The skirmisher nodded.

After hearing this, Aru jumped up happily, "Great! No outside guests have come to Heguan for a long time!"

"I can't come even if I want to." The young master couldn't help but complained softly when he saw Aru cheering.

Just based on the fog outside Heguan, it is estimated that many people will have to be sent back as many as they come. If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to run aground and sink the ship in the fog.

"Can you all attend the festival together? If more people attend the festival, Kapaciri will definitely be happier!"

After confirming that the group of people were outsiders, Aru immediately invited everyone to participate in the festival.

"Participate in the festival? What is the festival? And the Capaccili you are talking about, who is he?"

After seeing that Aru could have a normal conversation, the skirmisher immediately asked a series of questions, causing Aru's originally happy little face to wrinkle up.

"Festival..., and Capachili..."

Aru scratched him, looking sad.

"Okay, skirmisher, did you know everything when you were a kid?" The young master heard the skirmisher's questioning tone and immediately refuted him.

Hearing this, the skirmishers looked at the young master who walked up to Aru. Even wearing a straw hat, Aru is only as high as the young master's waist.

"It's me who's being abrupt, right? We can take a look at the festival, right?" The soldier stroked his forehead and agreed.

The series of strange events on Tsuruguan made him so sensitive that he simply ignored his age after discovering Aru who could communicate normally.

"Yeah! That's great!" Aru changed her previous frown and smiled happily again.

The cheers gradually stopped, and Aru looked at the group of people with an expression of hope again.

"Outside guests, can you help me complete the ceremony?"

"You kid wouldn't show that expression on purpose, would you?"

When the young master saw Aru asking everyone for help so skillfully, he suddenly felt that his sad face before was just a fake.

Originally, he thought Aru was a bit similar to his brother, but now it seems that this kid is much smarter than Tok.

"Hehe." Aru scratched his head, neither admitting nor denying.

"We have to discuss this."

"You just stand where you are and don't move. I'll come back as soon as I go." The skirmisher glanced at Young Master and Yi Yan, then turned around and left.

Seeing this, Young Master and Yi Yan followed immediately.

"What kind of geomantic treasure is this Heguan? No wonder Mrs. Dao doesn't want it. I wouldn't want it if I were General Thunder and Lightning!"

As soon as he left the crowd, the young master began to complain crazily. "Oh? Tell me, what are the unusual places?" Seeing the young master pouring saliva happily, Yi Jin raised his eyebrows and asked.

He thought the young master didn’t notice it!

"I'm not blind, so many weird places can be seen by anyone!" The young master waved his hand and continued:

"First of all, those two people. I don't think they are human beings at all!"

"It's impossible to ignore others to such an extent without even trembling in your eyes!"

The young master shuddered as he recalled what he had seen. As a warrior, Young Master realized early on the ability to read the enemy's next attack intention from his eyes.

But when he used this ability on the two people who were just enough, he found that the two people's eyes were only on each other. No matter how the young master moved around, their eyes did not change at all.

It’s just like a programmed program!

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on the young master's back.

"And Aru, there is definitely something wrong with this kid! As soon as he comes, the fog dissipates. Is there such a coincidence in the world?"

"Then you're still stopping me?!"

When the skirmishers heard the abnormality that the young master knew, they immediately jumped up in anger. Knowing that Aru has a problem, you still don’t let him question him?

"You can't say that. Should you follow his wishes when encountering something like this? Otherwise, no one knows what will happen."

Ember patted the young master on the shoulder and said to the stragglers seriously. What the young master did was almost the same as what he thought.

"Yes, that's what Ember said. Besides, we still need to ask Aru for some information." Young Master nodded immediately.

"Is it something you saw in that little storybook again?" The skirmisher knew where the knowledge of Yi Yan and Young Master came from without even thinking about it.

However, he had no intention of questioning him again, because he had to admit that there was some truth in what Yu Yan said.

"Then for this festival, will we help?" After talking about the weirdness of Heguan, the young master immediately turned to look at Ember and the skirmishers and asked.

Since Aru and those two people are so weird, do they still want to help?

Seeing and doing this kind of thing are completely different in nature.

"Didn't I say that? If you don't follow him, be careful of a big accident! Then your ability to conquer demons will be tested!"

Ember whistled and said teasingly.

"Then let's help." The young master shrank his head. The young master is not afraid of the physical monster at all, but if he is tricked, the young master will have nothing to do.

"If we want to help, we also need information from He Guan and Aru's cooperation." The skirmisher also nodded, agreeing to help.

It was hard to find a Heguan local who could communicate, and he didn't want Aru to slip away.

After confirming their ideas, the three of them came to Aru's side again.

Facing Aru's hopeful gaze, Ember pointed at the straggler and said, "We can help, but you have to answer his questions before."

"No problem! Festival and Capacciri, right?"

"The festival is a ceremony held by our Crane Temple to thank Lord Thunderbird for his blessing; as for Kapachili..., it is my good friend, and it likes to have more people!"

Aru didn't hesitate too much and directly answered the questions raised by the soldiers.

"Thunderbird?" Skirmisher touched his chin and started thinking.

"Master Thunderbird comes to Crane View once a year. Everyone says that the fog outside Crane View is released by Master Thunderbird to protect Crane View!"

Seeing the confused look on the skirmisher's face, Aru explained enthusiastically. Then he couldn't wait to say to everyone:

"As long as the festival goes smoothly, whether it's Lord Thunderbird or Capacity, they will all come!"

"Then what do you want us to help you with?"

Yi Yan looked around. There didn't seem to be anything nearby that needed their help, right?

"Hey, can you help with the perch?" Aru was not polite when he heard this. He pointed to the mist in the distance, where a circling dead tree could be vaguely seen.

(End of this chapter)

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