King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 481 Fighting is fun!

Chapter 481 Fighting is fun!

"Strong enemy, strong enemy, where is the strong enemy!" On the desolate island filled with fog, a bright orange color kept jumping.

Young Master ran wildly and scanned the area. He was now eager to see the "powerful enemy" mentioned by Yu Yan to appear so that he could have a good time.

"Are you the strong enemy?"

Seeing the flickering sparks from a distance, the young master picked up his bow and arrow, and a thick water arrow shot out, hitting the core of the ruins guard engine that was about to start.

The flickering sparks immediately dissipated, and the trembling ruins guard instantly became silent.

"You are not a strong enemy." The young master shook his head, turned around and ran further away.

This time, in addition to bright orange, the deserted island also has flying blue.

"Is this the end?" After shooting another water arrow, the young master scratched his head with unfulfilled thoughts.

In addition to the common ruin guards and Qiuqiu people along the way, there are also beast-land hounds that are rare in other places.

But for the young master, these are just a matter of one arrow, or at most two arrows.

Although it feels good to kill all the monsters with one arrow, the pleasure of mowing grass is not what the young master wants.

What he wants is the tension and excitement of fighting a powerful enemy and wandering on the edge of life and death. That's what the young master really wants.

"Huh? There is also a small island?" The young master was walking on the beach. After crossing the towering rocks, his vision suddenly became clearer.

In his sight, a small island floating outside the main island of Heguan reappeared.

"Go and have a look!" Remembering what Yi Yan said to himself before leaving, the young master jumped across the strait and arrived at the newly discovered island.

The mountains on the outside of the island are steep, but the inside suddenly becomes gentle. It has to be said that it is also a strange sight.

However, the young master had no intention of appreciating such a wonderful sight. He went straight to the center of the flat and open space and looked around.

"Open space? There won't be an altar for the ceremony here, right?" The young master speculated when he saw the bricks and stones paved on the ground.

Is there such an open ground in the wild? Moreover, there is not a single blade of grass growing on it, and you can tell at a glance that someone must have taken special care to maintain it.

"But what about the people?" The young master scratched his head. If this was an altar, it would be overcrowded, but why couldn't he see a single person?


Just when the young master was wondering why there was no one there, he suddenly heard the sound of gravel rubbing against each other.

"Is the wind blowing?" The young master stretched out his hand, but both the surrounding fog and his own senses told him that there was no wind here.


"I'll dodge!"

Amidst the noisy wind, a deafening beast roar exploded in the young master's ears, making him instantly stand on his back.

Fortunately, the instinct gained from years of fighting allowed the young master to avoid this disaster. His body movements were faster than his thoughts.

The young master only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he jumped back and quickly moved away from the place.

Almost as soon as the young master jumped up, a huge beast head that looked like it was carved out of rock ripped through the cracked space.

The exposed part of the beast's head is as tall as a person. If its entire body was exposed, it would be more than ten meters long.

This is the golden king beast that was resting in Heguan. It once invaded this world and it paid a heavy price.

Wolves are not crazy things, so now the golden king beast has chosen the desolate and unguarded island of Heguan as the first stop for its arrival.

It's a pity that every time it comes down, the golden king beast is surrounded by the fog on the island. The alien beast's invasion plan failed at the first step.

"Huh..., big guy?" The young master breathed heavily, and then he saw the ferocious face of the golden king beast, and his breathing became even faster.

The big guy in front of him is different from the previous ruin guards, Qiuqiu people, etc. The aura emanating from it alone is enough to blow the sand and rocks.

"It turns out that the guy who Ember said can make me happy is you!"


The evil eye and the eye of god were activated together, and the elemental power produced even dyed the gray suit on the young master's body an inky color.

"Roar!" Realizing that the human in front of him was not inferior to his own in aura, the Golden King Beast roared and completely flew out of the dissolved space crack.

Its body is slender and huge, and its sharp and raised scales are filled with an aura of chaos and cracking, as if the evil beast sealed in the legend has come to reality.

The Golden King Beast is very different from ordinary creatures. It looks like a wolf, but is as flexible as a snake. It lingers in the sky, making the dim world even more gloomy, and making the mood of those who see it also become gloomy along with the light.


The roars of the wolves echoed above. The young master looked up and saw three more khaki wolf heads floating around the body of the golden king beast.


The moment the three wolf heads condensed, they stared at the young master below. As soon as they took shape, they couldn't wait to open their bloody mouths and bite towards the young master.

"Rock element?" The young master saw three wolf heads roaring overhead. His elemental vision told him that they were creations of the rock element.

After realizing this, the young master decisively turned his bow into a sword and slashed at the attacking wolf's head first.


The two swords with abundant thunder elements met the wolf head formed by the condensed rock element. As the purple sword light waved, the wolf head disintegrated into fine gravel.

"Rust, rustle!" Before the smoke from the shattered wolf's head dissipated, the sound of splashing gravel overshadowed everything else and reached the young master's ears.

I saw the Golden King Beast in the sky spinning unnaturally. Under the influence of the rock elements it released, the surrounding sand and rocks began to rotate along with the Golden King Beast's body.

In just a few breaths, a sandstorm appeared on the open flat land that was even more obscure than the thick fog before.

"Oh, do you want to hit me just because of the large range?" Before his eyes, the sand and dust were about to engulf him, and the young master jumped back and quickly moved away from the ground.

As long as you can jump to the mountains next to the flat ground, the nearby low hills are the best sand walls.

The young master turned around and stepped back, running towards the hillside not far away. But obviously, the Golden King Beast would not let him get what he wanted.

Rather, it started a sandstorm just to wait for this moment.


There was a flash of light in the sandstorm where nothing could be seen clearly, and then a solid yellow-white light pillar pierced the sandstorm and came straight towards the young master.

"What a smart beast!" The young master's back tensed, and he quickly turned around to see that thick beam of light was almost approaching his face.


Seeing that he was not in a hurry to dodge, the young master straightened up and crossed his arms, placing the two swords in front of his arms in a defensive posture.


The beam of light struck the young master accurately. However, what puzzled the Golden King Beast was that the beam of light neither penetrated the young master's body and shot into the distance, nor did it scatter into light spots because the young master's body was too tough.

The beam of light hit the young master, like a river flowing into the sea, disappearing quietly without making any waves.

"Hey... I don't often use blocking techniques, but that doesn't mean I'm not proficient in it."

The young master lowered his head and glanced at the weapon with the majestic elemental power in his hand. The elemental power on it was so huge that it was constantly beating, and it seemed that he would lose control and run away in the next second.

"I prefer to attack on my own rather than waiting for the enemy to give me a chance."


As soon as the young master raised his arms, the elemental power that he forcibly converted completely lost control.

Huge thunder elements spurted out in a fan shape. They were like floods that had released their gates, spreading unstoppably into the distance, destroying everything along the way.

Although this attack method is not as precise as the sophisticated moves that can maximize the power of every ray of elemental power, it is not released fast enough.

It's so fast that the person being parried can't react at all!

 New Year’s Eve! New Year’s Eve! Happy New Year’s Eve to all book friends! By the way, what novel should I read on New Year’s Eve? Hurry up and chat with your family!



(End of this chapter)

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