King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 493 The shogunate’s support

Chapter 493 The shogunate’s support

"Don't worry about these things. Let me ask you something. Do you know why the shogunate went crazy?"

Seeing that the topic between Kujo Sora and Kujo Masahito was about to turn to family matters, Yu Yan quickly interrupted them.

"As for this..., I'm sorry, I'm not very clear." Kujo Masahito pondered for a while, then shook his head.

"In fact, I don't understand many of Father's decisions. I don't know if it's because I'm too stupid or because Father is too smart."

Recalling the various orders given by his father, Kujo Masahito had a lot of doubts in his heart.

It's just that out of respect for his father, he didn't say it out loud.

"If you are stupid, then who am I?" Kujo Sora snorted coldly when he heard Kujo Masahito's self-effacing remarks.

If his brother hadn't been too weak in character, he would probably be the head of the Kujo family.

"If you ask me, it's not that you are stupid, nor is this old guy Takayuki Kujo smart. It's just that the old guy is too old and his brain circuit is abnormal."

In front of Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora, Ember began to belittle Kujo Takayuki.

This made the embarrassment on the faces of Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora even worse. They looked at Yan Yan's gushing appearance and just scratched their heads without answering his words.

Seeing that the two of them were absent-minded, Yi Yan immediately reacted. He slapped his head, and then realized:

"I was so happy scolding you for a while that I forgot that Kujo Takayuki is your father. I offended you so much just now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ember waved his hands at the two of them, but there was no apology in his tone.

"My father really didn't consider many things." Kujo Masahito could only laugh twice without any expression.

"Could it be that the General is preparing to take action?" Kujo Sora saw Yu Ember and Kujo Masahito thinking hard and expressed his guess.

"Sir General, take action? This shouldn't happen, right?" Kujo Masahito looked at Kujo Sora in surprise, as if he was curious as to why Kujo Sora would come up with such an idea.

"The General has only taken action a few times in history, and those moments were all times when Inazuma faced major crises."

"Although Inazuma is caught in a civil war now, she can't reach the point where the shogun can take action, right?"

The more Kujo Masahito talked, the more he felt that Kujo Sora's idea was nonsense.

Whether it's for the sake of maintaining dignity, or the damage caused by taking action. The number of times Raijin has taken action in Inazuma's history is very small.

There have been many times in history that Inazuma has been in more dangerous situations than she is now. At that time, General Raiden was not seen taking action. There is no reason that this time she would step out of the castle tower and show off her supreme force.

"The general will not take action." Kujo Masahito shook his head, his tone was very firm.

"It is indeed as you said. Under normal circumstances, the general will not take action easily."

"Throughout the history of Inazuma, there are only three cases where the shogun really resorted to force. One was when the big snake invaded the east, the other was when the thunderbirds wreaked havoc. The third was when darkness poured out of the earth."

Kujo Sora was not in a hurry to refute Kujo Masahito. Instead, she counted the moments when General Raiden took action.

After briefly describing the achievements of General Raiden, Kujo Sora changed the subject and said to Kujo Masahito: "Have you noticed that the general takes action when Inazuma faces a powerful foreign enemy?"

"That's right, what you said is true. Doesn't this also show the general's protection for Ina's wife?"

Kujo Masahito nodded in agreement upon hearing this. Following Kujo Sora's train of thought, the common characteristics of General Raiden's actions immediately appeared clearly before his eyes.

"Isn't that enough?" Kujo Sora said no more, she just glanced at the bored embers beside her.

Seeing this, Kujo Masahito also turned his attention to Ember. Seeing Yu Yan's unusual outfit, he immediately reacted.

Doesn’t Ember perfectly meet the conditions for General Raiden to take action?

"What are you looking at me for? Do you think I am Inazuma's enemy?" Seeing Kujo Sora and Kujo Masahito staring at him, Ember was shocked.

He thought of the good things he had done since he came to Dao Wife. Which one of them was not good for Dao Wife?

Based on his energy while Dao's wife was busy, Yu Jin felt that if he didn't compete with San Fengxing for a position, he was indifferent to fame and fortune.

Who would have thought that if San Fengxing didn't get the position, he would be treated as an enemy in the end? This almost made Ember's nose crooked.

Seeing the black energy rising from the ember, Kujo Masahito felt that he had to come out and say something good. Otherwise, looking at this posture, Ember may not be turning black.

"Yi Yan, please calm down. This is just Shan Luo's verbal speculation and does not represent the general's true thoughts!"

"What's more, you are Inazuma's friend in our hearts!"

Kujo Masahito quickly waved his hand to Ember, asking him to calm down. Not only that, he also winked at Kujo Sora.

"Yes, yes! You are our friend here!" Kujo Sora understood and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Then tell me if General Raiden has this idea!" The black energy on Ember's body dissipated immediately, so quickly that Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora couldn't help but wonder if they had seen it wrong.

"Oh, I was cleaning my armor just now. It's been dirty since I haven't cleaned it for a long time." Yu Yan saw the two people opposite looking at each other and scratched his palm on the breastplate.

Then he slapped it on the desk in front of him with a "pop" sound. When he moved his palm away, a big black handprint appeared on the table.

When Kujo Masahito and Kujo Sora saw this scene, their eyelids jumped. Fortunately, they were worried that the embers would turn black just now, but now it seems that they really thought too much.

"Huh... let Sanluo answer you. She has met the General a lot and should know the General better than I do."

Kujo Masahito turned his head, took a deep breath and pushed the topic to Kujo Sora.

He has some angina now and needs to take it easy.

When Kujo Sora heard this, she rolled her eyes at Kujo Masahito. She thought for a while, then said after careful consideration:

"Based on what I know about the General, I believe that only Inazuma can calm her down about her longing for 'eternity'."

"Except for Inazuma herself, nothing can stop the General from his pursuit of eternity."

Kujo Sora glanced at Ember. Obviously, he could not let General Raiden give up his pursuit of eternity.

"I remember that a while ago, the Tianling Fengxing Mansion was inexplicably razed to the ground, and the General even swung his sword."

"This couldn't have been done by you, right?"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Kujo Sora asked the ember with burning eyes.

She was still on the front line of Kujo Jinya at that time, and a day had passed when she received the news. Tianling's explanation to the outside world was that a strong earthquake had occurred and the mansion was razed to the ground.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just an excuse for Tianling Fengxing to save face.

As for the reason why General Raiden took action, the castle tower did not say anything. The supreme majesty of General Raiden will allow the people of Inazuma to find reasons for the General to take action.

"Uh..., you didn't know? I was indeed the one who did that last time." Yi Yan was stunned for a while, and then admitted.

"I originally wanted to warn them, but it looks like they didn't listen."

Yi Yan rubbed his hands, thinking about how to make the people in Tianling follow him suffer a little bit.

"In this case... I'm afraid it will be troublesome."

"Ember, you are probably regarded as an external threat by the General. My previous speculation should be accurate."

Kujo Sora sighed as he spoke. He could only say that Yi Yan was too rough in what he did. Originally, with his strength, he should be able to play a greater role.

But he attracted the attention of General Thunder and Lightning, who took action, and there were never any survivors.

Kujo Sora felt that this time was no exception. Yu Jin's strength would not be used in the future.

"Is this so? I seem to have warned you, General, last time, right?"

"If you don't listen to good words, don't rely on me." Yi Jin stopped rubbing his hands because he had already thought of how to make the people in the shogunate miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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